Dead fish at the door of your house What does it mean? Fish is considered a symbolic object in the esoteric world. In this regard, the witches of British Columbia make a fish figure swimming and throw it into the water in the direction where fish arrivals are more frequent. This ceremony, accompanied by a prayer, assured fishing.
The ancient Finns believed that Ukko, the father of heaven, had created the fire by hitting his sword with a nail. The spark fell on the ground and would have turned off on a lake if a trout hadn't eaten it.
So he passed from small fish to growing fish, until the hero Vainamoinen hit one of them. When the fish opened, the spark fell and jumped to the ground, burning trees, until Vainamoinen caught it in a jar of copper. Hence the ritual value of fish for this Scandinavian people. Without them the human being could not have accessed the fire.
If when the first fish is being fished, it is a bunny or cod, you have to return the piece to the sea and wait a while before you throw reeds or nets, otherwise the fishing will twist and everything will go from bad to worse.
Belief may be rooted in the conviction that the fishermen of Antiquity had about this fish, of which it was believed that it had a human head, and it was necessary to cut it only if it had fished. Until recently I have heard, among the sea people, that once dry and salty serves to predict time: if it is humbled, it indicates rain.
Another belief has to do with the horoscope. The Greeks believed that at the end of February and early March, the fish that nothing in the zodiac brought down the waters that guaranteed the good harvests in summer. This fish is no other than Pisces. The great fish ruled the algae, the mosses, the ferns and the other plants that grow in the water or on its shores. Piscis was agile, gentle and noble, a mythological character loved by all Greeks. All these beliefs lead us to retake the question Find dead fish at the door of your home which means?
Dead fish at the door of your house what does it mean?
When you find a dead fish at the door of your home means that someone around you doesn't have good thoughts about you or someone from your family. You need to see if you have something inside. To do this, you should first spray the fish with holy water and then, with the help of some gloves, try to search inside the fish.
If nothing is found, you can wrap on paper and leave it in some trash can far away from your home. If something is found inside you (usually the objects found are needles or pins to bring negativity to the house), it should be sprayed with holy water and then taken to a distant dump.
When you arrive at the house you must pray a ninth to San Miguel Arcangel for the protection of all family members.
Other aspects related to fish in esotericism
It is important to note that fish (which you buy at the supermarket) can be used as a positive element for your home if rituals such as:
Ritual with fish for the cleaning of houses and locals through which many people circulate
Special ingredients and utensils:
1 smoked fish
Coconut water
Reed honey
A clean floor rag
Note: If you get to add holy water to the water you will do the cleaning, better.
It fills the cane with water and adds cane honey and smoked fish, along with coconut water. He lets rest. With that water the place will be cleaned, without forgetting any corner, by hand, with a new and clean floor rag.
Innovacion y creatividad
Ichizo with fish to marry the wanted person
Special ingredients and utensils:
The heart of a fish
It covers the heart of a fish with sawdust, as if it was being empaned. He leaves it exposed to the moon rays for a full night. It washes in a clean water course and leaves it mixed between the objects of the person you want to marry.
Final considerations: If you want to do a more elegant job, get a copper ring. Leave it with the heart of fish in the light of the moon and, instead of mixing the heart with the objects of the desired person, sprinkle the ring.
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Ritual with fish to achieve prosperity
Special ingredients and utensils:
1 smoked fish
1 mortar
Red wine
Corn flour
1 wide-mouth glass bottle
Note: If you get holy water, instead of common water, better.
It crushes smoked fish in a mortar along with some corn flour. The pasta is added water, a little red wine and a teaspoon of honey. It is thus obtained a watery substance.
You take the pasta with your hand and you squeeze it out so that the juice falls into a bottle of broad-mouthed glass. With the solid part are formed three bollits, which stand behind the door of the house for three days.
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Dead fish at the door of your house what does it mean?
Dead fish at the door of your house What does it mean? Fish is considered a symbolic object in the esoteric world. In this regard, the witches of British Colum
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