Female intuition in love (presentations of love)




Female intuition in love presentations of lov 1

Female Intuition in Love

According to studies, women have more predominance in the right hemisphere (the emotional and creative side), can capture body language and facial expressions more easily than men.

However, intuition in women, with respect to love, can go much further. A very common example of intuition in the romantic field is the so-called “short” which should rather be called intuition alert. What is it? Let's see more about it.



Female Intuition in Love

A typical example of female intuition in love is the following: Suppose you see a name for the first time and suddenly feel troubled, change even your temperature and the rhythm of your breath and, suddenly, you understand that you have met the man with whom you dream... and that you will love it so much!

However, sometimes we don’t want to hear that “voice” when something is wrong and we don’t pay attention to intuitive truths because we don’t want them to become reality.

For example, when a woman knows a man and feels that there is something strange and does not listen to her intuition because she wants the relationship to be accomplished. If a man is an evident rascal, there is no problem, because with this the conduct to be followed is evident.

The problem is with the one who gives a wonderful impression... and it turns out the opposite. Our intuition persists at the bottom, but we force ourselves to think that this is just a dumb feeling. Then, it happens that indeed that fantastic man hid a true egoistic self from which it was better to be away.

Other women “block” their intuition by following their family’s recommendations or because they are influenced by the ideas of others which can be disastrous at the end.


Presentations of love How to guide?

It is very important to be guided by intuition in loving matters. To do this, you must:

  • Always show your feelings, not pretend what you feel, be authentic and loyal, not imitate others.
  • Allow your thoughts to flow without analyzing them when you know a new person and get carried away by your inner guide.
  • Do not reject the feeling, as I could lead him to find true love.

Another important aspect is to be guided in body language Note if the other person:

  • It is positive, determined and safe.
  • Accept people with their defects and qualities.
  • It shows as it is.
  • He can listen and does not judge others lightly.
  • She's always relaxed and in a good mood.
  • When they talk to him, look in front, showing interest in his interlocutor.

Untrust if, on the contrary, he hears the “voice” and observes that the other person:
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  • It's evasive, it gives rounds to talk.
  • It looks nervous, tense, insecure or has tics.
  • Don't look at the interlocutor when he talks to him.
  • It's very sweet and it shows too much interest to get the benefit of something or someone.
  • Talk a lot and say a little.
  • It makes the impression that he always hides something.


How to develop female intuition in love

You can develop your intuition by being more aware of the voice within you, than sometimes whispers, telling you what to do and what to avoid doing.

Every day, find a few moments to be quiet and listen to the little voice inside you.

Strengthening your concentration capacity helps you improve your intuition, hunch and feelings. This happens, because with a focused mind you can ignore doubts, fears and thoughts that distract you. In such a situation, your hunch and your instinct are sharpened.

Meditation practice can also be useful.

Before making an important decision, sit in a quiet place, think a moment of the decision you should make and then stop thinking about it and try to listen quietly to your intuition.

Remember, not all internal sensations, intuitions or sudden understandings are intuitions. Think before acting and using your common sense, and at the same time, do not be afraid to follow your intuition.


Other topics on intuition

Intuition or sixth sense

How to develop your intuition effectively

Test to determine the degree of development of your intuition

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Female intuition in love (presentations of love)

Female Intuition in Love According to studies, women have more predominance in the right hemisphere (the emotional and creative side), can capture body languag






Female intuition in love presentations of lov 1
Female intuition in love presentations of lov 1

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