The Chinese horoscope (u h
Chinese oscopo)
It's one of the oldest. Each sign is represented by an animal and that in total are twelve: The rat (Shu), ox or water buffalo (Niu), tiger (Hu), rabbit or hare (Tu), dragon (Long), serpent (She), horse (Ma), goat or Oveja ÍYang), monkey (Hou), rooster (jí), dog (Gou) and pig or Jabalí (Zhu).
It differs with respect to the western horoscope, since in this each sign is framed in a month, while in the Chinese horoscope each sign has a period of one year. For example, those born between 21 January 1966 and 8 February 1967 correspond to the sign of the horse. Let's see more about the Chinese horoscope or Chinese hoscopo
Chinese Horoscopo legend (Chinese Hoscopo)
As for the emergence of this horoscope, it is a mystery. According to historical literature, the 12 animals used in China today originated in the Han dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD).
The order of the animals is mainly explained by a popular tale about how the animals were summoned to heaven by the Jade Emperor who ruled the heavens of China. According to legend, the Jade Emperor organized an animal race that included passing a river in order to decide which would appear in the Zodiac.
The rat and the cat decided that the best way to cross the river and get there first would be on the back of an ox. The ox agreed and loaded them, but, in the middle of the river, the rat threw the cat into the water to win the race. For that reason, the cat is a permanent enemy of the rat and the water. Because of this, the rat claimed the first place in the race.
Then came the ox, which was named the second animal of! Zodiac. Then came the tiger, who explained that he fought against the currents with his great strength to cross the river and became the third animal.
In the fourth place of the Zodiac, the rabbit arrived, who because of his ability to jump could blink from one shore to another.
The fifth place was for the dragon, who came flying and explained to the Emperor that he did not come first because he stopped creating rain to help the people and creatures of the earth.
The snake scared the horse down. Therefore, the serpent came in the sixth place and the horse in the seventh.
Within walking distance were three animals: The sheep, the monkey and the rooster, who helped each other to cross the river: The rooster made a wooden raft for the three; the sheep and the monkey cleared the weed and finally, rowing and rowing, managed to reach the opposite shore.
The Emperor, very surprised by teamwork, pointed out that the sheep would be the eighth animal of the zodiac, the monkey the ninth and the rooster the tenth.
In the eighth place came the dog, which, despite being a good swimmer, stopped on the road and was delayed.
When the Emperor was to terminate the competition, he heard the grunting of a pig, which became the twelve animal of the Zodiac. The cat, as much as he wanted, came later and could not appear in the Chinese horoscope there that his hatred for the rat increased. Then the description of each sign of the Chinese horoscope.
Chinese Horoscopo sign board: How to know my animal in the Chinese horoscope
The sign of the Chinese zodiac is based on the year of birth according to the Chinese lunar calendar. People with different signs have a unique character and fortune.
Note: If your birthday falls on January 21 and February 20 on Gregorian date, it may belong to the zodiacal sign of the last year.
To know what your sign is in the Chinese horoscope, it is only necessary to check the year of birth in the following table.
Rata 1/2/1912 to 5/2/1913 5/2/1924 to 24/1/1925 |
10/2/1948 to 28/1/1949
28/1/19603 to 14/2/1961
2/2/1984 to 19/2/1985
9/2/1996 to 6/2/1997
7/2/2008 to 25/1/2009
6/2/1913 to 25/1/1914
25/1/1925 to 12/2/1926
1/2/1937 to 30/1/1938
29/1/1949 to 16/2/1950
15/2/1961 to 14/2/1962
3/2/1973 to 22/1/1974
20/2/1985 to 8/2/1986
7/2/19978 27/1/1998
26/2/2009 to 13/2/2010
26/1/1914 to 13/2/1915
13/2/1926 to 1/2/1927
31/1/1938 to 18/2/1939
17/2/1950 to 5/2/1951
5/2/1962 to 24/1/1993
23/1/1974 to 10/2/1975
9/2/1986 to 28/1/1987
28/1/1998 a 15/2/1999
14/2/2010 a 2/2/2011
14/2/1915 to 2/2/1916
2/2/1927 to 22/1/1928
19/2/1939 to 7/2/1940
6/2/1951 to 26/1/1952 Trucos de los Sims 4
25/1/1963 to 12/2/1964
29/1/1987 to 16/2/1988
29/1/1987 to 16/2/1988
16/2/1999 to 4/2/2000
3/2/2011 to 22/1/2012
23/1/1928 a 9/2/1929
8/2/1940 to 26/1/1941
27/1/1952 to 13/2/1953
13/2/1964 to 1/2/1965
31/1/1976 to 17/2/1977
17/2/1988 to 5/2/1989
5/2/2000 to 23/1/2001
23/2/2012 to 9/2/2013
23/1/1917 a10/2/1918
10/2/1929 to 29/1/1930
27/1/3941 a 14/2/1942
14/2/1953 to 2/2/1954
2/2/1965 to 20/1/1966
18/2/1977 to 6/2/1978
6/2/1989 to 6/1/1990
24/1/2001 to 11/2/2002
10/2/2013 to 30/1/2014
11/2/1918 to 31/1/1919
30/1/1930 to 16/2/1931
15/2/1942 to 4/2/1943
3/2/1954 to 23/1/1955
21/1/1966 to 8/2/1967
7/2/1978 to 27/1/1979
7/1/1990 to 14/2/1991
12/2/2002 to 31/1/2003
31/1/2014 to 18/2/2015
1/2/1919 to 19/2/1920
17/2/1931 to 5/2/1932
5/2/1943 to 24/1/1944
24/1/1955 to 11/2/1956
9/2/1967a 29/1/1968
28/1/1979 to 15/2/1980
15/2/1991 to 3/2/1992
1/2/2003 to 21/1/2004
19/2/2015 to 7/2/2016
20/2/1920 to 7/2/1921
6/2/1932 to 25/1/1933
25/1/1944 to 12/2/1945
12/2/1956 to 30/1/1957
30/1/1968 to 16/2/1969
16/2/1980 to 4/2/1981
4/2/1992 to 22/1/1993
22/1/2004 to 8/2/2005
8/2/2016 to 27/1/2017
8/2/1921 to 27/1/1922
26/1/1933 to 13/2/1934
13/2/1945 to 1/2/1946
31/1/1957 a17/2/1958
17/2/1969 to 5/2/1970
5/2/1981 a 24/1/1982
23/1/1993 3 9/2/1994
9/2/2005 a 28/1/2006
28/1/2017 to 15/2/2018
28/1/1922 to 15/2/1923
14/2/1934 to 3/2/1935
2/2/1946 to 21/1/1947
18/2/1958 to 7/2/1959
6/2/1970 to 26/1/1971
25/1/1982 312/2/1983
10 /2/1994 to 30/1/1995
29/1/2006 to 17/2/2007
16/2/2018 3 4/2/2019
16/2/1923 to 4/2/1924
4/2/1935 to 23/1/1936
22/1/19473 9/2/1948
8/2/1959 to 27/1/1960
27/1/1971 to 14/2/1972
13/2/1983 to 1/1/1984
31/1/1995 to 18/2/1996
18/2/2007 to 6/2/2008
5/2/2019 to 24/1/2020
Knows the sentimental, economic and labor aspect of every sign of the Chinese Hoscopo
Chinese Horoscopo Legend and Signboard (Chinese Hoscopo)
The Chinese horoscope (u hChinese oscopo) It's one of the oldest. Each sign is represented by an animal and that in total are twelve: The rat (Shu), ox or wate

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