Birthday Rituals for Pisces Every person on his birthday must perform a cleansing ritual and good auguries in order to project them in the new cycle that begins.
However, the following question arises What rituals should be done? These will depend on each zodiacal sign. On this occasion, it will touch us to talk about rituals for people born in the sign of Pisces. However, what are the basic characteristics of these birthdayees?It is the last and wisest of signs, and not limited; it collects with its passage through the other eleven signs the experiences and intuitive knowledge of many lives.
It will always be an old soul so it is impossible to start the karmic chain in this sign, so it has much to teach and share with its fellows. It has a richer inner world than its despoiled and often timid appearance makes believe, others will think that a Piscis woman is naive, but not so, she is diplomatic.
His innate ability to observe allows him to know, intuit, guess human intentions long before others. It passes through life by looking at and taking note, very few people will allow them to enter their world and create for this electo, an alternative, manageable world for the rest of humans. Definitely, those people who enter their inner space will do so not by the will of the pissian. rather, because they have the right key that allows them to open the door, a key they share from previous lives.
Terribly humanitarian, tender and sensitive, other pain will never be indifferent. It has an enormous capacity for sacrifice and is usually prodigied with the heart.
Many times your other fish shows it as a tough, demanding and insensitive person, however, it is enough to approach and speak to you with the heart and forehead, so that your best feature, honesty, come out afloat.
Remember that most of the time we speak of a distrustful person but with a great need to feel loved and protected, the result of a lonely and needy childhood ele affection, since the first impression that gives his parents, since childhood, is that of a self-sufficient, intelligent and gloomy child, so many times, will be left aside, to care for his weaker or sick brothers.
How's your sex life?
It is passionate, emotional and restless. You can expect the unexpected. For this sign sex is very private and requires absolute confidence in your partner to enjoy fully. He needs erotic fantasies and expects to be surprised. The need to please your partner is compelling, but in the same way expects to be corresponded and hopefully overcome. Catando surrenders to the love game, everything can happen.
He doesn't like limits and enjoys intensely every way that leads him to pleasure. Its transformation can be spectacular, as it will be bold and daring. Preliminary games make it crazy, as much as a child with new toy, clothing, smells and the environment will be of paramount importance, but it will definitely be the response of your partner, who really determines your degree of pleasure.
What are your erogenous areas?
His touch has a preponderant place. Soft caresses will be a good start; tranquility will also be necessary. His feet, calves and back are strategic points in the conquest to go opening doors of sensuality. Take it a lot, inside and outside the bed; give it soft to the ear how much it excites it and everything it will do to it. Give it to him and remove him, this will freak him out and make him take the lead. Kisses, massages and games will make you relax and enjoy taking it to ecstasy.
How to keep your interest always alive?
A stable person will be the one who will be interested and will probably keep this incurable dreamer. You need to compensate for your insecurity with the stable behavior of your partner; it will be this security that often drives you to achieve great achievements. Love tenderness and discretion within a firm character, who knows what he wants.
But it is important to remember that even if you need a woman with courage, it must have the touch of never opacing it and much less ridiculing it. Give him a lot of understanding and love and, above all, show him that he believes in it. Be assured that he will not disappoint you and in the long run, it is he who possesses more constancy and determination in loving.
Birthday rituals for pisces
As for the rituals indicated for Piscis, we have the following:
Horoscopes sings sun and moon combinations
Ritual of birthday pisces to achieve loving attraction
Red wine
5 tablespoons of honey
5 cloves of smell
Almond oil
1 casserole
1 white candle
Place a white candle inside a casserole and inside it a lot of wine and oil, honey and five nails are introduced. The candle is lit, which will burn more time for oil and wine. At twenty-one days everything is buried at the foot of a bush that has flowers.
Birthday rituals for pisces
for prosperity
3 branches of rosemary
1 handful of dry lavender
7 Hojitas de ruda
7 rose petals
3 tablespoons of honey
Prepare in a bowl a mixture composed of warm water, honey, rosemary, rose petals, a handful of dry lavender and a few leaflets. With this mixture the body should be washed for 7 consecutive days.
Learn more birthday rituals to attract positive and good luck
Birthday rituals for pisces
3 branches of rosemary
1 porous stone and clear
7 droplets of essential rosemary oil
1 aromatizer
Understand the aromatizer and place the drops of the essential rosemary oil and the branches of this plant. When the liquid at the top of the aromatizer is very hot, the stone should be put. The next day, take the stone with you in one of your pockets
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Birthday rituals for pisces
Birthday Rituals for Pisces Every person on his birthday must perform a cleansing ritual and good auguries in order to project them in the new cycle that begin

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