Feng shui and protective plants, positive and good luck for the house




Feng shui and protective plants positive and 1

Feng shui and plants Feng Shui has to do with the balance of energies. Feng means wind and Shui means water and in Chinese culture both wind and water are associated with good health, so good Feng Shui means good fortune, while evil Feng Shui means the opposite.


It is believed that by placing Feng Shui elements in a home, positive energy can be accumulated to ensure good health and good fortune, and at the same time negative energy can be channeled to create harmony.

Hence the importance of being able to place the most suitable plants to attract the positive. Then we will answer the question according to the feng shui that plants should have at home?


Feng shui and plants According to the feng shui that plants should have at home?

Plants are part of ancestral medicines, which will make our house an ideal place to inhabit and enjoy our life experience

To effectively analyze the needs of each space, the first thing is to do a Bagua study of our house or apartment. To do this, a plan or map must be made of it (it is not necessary an architectural plane), which gives us a clear idea of the location of the most important spaces and parts of a stay.


On this is a Bagua map and from there you can determine the areas that govern each area and some tips on the use of the most recommended plants for each purpose.


Feng shui and plants: What are for the area of wealth and economic abundance

Located in the south-east. It is governed by the wooden element; therefore, it will be an ideal area to make the settings of feng shui with plants.

Usually there are paintings or elements in which the blue or red colors predomine. It is recommended to use a rounded leaves plant called jade tree in the East and millionaire, flame or flameplate in some countries of Central and South America, as it attracts economic abundance in that place where it is allowed to grow.

It blooms only after a term of ten years, so it requires constant care. In the East it is well known, because it is usually located at the top of the house.


Feng shui and plants: What are for the area of fame and recognition

Located in the southern part of the home. In this area we concentrate all the energy that gives us the impulse to shine with our own light not only in our work, but also in our personal, emotional and sentimental life.

It is advisable to place images where the red color stands, as it is governed by the ascending fire. The use of flowers in this area is advised more. Therefore, among the suggestions of the feng shui, the fibris flowers occupy a special place, since their beautiful red petals increase fortune, fame and wealth in any environment.


Feng shui and plants: What are for the area of love and relationships (usually the bedroom)

It is located on the southwest side of our house and is governed by the element of the earth. Although it is a place where predominant colors should be softer and clearer, such as rose and white, it can be complemented very well with elements that stimulate love in couple, especially three-dimensional, rather than flat.

You can also locate flowers or plants, but in a careful way, since if at this point the room is located, it is better to take them out during the night. The roses

are highly recommended to positively influence the emotional area and activate couple relationships. As far as possible, a red pair within a metal vase will suffice to make the feelings flow; if you choose a larger number, the ideal thing is that they are pink or white tones.

To complement this area, the lotus flower is also very beneficial. This beautiful flower closes its petals at night, plunging into the turbid pantaneous fountains and opens them only to contact with the sun's rays; therefore it is a symbol of harmony and beauty, even when it is in a hostile environment and represents the strength of love, that everything can and all desires. If he blossoms, he predicts a great fortune to whom he belongs.


The lotus flower is so valuable in the East, which is also called the “flower of enlightenment”, in reference to the moment when Buddha found the inner light and became a beacon for all humanity.

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Feng shui and plants: What are for the area of health and family

It is of great influence and is located on the east side of the house. Also governed by the wooden element, it is favorable to locate plants and adorn with flowers. The combination of specific plants, along with some jade stones, will make balance and health reach the family and are always present in their lives.

The pine is the symbol of resistance, because not even the crudest winter is able to give it away from its verdant and vitality. It is the symbol of friendship that transcends borders, fidelity in couple and longevity. His influence is so beneficial and powerful, that his single image is capable of attracting the blessings of this wonderful plant. It is also recommended to use the green lily, which usually requires little care, while rewarding us with its beautiful leaves as a source, which transmits positive energy to the environment.


Feng shui and plants: What are for the area of creativity and children

Located on the western side, area governed by the metal element. It is not highly recommended to put plants or flowers in this area, although the possibility of placing objects is open bamboo

or wood, which not only activate the positive energy of the year, but will be essential in increasing creativity and making children grow healthy and full of vitality.

The bamboo is a venerated plant in the East, as a symbol of strength, gallardy and positive growth attracts abundance in the area where it is located.

The number of stems used, have a rather particular and special meaning.

If used:

  • Two stems, enhance the encounter of a new couple.
  • Three stems, attracts happiness and long life.
  • Six stems, activate luck and abundance

  • Seven stems, keep good health.
  • Eight stems, generates personal growth and shine.
  • Nine stems, blessings and fortunes in all areas.
  • Ten stems, we will achieve perfection in every one of the things we do.



Feng shui and plants: What are for the career area or profession

Occupying the northern area of our Bagua map, this area of great influence on professional or work development is governed by the water element. It is activated with the use of dark colors and black stones. The use of plants must be careful, because in this area they can be distributed in the form of zigzag, and generate a protective wall that blocks the dense energies before entering our home.

Therefore it is convenient to use plants such as the mistletoe, which does not need much light for its growth or to be near water sources


It symbolizes immortality due to its ability to adapt to almost any environment and usually, give its maximum buds in full winter.


Feng shui and plants: What are for the area of knowledge

Located in the north-eastern area, this segment at the household level concentrates all the necessary chi to pass exams and pass interviews or tests on our work


It is activated if images of mountains or natural landscapes are located, as well as animals such as eagles or ohos

. Some plants can be placed as long as they contain some kind of red or yellow flower, and if this were difficult, it could be replaced with red coral, over or within the previously selected plants.

Usually the lily is used much in this area, because it symbolizes the light of wisdom, as well as pure love, innocence and purity.

In the East tradition gives it a leading role, as it is said to turn away concerns and generate good vibrations. When it blooms, beauty and good energy are reflected in each of its parts.

In addition to its qualities to provide appropriate discernment and delicious fragrance, it is also considered as a protective plant, because it removes the bad spirits and attracts the feast and joy.

The central area of the Bagua is not related to any particular area, however, its importance is greater thanks to the fact that it is the point of balance in all space; therefore, it is highly advisable to use yellow, red or orange tones, combined with stones such as amber or emerald, and complemented with vases or pots squarely, in case of requiring plants.


Know also

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Feng shui and protective plants, positive and good luck for the house

Feng shui and plants: What are for the area of wealth and economic abundanceFeng shui and plants: What are for the area of fame and recognitionFeng shui and pl






Feng shui and protective plants positive and 1
Feng shui and protective plants positive and 1

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