Birthday rituals for aquarium and characteristics of aquariums




Birthday rituals for aquarium and characteris 1

Birthday rituals for aquarium From the point of view of the astrological and the astrological world, it is advisable to perform rituals on the day of the birthday to start the new cycle of life in a clean environment of negative energies so that it can attract the positive.

So, we wonder what rituals should be done? The answer is simple: These will depend on each sign of the zodiac. On this occasion, it will touch us to present the rituals for people born in. However, what are the basic characteristics of these birthday parties?



Characteristics of aquariums

It is a sign of Air, and together with the other signs of Air (Géminis and Libra) the native of Aquarius is interested in the world of ideas. The influence of Uranus makes him inventive, so he is attracted to new or uncurrent themes. It is usually extremely intelligent, although this is sometimes only apparent in its own special field.

With "the age of Aquarius", the native of this sign demands a lot of personal freedom and goes to revolutionary ends in order to preserve it. Unlike the native of Sagittarius, who considers his freedom as a matter of fact, the native of Aquarius always feels that his is threatened and prepared to fight for it. However, it is very humanitarian and I would like everyone to share the good things of life.

To achieve this, you need to abandon some of your personal freedom for the good of all, and here is your dilemma perfectly reflected in the character of the typical Aquarium. It doesn't matter if he's a restless person with a great desire to change everything.

He has a fascinating and dominant personality, and clings to his own ideas with stubbornness, not importing him if he is “the only one who takes the step”. Their originality and inventiveness, together with their freedom of thought, can be very advanced in their own generation, so it may seem nut to others.

Like all types of Air, their emotions tend to be cold and their feelings are expressed with difficulty. His obsession with freedom is such that even his most intimate friends can have the feeling that they don't really know him. He thinks that revealing himself to others constitutes an invasion of his intimacy—as if it were a rapture of his essential “me”. He is a very friendly, very Gregive and always willing to help others. He is often a member of clubs and associations, especially those for humanitarian purposes.

He needs to have some freedom in his profession and is often attracted to scientific and inventive work. Many natives of Aquarius are in the world of television, presenting their own programs, making reports, spreading news or dedicating themselves to any other activity in which they can unfold in their air, especially if this means walking on roads that are not trilled.



Other aquarium characteristics

Natives of this sign need spouses who are of a cold nature like themselves, or who are signs of Fire and independent and who are excitedly not dependent on the spouse of Aquarius. They will be loyal and faithful in marriage, but they will not tolerate their spouse being possessive.

When astrologers believed that the planetary system encompassed only Saturn, they attributed to this planet the Aquarius regency and it is true that, with all its qualities of concern and desire for change, the native of this sign combines the qualities of Saturn of prudence and recognition of the
need for discipline.

This is what stops many Aquarius natives from being passionate revolutionaries and what limits their activities to a change of ideas about it. They also know the obstinate qualities of Saturn in keeping their own opinions against the whole opposition.

When the need for discipline is not recognized, psychological difficulties arise if the native of Aquarius is conditioned, as this is incompatible with his desire for freedom. You need to learn to feel free within the limitations normally imposed by life.

It is also a Fijo sign, which again expresses the idea of control, but the Fijo Air can stagnate and some natives of Aquarius express it having many ideas that can never put into practice. However, at best, this is manifested as "controlled expression" as demonstrated by the suggested professions.

Natives of this sign are always interested in acquiring new knowledge and are generally tolerant and free of prejudice, so they are also good researchers. They feel very attracted to everything that is not ordinary and is the sign of the astrologers.

They are soaked with knowledge and their power of concentration is formidable.

They can be totally unconventional and, while this can be a favorable feature, it can also lead to the search for the "exit" for its own consideration. "Free love" can become a license without responsibility, which is a distant cry of the Aquarius' ideal of freedom of brotherhood of all.


Mazos del Hearthstone

Birthday rituals for aquarium

As for the rituals indicated for aquarium, we have the following:

Birthday rituals for aquarium #1: Ritual to attract the positive

You need:

A chamomile sprig.


An olive branch.

1 rabbi laurel


A small red candle.

A clay dish or a fisherman.

Wooden matches.


Gather all the items and take them the day before your birthday to a quiet place where you are not interrupted and where there are no risks when you light the candle. Form a triangle using the rim Manzanilla

The olive and the laurel. Place the red candle in the fisherman or on the plate of clay and place it in the center of the triangle.

Turn on the candle using the wooden phosphores and carefully burn completely the chamomile rim. Then, when the candle has already been consumed to half, it burns the olive tree. Wait a few minutes and when the candle is about to go off, burn the laurel.

As you burn each of the harlots say: “My good fortune has returned from my birthday. I have been, I am and will be blessed with abundance.” When each rim is completely consumed, say: “Thanks to the universe for all the fortunes received.”

Throw the ashes into a plant that you have at the entrance of your house, but be aware that it should be natural, healthy and beautiful, so that it prints good energy at the end of the ritual. He expects the wind to take away the remains, as a symbol that you have finally freed yourself from your worries and that everything in your life will improve considerably.


Birthday rituals for aquarium #2: Environmental cleaning ritual

On your birthday, mix four cups of warm water with a cup of marine salt

. Transfer it to a container with atomizer and spray the liquid throughout the house. Start from the back and go to the door, don't overlook the corners. In this ritual you are removing the negative and attracting the positive on your birthday.


Know also

Birthday rituals for Taurus and Taurus features (love, etc.)

Ritalian birthdays for virgo

Birthdays for scorpio (ritual, gifts, etc.)

Birthday rituals for pound

Birthday rituals for Leo and Leo zodiacal sign characteristic

Birthday rituals for aquarium and characteristics of aquariums

Birthday rituals for aquarium From the point of view of the astrological and the astrological world, it is advisable to perform rituals on the day of the birth





Birthday rituals for aquarium and characteris 1
Birthday rituals for aquarium and characteris 1

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