Aloe spiritual meaning Aloe vera, also called sabila or zabila, is cultivated commercially by the health and hydration benefits that are found within its leaves.
An adult plant of Aloe Vera takes three to four years to mature and can reach a height of 30 inches with up to 21 leaves. The aloe vera has about 300 varieties and is native to East and South African Africa. It grows well in sunny, warm and dry climates.
Aloe vera and her story
The aloe vera is one of the oldest plants known. In ancient Egypt, about 6,000 years ago, Aloe Vera was considered a sacred plant that kept the secrets of beauty, health and immortality. Both Cleopatra and Nefertiti valued Aloe's nutritious juice and used it as part of their daily skin care and beauty. The aloe vera was also used in the mummification process. The dead were embalmed with Aloe Vera for their anti-bacterial and anti-hongos qualities.
Alejandro Magno, around 350 B.C. used the use of aloe juice to cure. He conquered the island of Socotra following Aristotle's advice to secure supplies from Aloe Vera to treat his soldiers of wounds and burns.
The aloe vera played an important role in the daily lives of Chinese and Indian cultures. There has been an important ingredient in medical treatments since the Marco Polo era. In Indian Ayurvedic medicine, aloe has many applications, including rejuvenating remedies, which provides youth energy to women with menstrual problems and stabilizes the cardiovascular system. The aloe is highly regarded as the chosen plant to balance pitta, kapha and vata.
The Japanese also value the aloe plant, where it was known as the “real plant”. The juice was consumed as elixir and samurai used it as liquid to rub the body to relieve the pain of sprains and strains. In 1944, the Japanese who were exposed to the atomic bomb reported fewer scars and faster healing after applying aloe gel in their wounds.
Aloe vera esoteric and healing properties
The exceptional healing properties of aloe vera are linked to 140 individual substances, 70 essential nutrients, which include a large number of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins, phytoesteroles and amino acids. These support healthy digestion, reduce harmful toxins, improve antioxidant support, increase nutrient absorption, hydrate and hydrate the skin, balance stomach acidity naturally, relieve discomfort in muscles and joints and support a healthy immune system.
The aloe vera is famous for its soothing properties when applied on the outside of the body for burns, cuts, scraps, bruises, insect bites and sunburn. In addition, consuming Aloe Vera provides a powerful colon cleanup and is wonderful to relieve constipation.
The aloe vera also has more than 70 trace elements that are grouped in undiscovered medicinal alloys. These alloys work together to soothe inflammation in the intestine, helping to relieve irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and colitis. This anti-inflammatory nature rejuvenates both the appendix and the ileum where the body produces vitamin B12 when the digestive system works normally. The aloe rehabilitates the ileum and also provides a very bioavailable form of B12.
The aloe vera is antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, including antimoho, and antiparasitic, including antiparasitic. It is incredibly useful to eliminate pathogens that create colon cancer, stomach cancer, and rectal cancer, as well as helping the pancreas. It also has the unique ability to stop polyps growth and reduce hemorrhoid growth. Aloe vera has beta-carotene combined with lignine that helps eliminate radiation from the body.
The aloe vera also helps with acid reflux, fatigue, constipation, swelling, anxiety, scissors, food allergies, stomach pains, abdominal cramps and pressure, dysfunctional liver, hormonal imbalances and low hydrochloric acid. Let's see, then, the aloe spiritual meaning.
Aloe spiritual meaning
The Aloe spiritual meaning There are many shamanic uses for the Aloe Vera, particularly in Africa, where it is used for protection, good luck, cleanliness, spiritual baths, elevation of spiritual energy and the manufacture of protective devices.
The wild nature of the Aloe Vera is always intact, including all its healing properties. The aloe was known as the “plant of eternity.” A common belief was that by stopping the process of physical decomposition, eternal life could be attained both physically and spiritually.
Taste Ritual for Good Luck
It has always been considered the aloe vera as a plant Good luck.
and protection. In this sense, it is recommended to have sandals planted in the garden and in pots, as they grow so the economy of their owner will grow.
A sabila ritual for good luck is to bury a lottery ticket on this plant and play the number that appears on the ticket. This way you're attracting luck in the game.
A sabila ritual to attract the success of the business is to put stranded coins in the pot of the aloe vera and place it behind the main door of the warehouse or commercial establishment
Care in the cultivation of the sabila plant or aloe vera
If you decide to cultivate this plant at home, consider the following aspects
Purchase several aloe vera plantsWhen you are going to select plants to have at home, you should purchase several, as they are of slow growth, and choose the most widespread varieties, i.e. Aloe vera (barbadensis, socotrino and chinensis spp.) and Aloeferox (var. African or cabensis). This covers all applications, as the first ones are best suited to be ingested, while the species/erox is recommended for external use. :
Location with respect to the sun: The saddle becomes brown under the strong sunlight. For that reason, it must be kept in indirect light. It can even be frozen when the danger of a strong frost exists. Therefore, it must be protected. It also grows faster outside than inside, but most people grow the saddle inside as an ornamental plant.
Regatta: Sabila is juicy. This means that it is caused more damage by watering it too much than by giving it little water. He must be almost dry before he waters it again. During the winter months you should water in moderation, with a cup or two as the drying will be slow. In the summer the pot should be very well watered. Ensure that there is a drain hole in the pot because the roots of rot when exposed to long periods in wet soil.
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Change of pot: The sábila can survive if the root is firm, so the change of pot is not necessary until the plant develops up and its leaves acquire a greater thickness. When the plant has the roots well rooted, they will produce new touches. If these do not rethink when they have three or four inches high, they will suction the life of the mother plant, which will become of a bright green and spread its bladeshorizontally and not vertically.
The health of the plantThe color of the leaves is very important to establish the health of the plant. Although, as we will see later, the tones vary according to the species, most of the plants most used for medicinal or cosmetic purposes show a clear, bright or green-greasing color, generally clearer to the base, and in some cases with small scales or more clear or white stretch marks, arranged irregularly.
A tendency towards the brown indicates that the plant is getting sunlight too full, and although this does not mean that it is sick, it is convenient to place it in a more repaired place. On the contrary, too pronounced discoloration in the place of implantation of new leaves indicates lack of light, and that can be pernicious for the plant.
Juice to strengthen the lungs with berro and aloe vera (sabila)
Also the consistency of the leaf indicates its state of health: a fleshy, firm, but flexible leaf to the pressure of the fingers indicates an adequate amount of irrigation, which translates into a fair water collection inside the leaf; a sheet too hard and coriaceous, instead, denotes lack of water. The surface of the leaf should be smooth and smooth; cracks and cracks also indicate water shortage. If you want to know more about the aloe spiritual meaning, you can ask your question in the comments section below this explanation.
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Aloe spiritual meaning and sabila for good luck (rhythical esotericism)
Aloe vera and her storyAloe vera esoteric and healing propertiesTaste Ritual for Good LuckCare in the cultivation of the sabila plant or aloe vera
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