Bathrooms with cumin for good luck and for work




Bathrooms with cumin for good luck and for wo 1

Bathrooms with cumin for good luck

The cumin is a native plant of Turkestan and Egypt and which belongs to the umbellian family. Since ancient times, the cumin has had multiple uses.As a condiment in food and as a natural remedy to relieve different ailments.

In the Middle Ages, the cumin was a spice listed in the aristocrat kitchens to season the birds. Today it is used to season sauces, stews and meats, and is an ingredient of many adobos and spicy sauces of the Indian cuisine. The Dutch aromatize with cumin some types of cheese and a variety of breads.


As a home remedy it has been used to stimulate the movements of the digestive system and the intestine and infusion

to open appetite to people with inapetence and flatulence (filling sensation).


Comino for luck and esotericism

The cumin, too, has been employed for esoteric purposes. The cumin, was considered by the Egyptians, as one of the four fog or exhilarating seeds (the others are the anise, the hinox and the cilantro) and, therefore, they appreciated both this grass that took it as aphrodisiac and also put it as an ophrodisiac in the tombs of the Pharaohs.

Knowhealthy recipes with cumin

Teofrasto tells us the habit of throwing curses while sowing the cumin and basil, possibly to remove the evil eye from this plant that was as cherished as medicine and as spice. This way it would spring stronger and healthy.

There are many backgrounds of this paradox or invocation to remove evil. It is popular belief that it is not good to want good health to the children of neighbors or known, as they can actually bring diseases. Also the insults directed by the hunters of the Toscaza when they were going to hunt for the wolf (in boece of lupo, I would like to say that it is better to call if you want to have good hunting) That is why the cumin was cursed, an almost sacred plant.

Today, with its seedcumin

spells are made to avoid theft, since it is considered to have the “retention fee”, which prevents theft of any object containing it.

The cumin burns with incense to obtain protection, and spreads on the ground, sometimes with salt, to remove evil. Even before, in Germany it was customary to wear a small bag full of comins to defend itself from witches and evil spirits. There are still regions where bridesmaids take away from the wedding negative forces


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In this sense, when a young fiancé must leave the country or make his military service out, the bride makes him a bread well loaded with cumin or makes him drink a wine with a lot of cumin dust, which makes the bridegroom exclaim and curse: “Dear dear, he gave me cumin and now I cannot be unfaithful!”

It is used in the spells of love, and when it is delivered to a lover, grounded or seed within a magic saquito, it will encourage fidelity.

His seed is soaked with wine to make potions to light the passion. Put in a bottle of white wine a few seeds of cumin, let it rest and drink this elixer of love with your partner; the effect is delicious and surprising. If you take with you, provide peace of mind.

Bathing with cumin also serves to attract good luck to work and also business. Here are two bath recipes with cumin. Know also
clove magic properties and spiritual meaning (ritual, bath, etc.)

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Bathrooms with cumin for good luck

Lucky baths with cumin


1 litre of water

2 tablespoons of cumin;

3 cinnamon sticks;

3 drops of lavender essence.


Get the water boiled with the cumin and cinnamon sticks. Boil for about 20 minutes.

Just after turning off the fire, add the essence of lavender.

Let stand for 30 minutes and then quail.

Take the mixture and pull it from the neck down, thinking that your paths are opening for money and prosperity.

You may be interested in knowing the recipe of ground cumin tea to lose weight


Cotton bath for work: Cotton bath and cinnamon esotericism


2 tablespoons cumin

3 cinnamon sticks;

2 litres of water;

7 coins.


Boil the 2 liters of water with 3 cinnamon sticks. Then pour the cumin.

Add the 7 coins to the mixture. Then, turn off the boil, cover the water and let it cool down a bit before use.

Take a simple shower, as you do every day. Then pour the mixture over your body, head toe. Do this very slowly.

While doing this bath, have positive and successful thoughts. Imagine you got a good job for which you're ready. These positive thoughts will help even more in bathroom success!

When the mixture is finished, let your body dry naturally and wear light clothes at the end. Do not wear black clothes after mystical baths.

It is recommended that this bathroom be made every 2 days. If you need to succeed very quickly, you can bathe every day.


Know also

Powerful prayer to find urgent work (San Cipriano and more)


ecetas to open paths and ritual to open road (work, business, etc.)

Prayer to be lucky (to attract customers, at work and more)

Flowers that give luck and indoor plants for good luck

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Bathrooms with cumin for good luck and for work

Bathrooms with cumin for good luck The cumin is a native plant of Turkestan and Egypt and which belongs to the umbellian family. Since ancient times, the cumin





Bathrooms with cumin for good luck and for wo 1
Bathrooms with cumin for good luck and for wo 1

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