Cinnamon at the door of the house The cinnamon in many cultures is synonymous with wealth, success, prosperity, abundance; but that growth does not have to be only material.
Also, you can want an emotional and spiritual life, prosperous, successful and abundant and likewise desire a greater clientele and with this simple ritual we show you how to attract the energy of success to you, covering every area of your life. Let's see more about cinnamon and its properties in the esoteric world.
Cinnamon and her esoteric side
Cinnamon was a highly appreciated product in ancient times. So much so it was often given as a gift to the reigning monarchs and even considered fit for the gods.
According to Plinio el Viejo, a Roman pound (327 g) of cinnamon could cost up to 1500 denarios, which is equivalent to approximately 50 months of average wage of a worker. At that time, the cinnamon could be equipped with a value of about 15 times the value of silver in weight.
Its value also transcended the esoteric sphere, since cinnamon is perhaps one of the most used herbs in the elaboration of spells and rituals.
It is difficult to argue that cinnamon is not extremely useful if its many magical properties are considered. Cinnamon can be used for protection, luck, love, healing, prosperity, spiritual awareness and help psychic powers.
In addition to that, you can add cinnamon to any spell to help you act faster or simply to give you a little extra boost.
Here we give you a very simple but effective prosperity recipe that uses cinnamon at the door of the house
Cinnamon at the door of the house
What should you do?
On day 1 of every month or when the moon is growing, put a handful of cinnamon powder in the palm of your right hand. Head to the door of your home, work or any space where you want to enhance prosperity and abundance.
Recetas faciles y rápidas
Before blowing, repeat with great faith:
The first thing is: When this cinnamon blows, prosperity here penetrates.
When this cinnamon blows, the abundance comes to stay.
When this cinnamon blows, prosperity and abundance here live.”
Squeeze the cinnamon from outside into, feeling that prosperity and success will enter your space, along with the dust and wind full of the energy we emanate.
Let the cinnamon powder stay on the floor after blowing, for at least 24 hours. Then, you can sweep normally.
It's just waiting for the results with great positivity, I'm sure they're coming!
Know also
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Cinnamon at the door of the house or blow cinnamon at the door
Cinnamon at the door of the house The cinnamon in many cultures is synonymous with wealth, success, prosperity, abundance; but that growth does not have to be
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