The symbolism of the crow acquires different meanings, from one culture to another.
In most cases, the ravens are linked to the negative, but there are positive aspects from the esoteric point of view that is worth mentioning of this bird.
Then we will present what is related to the curved spiritual and esoteric meaning
I have spiritual meaning
Celtic warriors regarded the ravens as the battle birds par excellence. They regarded the birds as cruel and carrion of dead flesh, so they represented the cruelty and the butchery of war.
In many Irish folk stories, there is the association of ravens with destruction and war. The goddess of war, Morrigna and Badbh, could change their form of man to raven.
This bird indicates transformation and change. It also warns of danger and that is why many tribes and hunters imitate the raven's cry to point their friends to imminent dangers.
A raven can get into dark places where danger, fear and tensions lie. He can help you break these tensions and the fears of getting rid of them.
Becoming esoteric significance
It is claimed that the raven is the bearer of magic. It is the messenger of the great void beyond time, space and ether, from where “everything originated” and to which everything finally goes.
The raven was sacred to the ceremonies of the Native Americans. He always had to be present to transport the energy of the message to his destination. The powers of the raven also healed people away.
The Native Elders believed that the raven could help one to change his perspective and give them the courage to enter new realms.
The crow feathers are iridescent and change color and shape, which symbolizes that man must also have the courage to change. The black crow void tells us all the answers to our questions are inside.
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Biblical meaning
What symbolizes the raven in Christianity and the Bible? According to Noah's story, the ravens did not return to the ark and instead were fed of dead bodies by the flood.
They believed that the raven is arrogant and shamelessly insolent, so that by expelling the crow of the ark, Noah was actually escaping from the darkness in the mind that leads to madness. The raven is black and has a different appetite for the pigeon.
Saint Augustine, therefore, believed that the meaning of the crow was linked to impure and procrastining men. Sometimes the ravens appear as creators. They are an ideal guide on the deep path of mysteries.
Which means seeing a raven in the window and other meanings
In Britain, finding a dead raven or a raven on the road is of good luck, but finding many ravens in the Church is a bad omen.
Seeing a raven fall over someone means no more thieves. A tainted crow denotes a cheap, arrogant man.
In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the croar of a crow predicted death or the result of a battle.
A single raven flying over the house symbolized death and if you see it in a window it will be something unexpected.
Some people also believed that when an evil man died, he became a raven. To date, veterans can tell you that you can expect a very hot weather when you see a raven in front of the cloudy sun.
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It is recommended to tie crow feathers to a dream catch and hang it on a child's bed to filter negative dreams. The feathers catch the spirits that travel in dreams.
Dreaming of oneself hunting a raven means gaining in an immoral and proud way. Catching a raven means false arrogance.
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Becoming spiritual meaning and meaning to see a raven in the window
In most cases, the ravens are linked to the negative, but there are positive aspects from the esoteric point of view that is worth mentioning of this bird. The

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