Acutumence The word acutumancia is derived from the Latin word “aculeus”, which means needle and the Greek word “manteia”, which means “adivination”.
This kind of divination was widely used by the Greeks, but also by other civilizations, peoples and cultures. Let's see more about acutumance or guessing with needles and pins.
Acutumence in history
The Cherokee Indians who usually use it to determine the prognosis of sick people.
In that sense, they filled with water a fresh white bowl of twenty centimeters in diameter, and, after a prayer, two pins floated in the water about five centimeters away. If the needles kept this distance or were further removed, the patient would
I'd get it back. If the left needle moved to the right, a poor prognosis was made and the person might not be cured.
Another method of acutumance used in the Middle Ages was to collect water from a current that flows and pour it into a container. Then a question was asked of itself or not, and then placed a needle on the middle finger of the right hand. Finally the hand slowly dipped into the water until the needle floated. If it remained that way, the answer was affirmative, but if it sank quickly, it was negative.
Acutumence or divination with needles and pins How do you practice today?
To practice acutumance you will need is a bowl, up to 25 needles and water, the number of needles varies from seven to twenty-five. The container is filled with water and then added needles. Then a person predicts the future from the patterns that form the needles.
In another way, instead of water, flour is used which was sprayed on a flat surface and then the needles are dropped on it. The way these needles fall over the flour is used to make predictions.
You can also use sand, powdered talc, sugar
or salt instead of flour. However, it is considered that sugar and salt are better than stalk powder and flour, as it does not dirty the area and cleaning after the guessing session is much easier.
You need to keep in mind the question you want to ask and then drop the needles in the water or the sand
. Henceforth, patterns and motives are sought and their identification is done either in forms, crosses or lines. There are different meanings of patterns that form after dropping needles.
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Acutumance divination patterns
Some of the acutumnce patterns are:
Parallel spikes: They indicate balance or justice, depending on the question or future gains.
Vertical needles: Indicate that if you want changes, first you have to make changes within you. It also indicates visits that will help in the future.
Horizontal Needles: They indicate that the future is unclear or that the subject has placed his focus on some superficial activities, especially at the time of reading.
Cross holes: Crossing implies an important decision that stands in the path of the subject. The enemies are indicative of cross needles and the greater the number of needles, the greater the number of enemies.
Easy to do and sometimes able to produce surprising results, acutumance is practiced, as mentioned, for many years. Although nothing can predict the future completely, acutumance can provide some insightful answers, if done with the right spirit.
Know also
Which means finding a pin on the street and in bed
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Acutumence or divination with needles and pins How is it practiced?
Acutumence The word acutumancia is derived from the Latin word “aculeus”, which means needle and the Greek word “manteia”, which means “adivination�
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