Stone Addition Lithomancy or stone reading is similar to reading runes, tarot cards or tea leaves.
It consists of throwing or collecting stones to interpret a dam, predict the future or seeking information on a specific subject. Stone guessing is an ancient art. This kind of divination is usually associated with shamanism around the world. Let's see below meaning and what it consists of.
What it is and its concept
The divination with stones or litomancia is very effective, as it offers a vision of many different themes and reveals how they interconnect and manifest weekly.
The patterns formed by the Stones clearly outline - symbolically - the current situation of the person, future situations, challenges, opportunities and changes that come into play.
In addition, they always reveal the “light at the end of the tunnel”, so they never leave a person without a lot of knowledge and inspiration, regardless of the situation. These readings should never replace the free will established by God. On the contrary, they act as guides to help people exercise their free will, to benefit from their situations, to connect with the Universal Forces and to see the complexities and challenges they face as opportunities for empowerment, happiness and peace.
Let's see, then, what this divination consists of stones and their interpretation.
How to perform a reading of stones or litomancia
What is needed
As a first step, it is important to note that 13 stones are used.
A Stone for each of the 7 Planets (Luna, Sol, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn)
1 Stone of life.
1 News Stone.
A Stone of Luck.
1 Stone of love.
1 Home Stone.
A Stone of Magic.
Some examples of stones that can be used in these cases:
Moon: Moonstone, white quartz, white pebble, stone with silver marks.
Sun: Stone of the Sun, Citrino, Topazine, Amber, Tiger Eye, any stone with golden marks or motas.
Mars: Stone of blood, Ruby, Garnet, Pedernal or any red stone.
Mercury: Agate, Mica, Any stone bent, scratched or stained,
Jupiter: Amethyst, Lepidolita, Sugilita.
Venus: Emerald, Jade
Peridot, Any green stone.
Saturn: Coal, Tear Apache, Azabache, Any Black Stone.
Magic Stone: Any unusual stone, fossil stone or stone marked with a star.
The stone of luck: Stone of the Cross, Sacred Stone, Oil, or any stone that gives you luck.
Stone of life: Petrified wood, Agate, Cornalina or any red or beef stone or pebble with an anj marked around the stone or on its different sides if it is squarely shaped.
Home Stone: Muss races, Zafiro
or any stone that is square or that reminds the home.
The stone of the news: Stone or pebble of various colors, its veins or colored stains are used to show whether the news is good or bad.
Stone of love: Pink quartz, Botswana agate or any pink stone or stone that has a heart shape.
It makes a special bag for these stones with a cord, you can use runes and symbols on it, but not on the fabric/body used to spread} is better the soft leather. A black velvet cloth or a large piece of soft leather is used for the propagation of divination and a string to form a circle on the fabric/ leather.
Place everything under your pillow for a full month. Meditate on each stone [while holding it in your receiving hand] on what it will now represent in your future guessing readings.
How to interpret litomancia
Drop 16 stones in a circle, which represents the environment.
The divination is done from the way the stones relate to each other when they fall. The diviner must be guided by intuition, as well as by some knowledge of what the different Planets govern.
Here are some general indications:
The SOL is a good influence that brings light and joy to a situation.
LUNA indicates travel on water, also female affairs and maternity, along with psychic things.
MARTE brings conflicts and struggles and strength, courage and energy to face them.
MERCURIO governs communications, writing, travel and knowledge acquisition.
VENUS is the planet that governs loving affairs, beauty and artistic things.
SATURNO indicates restriction, change, time, slowness and sometimes misery.
JÚPITER brings good fortune, expansion and profit of wealth and money.
If you want to know more about the divination with stones, lithomancy or stone reading, you can ask your question in the comment section.
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Stone Addition Lithomancy or stone reading is similar to reading runes, tarot cards or tea leaves.
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