Bread spiritual meaning The bread has been prepared, as food, since ancient times. It is known that for more than fifteen thousand years the bread was part of the human diet and in Egypt, the wheat was already consumed for four thousand five hundred years.
In ancient Greece, the bread industry reached a great boom and the Romans perfected the technique of elaboration. In Spain, light yeast was first used.
It is important to note that bread has a deep spiritual aspect to the extreme that in the Bible is mentioned at least 492 times beginning in Genesis and continuing to Revelation and it is so important that we still celebrate it today both in Jewish and Christian faith.
However, we wonder what is the exact spiritual meaning of the bread? and what is its biblical meaning?
Bread spiritual and biblical meaning
Bread in the Old Testament
In Deuteronomy 8: 3, the writing on the bread has a profound symbolism: “Not only of bread lives a person, but of everything that comes out of the mouth of God.”
The creative word that God spoke about bread makes life, bread and nutrition possible. That is why it is so appropriate to say a blessing for the food you consume. That is to recognize that God is the ultimate source of the food you are about to receive.
In the Gospels, Jesus said grace and gave a blessing every time he fed the crowd with a meal consisting of bread and fish. He did the same when he distributed the bread and wine to his disciples at the Last Supper.
The bread serves many purposes in the Bible that we must transfer to our daily lives. In the Old Testament, the covenants were made by sharing the bread. Peace was also established by disagreement parties that broke the bread together.
In the book of Proverbs, God personified the bread by inviting us to eat bread and drink wine at a special banquet. God says, "Come eat of my bread and drink of the wine that I have mixed" (Proverbs 9:5). Jesus used these same two elements at the Last Supper with His disciples. Churches around the world follow the same procedure when they celebrate the Lord's Supper, also known as the Holy Communion.
Bread in the Gospels
The bread is a main theme in the four Gospels. Matthew focuses his discussion on the fact that Jesus is the bread giver and the nutritious role of Jesus’ teachings, as “Give us today our daily bread” found in what we know today as the Our Father.
Mark establishes centrality by placing the bread and its meaning not only in a long middle section of his gospel but also in the end. Mark taught that Jesus was bread for everyone. Jesus was not only the bread giver, but Jesus himself was the bread.
Luke, the only gentile writer in the whole Bible, had something to say about the bread. In fact, some people refer to their writings as the “evangelio del pan”. That is because he wrote much about the bread and its importance throughout his gospel where Jesus is recognized in the breaking of the bread with the people. Jesus even ate with sinners and publicans where they broke bread together.
Luke took the theme of breaking bread together to his other book, The Acts of the Apostles.” The gospel writer emphasizes the spiritual meaning of the bread along with his physical qualities.
John did not write a synoptic gospel. Instead, he wrote about the person of Jesus, where Jesus is referred to by seven statements of “I am.” Jesus calls himself the bread of life in the gospel of John.
John's gospel, like the other three gospels, points to a special meaning regarding the bread. The disciple of Jesus treats bread as a source of food for everyone, both physically and spiritually.
Bread spiritual meaning before and now
Beyond the Christian tradition that refers to bread as a religious element, there are many other traditions that relate this food to the spiritual and the magical.
In this sense, many families from Europe went to mass with rye breads, to be blessed on the day of San Miguel (29 September)
. Each family kept in their house a piece of that bread, from one year to another, to protect the house from storms and calamities.
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A practice very persecuted and punished by the Catholic Church was to offer the bread of the dead. The rite consisted of bringing bread to the deceased and placing it on their graves during the first year of their death. It was a widespread practice in Navarre and Catalonia since time immemorial and was recently extinguished in the 1950s.
Superstitions, sayings and sayings with bread
Perhaps the first superstition on the bread is that if it is was wasted it can bring negativity to the house. In addition, there are others of this superstition:
Don't cut the bread with the knife
Make a cross in the back before eating from it to thank God for enjoying a food that in the sacred mass becomes His body.
Do not eat bread in impure places, such as the toilet, or in the proximity of a lunch.
Kiss the bread if it falls to the ground, making three crosses in it to remove the negative.
Dreaming with white bread means abundance; if it is black, the opposite.
Seeing in dreams a barley bread predicts health and luck.
Regarding saying to bread hard tooth sharp meaning you need to take a challenge and strive if you want to get out of a problem or find a solution.
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Beliefs on the wedding bread
In many countries there is a habit of making bread when a wedding is to be held. In that regard, a number of beliefs such as:
Save by marrying a piece of the wedding bread to prevent future discord with the couple.
Place an egg in the center of the wedding bread as a symbol fertility
Invite the wedding by handing over a piece of bread.
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Bread spiritual meaning and Bible meaning
Bread spiritual meaning The bread has been prepared, as food, since ancient times. It is known that for more than fifteen thousand years the bread was part of

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