Birthday ritual to attract positive and good luck




Birthday ritual to attract positive and good 1

Birthday ritual The birthday is the day when our personal power is amplified to the fullest, because it is when the Sun is in the same position as it was at the time of our birth, giving all its brightness to the person who fulfills years. On this day any kind of desire or intention sent to the universe is favored.

It's a time to worship yourself, and value your personal cycles.


Its origin to the present

The celebration of this day has its roots in paganism, and the first mention of a birthday we know is in the Bible, referring to the birthday of a Pharaoh in Genesis 40:20. At first, however, these celebrations were aimed at the Pharaohs and the gods, something that the Greeks also did. It was the Romans who started the tradition of celebrating the birthdays of normal people.


In fact, the whole birthday ritual was created more or less at that time. The Greeks believed that in the important days, especially those involving great changes, the spirits appeared to communicate with the gods. Thus, the people lit candles to remove the negative spirits, and the flames were used to send prayers to the gods and they were blowing to fulfill the request.

It was also a ritual full of music and songs to deter unwanted spirits, in which people congratulated and wished good things to the birthday or birthday boy. As for gifts, they come from the practice of offerings, because as the birthdays of the gods were celebrated with offerings, the custom soon extended to ordinary birthdays.

Another interesting information is that the first Jews and Christians did not celebrate their birthdays by their connection with paganism, and until the fourth century, the Catholic Church considered this tradition a bad thing.

Birthday rituals are extremely personal celebrations, and therefore we have not presented a structured ritual, but easy to prepare.


Simple and effective birthday ritual

Birthday ritual #1 Make your own cake, putting a lot of intention in the preparation of the recipe. If you don't know how to do the dough from scratch, there's no problem: make a cake, which is easy and easy! The important thing here is your intention, to make the cake enchanted from its preparation. If you don't like the cake, attach it to another recipe of your choice. It is important that day to do something you like and to allow you to enjoy yourself.

Birthday ritual #2 The act of blowing the candles of the pie has a very strong magical meaning. When you turn it on, set your intention and visualize the request you want. Then imagine that the cake is surrounded by a golden light, and only then blows the candles, concentrating on your desire. As you eat the cake, keep focusing on your target and don't throw the candles. Place them in a suitable container on your altar and light them on other occasions while you mental this goal, until the candle is completely consumed.


Birthday ritual #3 Practice gratitude. This is a day when gratitude is much more evident, as we are surrounded by affection and congratulations everywhere. After receiving all this love, it is always good to take a moment to thank you. Write in your magic journal some of the things you have received that day: they don't have to be gifts or material things, even the simplest gesture counts. Then, thank God for a new opportunity of life.

Birthday ritual #4 Carrying out a bath of spoil You can do it the day before your birthday or on the morning of that same day. It can make it from rude or rosemary leaves. To do this you should boil 2 litres of water for 10 minutes and after that time, pour a handful of rosemary or rough leaves. Remove from the fire and let cool. After you take your usual bath, you should pour the water over your neck down. Try not to dry.


Birthday ritual according to the zodiacal sign

In addition to the rituals described above, they can also be complemented by others according to your zodiacal sign. Everyone aims to attract positive and good luck.

Here the list according to the sign:

Birthday rituals for aries

Trucos y guías de videojuegos

Taurus birthdays (libraries, gifts, etc.)

Birthday Ritual for Gemini

Birthday ritual paara cancer

Birthdays of Leo (literates, gifts, etc.)

Birthday ritual for virgo


Birthday ritual for pound

Birthdays for scorpio (ritual, gifts, etc.)

Birthday ritual for sanitary

Birthday ritual for capricornio

Birthdays of aquarium (both, gifts, etc.)

Birthday ritual for pisces

Birthday ritual to attract positive and good luck

Birthday ritual The birthday is the day when our personal power is amplified to the fullest, because it is when the Sun is in the same position as it was at th





Birthday ritual to attract positive and good 1
Birthday ritual to attract positive and good 1

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