Achicoria magical properties and medicinal plants




Achicoria magical properties and medicinal pl 1

Achicoria magic properties Achicoria is a perennial grass of pivoting root that typically grows up to 2-4 ‘high.

Although it is native to Europe, it has been naturalized over time in much of the US. UU., where it is usually now growing in fields, pastures, waste areas and road edges.

A procession of light blue flowers, attractive and without stems (up to 1” wide) embrace rigid stems almost without leaves in a long blooming of May / June to September / October.


Spring blooming can begin in March in warm climates of the south. The lower basal leaves in the form of a spear, similar to a lion tooth (3-6 ” long) are dented, cut or lobed and have rough and hairy surfaces.

The top blades of the stem are smaller with abrogated bases. The deep fleshy main root exudes a milky sap when cut.

Chicoria is widely cultivated for use as food. The latex contains intibine, lactucin and its p-oxyphenolacetic ester, lactucopicrin, isolated bitter substances also in the wild lettuce (Virous Lactuca), which are likely to have a stimulating effect of appetite.


Achicoria medicinal plants

It is a bitter tonic with stomach, diuretic, laxative, aperitif and slightly colertic properties, possibly useful in the treatment of diabetes.

The roasted Achicoria, used as a substitute for coffee, retains, although in less intensity, the coleratic power of the fresh root, showing also a certain effectdiuretic

, discreet laxative, hypotensive and bradicardizing ( pulse rate reduction).


Salad: The simplest preparation consists simply of eating your leaves in salad form, the boiled root is also consumed.

We can develop abitter and depurative,

mixing parts with the roots of lion tooth and achicoria, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of soup per cup of water, in decoction to low heat for 5 minutes. It's taken before meals.

As a substitute for coffee: The root is cut in slices and dried, then toasted and reduced to dust.

The coffee substitute is excellent drink that regulates the bile flow and liver secretion. It can be found in the form of infusion (even to put in the express coffee machine, and also in lyophilic form to add directly to water or milk.

Learn moreproperties of achicoria



Achicoria magic properties

The achicoria was already very appreciated by the Romans, who consumed it both in the form of vegetables and in salad, being quoted by Horatio, Plinio, Virgilio and Oviddio.

The chicoria opens when the sun goes down, and when it sets, it closes. For that reason in many places they call it Flower of the Sun.

In Romania there is a legend that the Sun asked for a beautiful woman, named Donna Floriflor (the lady of flowers). She scorned him, and for that reason the sun was sold transforming it into Achicoria, so that she would have to look at it since it appeared on the horizon, and that she would have to close to it.

This is a myth clearly of Hellenic origin, although in the Greek myth the achicoria is not named does tell us about the love of the God Helios (the Sun) with the beautiful Klytia. Venus, however, owed one to Helios, for he had revealed his secret encounters with Mars, and made him leave Klytia. Then he changed his idyllus preferring the beautiful Leucothoe. Klytia, terribly jealous, told Orchamos, Leucothoe's father, who buried her alive in a sand dune. From this dune came a flower, which was the incense. However, Klytia was still tormented by jealousy. In the end Helios transforms it into a flower, possibly the Heliotropo, condemning it to constantly look at the sun.
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The Germans call this wegegarte plant “guardian of the roads” and we-geleuchte “Light of the roads”, for its commitment to establish itself on the margins. It is said that at another time, the achicorias were cursed humans (those who have blue flowers), while the few that exist white were virtuous men.

An old folk song of the Austrian Silesia tells us the story of a young maiden who for seven years cried to her boyfriend, dead in the war. When he was advised to seek a husband, he said, “I will stop crying when I am a goat.” In Bavaria the legend is more frightening since it tells us that a young and beautiful princess was abandoned by her husband, a prince of incomparable beauty.

This separation exhausted all his strength, and before he died he said: “I want to die and I do not want to die for the hope of seeing my love again,” and the ladies of company said, “We would also want to die and we would not want to see us in all the ways,” and the good God did so and said to them, “That will be done, I will change you in flowers; you, princess, will follow your white habit on the roads. However, this history of abandoned love is common to other flowers such as the Blue (Centaurea cyanus) in Italy and Russia, and is that the Blue and the Achicoria flower are quite similar, at least in the color.


Father Konrad of Megenberg (1309-1381), called the achicoria sol-sequium (the one that follows the sun), like the Romans, and also sposa solis.

In the ancient roma they sold the seeds of Achicoria for their prodigious properties, since above all it was a way to fix and retain love. However, it should not be ripped from root with the hand, but with a gold instrument or with the horn of a deer, which symbolized the solar disk, although it should be the one interested in making the draw which this rite should do. But an even greater miracle could still be achieved, as if the root was taken up, which made the loved person see all the virtues and good qualities that the root bearer had.

A Slavic story tells us again about the dense plant. He explains that the magician Batir had a daughter, called Cze-kanka, who was in love with young Wrawanec. A rival killed his love, and desperately killed himself in his grave (the name of the chicoria in the Silesia is of Czekanka). But Wrawanec's killer, still jealous, threw the plant in an tingling to destroy it. However, the ants persecuted the killer and forced him to tear himself into a crack of the Kotancz mountain.

As you can see, all are stories of unfortunate love, perhaps all of them come from the same root, the root of Achicoria.


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Achicoria magical properties and medicinal plants

Achicoria magic properties Achicoria is a perennial grass of pivoting root that typically grows up to 2-4 ‘high.





Achicoria magical properties and medicinal pl 1
Achicoria magical properties and medicinal pl 1

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