Cartomance: Definition, Meaning, Origin, Thread and Letter Reading




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Cartomancia I've probably heard the word cartomancia. But do you really know what it is?
There are many myths around this technique of divination based on reading cards from a deck.


Therefore, today we will clarify its definition, origin, meaning and how to perform a cartomance strip.


What it is and its concept

Cartomance is the technique of using cards from a deck to perform guessing. Any deck can serve this purpose, even those you have at home to play poker and other games.

In addition to the common deck, there are divination decks, which were specially made to be used as divination tools.

The origin of divination is uncertain, as there are many existing stories and tests about its appearance.

But there is a detail in which all the experts and scholars of the origin of divination coincide: the art of predicting the future, glimpsing the past and diluting the present through the letters was already extended and used even among the oldest civilizations.

Historical evidence of the origin of divination has been found in many parts of the world: in Oceania, America, ancient Egypt, India and even in the Far East.


What was its origin according to the different traditions

The origin of cartomance according to the Eastern tradition
One of the oldest documentary references on the origin of the cartomancia is found in one of the richest countries in Eastern mystical and culture, China.

An ancient Chinese book quoted in one of its passages, dated in 1678, a story in which an army officer of Emperor Huei-Song told him of a kind of divination and prediction game he had invented.

This game consisted of thirty-two ivory tablets with marks related to various themes of life, such as heaven, earth, the existence of man and his own destiny.

In China other facts related to the origin of the cartomance have been found, such as the appearance of rustic copper and silver plates with drawing engravings and numbers corresponding to our current costumes. These rustic plates were then reproduced on paper, giving rise to the oldest deck known.



The origin of cartomance according to the Western tradition
In the West, the most accepted hypothesis on the origin of the cartomance is that it emerged in ancient Egypt, on the pages of the mythical Book of Toth.

According to legends, the Book of Thot contained sacred doctrines for the Egyptians, pure and complete teachings for all aspects of life and daily life.

According to scholars, this book contained the answers to all the problems of humanity and was created by the priests after having consulted in person with the very god of magic, Thot.

Moses, who was initiated and versed in the ancient hidden wisdom of the Egyptians, would have carried with him the Book of Thot when he led the Jewish people in his flight to the Promised Land and crossed the Red Sea. Later, the book would have given rise to a text called Tarot, which contained the secrets of the wheel of time and the wheel of fortune.

Thanks to these tests, many Western researchers believe that the origin of the cartomance took place in ancient Egypt.


The origin of cartomance according to the European tradition
In Europe, the greatest reference to the origin of the cartomancia responds to the name of Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand, or simply Madame Lenormand, a famous French esoteric born in 1772, among whose clients were characters as well known as the Verdugo Robespierre and the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.
Solucion de crucigramas

Madame Lenormand created two powerful cartomance bars, which were known as gypsy bars: the Petit Lenormand, considered one of the best guessing systems that exist, with thirty-six letters detailing the lives of people in all their aspects, and the Great Lenormand, similar in virtues but a little more complex and difficult to interpret.

The Mystical Gypsy people, since they knew the power of this deck and the wisdom it contained, began to use it frequently, and as a traveling people, spread it all over Europe and then the world.


How to read the standard deck cards

In order to be able to start a card to read, it is necessary to follow this procedure:

Step 1: The 52 cards are removed and placed at the table where they are played.
The 52 cards must be swept away and placed at the table where the guess is played. All cards must be closed, that is, face down.


Step 2 The person for whom you play divination (the consultant, or you if you play for yourself) must then choose 20 random cards.

Step 3 The letters extracted, still closed, must be arranged, in the order in which they are chosen, as follows:

1 2 3 5 6 19 20

7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17

Step 4 Cards should be opened in horizontal lines and interpreted as follows:

The letters of the first horizontal row (from 1 to 6) refer to the affective and loving situation;

Columns 1 and 2 represent past events;

Columns 3 and 4 refer to the present time;

Columns 5 and 6 show what will happen in the near future;

The letters of the second horizontal line (from 7 to 12) represent the area of health;

Letters from the third horizontal line (13-18) represent finances, the professional area, personal achievements and material goods;

Finally, letters 19 and 20 will discuss the momentary regimencies: positive or negative energies responsible for future trends over the next six months.

Recalling that for greater effectiveness and assertiveness of the card game, intuition and sharpness are needed, which few people possess. The ideal thing is to always talk to experienced diviners.

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Essential precautions for card reading

The deck used for cartomance should be new and never used for another purpose than that of divination.

This deck should be bathed in incense smoke to be cleaned of any impurity that has adhered to it.

And from there, the cover should always be kept very carefully, preferably wrapped in a tissue, when not used.

The handkerchief that will wrap the deck can be used as a towel to cover the table at which the reading will finally be done.


Know also

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Cartomance: Definition, Meaning, Origin, Thread and Letter Reading

What it is and its conceptWhat was its origin according to the different traditionsHow to read the standard deck cardsEssential precautions for card reading





Cartomance definition meaning origin thread a 1
Cartomance definition meaning origin thread a 1
Cartomance definition meaning origin thread a 1
Cartomance definition meaning origin thread a 1

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