Amulets to attract home love From the beginning of history, human beings have wanted to protect themselves from the negative or attract good fortune through objects considered powerful.
Each culture and every religion have amulets with which they identify. Amulets and talismans are those little objects that help us with our desires and aspirations. Having these amulets nearby, using specific phrases or esoteric meaning drawings, leads us to attract the psychic forces necessary to change the course of our lives.
In the different magical and mystical traditions, the symbols dedicated to love are different, although some may correspond and stay among certain religions. For example, red color is a symbol of passion and love in many cultures.
In the same way, the pink quartz is in the Nordic mythology and similarly symbolizes the channeling of love and trust. Of course, it is very related to the white quartz, symbol of friendship.
Amulets to attract love
The key and the lock
This amulet is based on a legend that says that all human beings are born with a key and with the heart in the form of lock and lock.
When you find the right person, your key will fit into the heart of your loved one and your key will fit into yours.
This amulet is widely used among couples. It is said that with this the loved person will always be with you and will never stop being attracted to you.
Rabbit paw
Although their legs have been used as the amulet of luck par excellence, in reality the animal is also considered one of the most powerful amulets to attract love
and fertility
. Everyone knows that rabbits have tremendous reproductive capacity, so if you have a stable and robust relationship and want to have children, but this has become a bit complicated, it is best to use a rabbit-shaped amulet.
Besides making sure you're going to have a large and prosperous family, it will protect you from infertility problems, and you'll always be with your love.
This is certainly known as the most beautiful precious stone on the planet and is a rock composed of pure carbon under enormous pressure for millions of years to form.
Also known as the toughest crystal on the planet, it is symbol of the eternal, of the perfect, of triumph, of firmness and therefore is the ideal stone to speak of true love.
ambin is called the stone of young love. It is not particularly associated with the love that develops over the years.
On the contrary, it focuses on the young and adolescent love they say is the purest love that can exist.
It is said that this is the case of Selene, the goddess who is known as the guardian of this gem and was actually one of the princesses of the moon. He watched the humans of his satellite and felt connected with these young people because of their age and love.
He fell in love with a prince on earth and love was eternal. That is why we believe that true love is known to these early ages and not later.
Pink quartz
As you well know, the Quartz itself is the mineral (which is also considered a semi-precious stone), and it is not difficult to find it.
For a love talisman, the best option is “pink quartz
“, also called “the stone of love”. It is called a pink quartz because it has the quality of attracting and protecting love, bringing peace to the couple and above all calming the jealousy, anxiety and false belief that the couple will distance themselves.
It is also very used to heal the wounds caused by love, transforms negative energy into positive energy, helps to appreciate the small pleasures of life and above all restores harmony in the couple after they had some conflict.
To clean it, give it a salt water bath on a growing moon, while singing a prayer of thanks. Thanks to this little ritual and invoking its power, all the incredible energy of the amulet will be recovered.
Amulets to attract home love
Then let's explain how to do amulets to attract home love:
Amulets to attract home love #1
A red candle ( preferably with apple aroma, Cinela
or strawberry).
Wooden pigs.
A red silk suit or flannel.
7 petals red roses
Image of a heart
A preferred pink quartz carved in the form of a heart.
Oil or musk perfume.
To attract love, turn on a red candle when the moon is in its growing phase and fill the saquito with all the elements listed and then write its full name and date of birth.
Seal or take the sack, water oil or Almizcle perfume
and put it in your pocket; this will help you to be more attractive to the opposite sex and you consider yourself a good amulet to attract love.
Amulets to attract home love #2
1 pink candle.
1 piece of pink cotton fabric
4 rose petals
A quartz
1 pinch of lavender
1 piece of ginger root.
On Friday, with Moon growing, in the second hour of darkness, light a pink candle. Within a circle of pink cotton cloth put petals, quartz trunk, lavender and ginger root piece. Make a bag with the fabric and hold in front of the flame. Close the bag and carry in the pocket when you get out on the street.
Know also
Rituals with love magnets and other spells (iman stone)
Esoteric wine and bathroom with red wine for love
Compatibility of signs for love (pair and sexuality)
Female intuition in love (presentations of love)
New year rituals for love and more (rits)
Amulets to attract home love and how to make amulets to attract love
Amulets to attract home love From the beginning of history, human beings have wanted to protect themselves from the negative or attract good fortune through ob

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