Angelic hierarchies (cherubim seraphim and thrones and more)




Angelic hierarchies cherubim seraphim and thr 1

Angelic Hierarchies Over time, millions of people have felt the grace and guidance of the Angels. People from all spheres of life have been helped, guided, saved or simply confronted by their Guardian Angels and are more than willing to share their encounters with anyone who is willing to listen.

George Washington often spoke of his Guardian Angel and attributed his success in Valley Forge to “an inspiring visit of a heavenly being.”

Abraham Lincoln often invoked the healing powers and wisdom of the Angels to guide and heal the nation in times of death and devastation. The stories of encounters with these Celestial Beings have existed since the beginning of the written history. However, we wonder what is an angel? and where do the angelic hierarchies come from?



What is it and its concept?

According to the dictionary, an Angel is “a heavenly assistant of God; one of a kind of Spiritual Beings that, in Medieval Angelology, were the lowest of the nine heavenly orders: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Domains, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.”

However, for most people, an Angel is an Angel, regardless of his so-called “range.”


How are they classified?

The angelic hierarchies were made by the theologian of the sixth century,Dionisio Aeropagita, who built it in nine choirs, grouped in three orders:


Angelic Hierarchies First Order (controls the order of the universe)

1 Coro Serafines: They manifest the Glory of God. They are angels who are in the highest heavenly place and have as a mission to praise and sing glories to the Lord. They are represented as three pairs of wings with eyes, with them the face and body are covered to protect themselves from the intense glow that God emits.

2 Coro Querubines: They manifest the Wisdom of God.They are the guardians of God's works that lead to spiritual evolution and heightening of consciousness. They have the gift of discernment, and spread their spiritual light throughout the cosmos. They are represented as winged babies.

3 Coro Tronos: They manifest the Union with God. They are called thrones because they “have God.” They are represented as huge beings with circular wings illuminated with the colors of the rainbow.


Angelic Hierarchies Second Order (Represents the power of God and is in charge of the planets especially the earth)

4 Coro Dominations: manifest the Sovereignty of God. They are the angels that are between the finite's boundary with the infinite. Rigen domains of expanded consciousness that is impossible to pass. They are represented with sceptre and sword. They are the healing angels of diseases understood as inner enemies.


5 Coro Virtudes: In esotericism they are considered to be in the highest light. They manifest the Will of God.They help the planning and realization of human aspirations. They are depicted as babies co wings without body. They are responsible for miracles that is the most palpable way people experience God's direct intervention in their lives.

6 Coro Potestades: They manifest the power of God. They watch the planets, orders and balance between the material and the spiritual. His mission is to take care of the kingdom of God in each of its aspects. They are represented with helmets, armor and swords.


Angelic Hierarchies Third Order(This order protects and guides humanity. Its members are responsible for bringing our prayers to God.)

7 Coro Princes or Principalities: They manifest the Dominion of God over nature. They drive large groups of people through history. They watch especially the actions of the rulers, kings and leaders of men. They are represented as sceptres and crosses.

8 Archangel Choir: They manifest the Leadership of God. They have the responsibility to take care of the order in the four cardinal points. They work constantly to fulfill the word and orders of God. According to the Hebrew tradition the archangels are seven, but in the Bible only three are mentioned.

9 Coro Angeles: They respect the hierarchical order but, if they do not comply with it, they can be punished in the same way as incarnated souls. They are at the service of men and their mission is to reach favors and petitions and to protect those who need help for the good of their soul. They are everywhere. They cannot show themselves to people only if they request them. The guardian angel is born of the latter.

If you want to know more about angelic hierarchies (cherubims and thrones and more), you can ask your question in the comment section.


Know also

How to communicate with heavenly angels (like learning)

Prayers of the 7 archangels and we go out to get their help

Letters of Angels Meaning and Reading (Free Taot Angels)

Prayer to invoke the archangels (invocation to the archangels)

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Angelic hierarchies (cherubim seraphim and thrones and more)

Angelic Hierarchies Over time, millions of people have felt the grace and guidance of the Angels. People from all spheres of life have been helped, guided, sav





Angelic hierarchies cherubim seraphim and thr 1
Angelic hierarchies cherubim seraphim and thr 1

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