Florid water to serve Florida water was created in the United States in 1808 by Lanman & Kemp Barclay, a company now known as Murray & Lanman, to compete directly against the popular Eau du Cologne in Europe.
Florida's water offered a fresh aroma of citrus spices, lighter than its opposite. Since its inception it was considered unisex, since the colony attracted both men and women of the Victorian era and could be purchased in pharmacies and general stores. A lady could bring with her the scent in a bag. People used the colony to refresh the sheets, among other things.
However, time went on, it also became known as a healing tonic, which when applied could relieve headaches and cool fevers. This is probably because their ingredients are herbs that have used since remote times for their medicinal virtues.
Likewise, flowering water has been used in rituals to clean the environment of negative elements and to attract positive.
Florid water to serve
We have received many questions about the flowering water for which it serves and here we give the answer:
Florid water for serving #1 To cool in general: dew abundantly. Car, home, office
Florid water for serving #2 To perfume the body: perfume the bathroom and use it as a tonic for the skin afterwards (not for the face). Add to rinses for hair. Sprinkle the shower steam. Get him to the foot baths. Use as and after the shave.
Florid water for serving #3 Clean the energy of a space: add to floor washes, dishwashers, etc., throwing water away from the house. Swept the broom or cloth slightly to remove the dust. Pay special attention to corners and other stagnant places.
Florid water for serving #4 To protect: slightly spray the flowered water at the four entry points to your home. Alternatively, you can spray a cloth, a cotton ball or a small broom and polish the doors.
Florid water for serving #5 To point out a change in energy: set the tone using fragrance to point out the beginning of meditation or yoga practice: creating the aroma association will help the body relax as soon as it smells in the future. To do this, put some colony into your hands and inhale and gently exhale three times before you begin your practice. Rotate on a small cloth, a wool account or a handkerchief and take it with you to refresh yourself as needed.
Perimeter protection: load the sea salt crystals in sunlight and gently spray them. Sprinkle around the perimeter of your house. Inside, sprinkle around the edges and corners of the rooms. Bar the room, moving everything to the door, inviting the undesired energy to leave the house. (You can load some of our Florida water soak salts, containing Celtic sea salt and plant magic, and use them as an alternative.)
How to make flowery water home recipe
Here we detail how to make flowery water
Choose at least two items from each group: While selecting the materials you will use, let your intentions guide you.
aromatic greens:
A handful of mint (fresh)
1 handful of basil (fresh)
A handful of rosemary (fresh)
A handful of rose petals (fresh)
1 handful of jasmine (seco or fresh)
A handful of lavender (dry)
1 lemon (skin or skin)
1 orange (skin or skin)
A lime (skin or skin)
1 tablespoon of Jamaican pepper berries
1 branch or cinnamon stick
1 tablespoon of odor nails
Put 16 oz (2 cups) of vodka to slow fire. Add the dried ingredients and let them boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients. Cook on a low heat for 40 more minutes, let cool
and pour the previous preparation into the glass container. Close it and wrap it in paper or dark paper (avoid aluminum foil). Store for two weeks in a dark place, stirring at least 2 or 3 times a week. After that time, you can quench the preparation and divide it into other smaller roads, always keeping those that will not be used in protected places of Light.
Guia y trucos de Tiktok
Preparation is ready, at least the material part, but still has no magical properties. For that it is necessary to conjure it, that is to speak and magnetize the flowered water. The following should be given:
“In the name of God, I ask that the energetic and magical properties of this flowered and determined water be awakened that serve to clean this environment, against all damage. Let her clean the miasmas and dissolve negative energetic cords, which can remove the plagues, the astral larvae and all the spiritual worms. Let it be!”
I pray a Our Father and a Hail Mary
To finish, cross (I make the sign of the cross, +) and ready, I can use it.
Rim or enchantment can be done as follows:
“Water of flowers, here I call you,
I give you and everything you have,
As a vital and cleansing force,
So it's magic to give effect
Sure. ”
The important thing here is that the spell (or rhyme if you use it) should be repeated at least three times.
After that, you pour into an atomizer and use when necessary.
Florid water uses and recipe
Here we detail some esoteric uses of flowering water:
Wash and bath flowery water
Floor washes added to provide spiritual protection. E
- a bucket of warm water, add flowered water and put your feet in, to bless your ways and guide you.
An easy bath to remove the negativity consists of mixing: flowery water, a handful of sea salt (the purest salt, purest than the salt commonly used in the kitchen), three drops of incense oil (not essential, is essential oil).
Flower water for love
In a bucket containing 1 gallon of water put 7 drops of flowered water, 7 rose petals and 3 drops of lavender oil. After bathing in regular foma (a Friday night when the Moon is in the growing phase) pour this preparation on top and say aloud seven times: “Love is about to come and come to my one that best suits you”
Know also bath of strong strip with herbs for cleaning and opens roads (oracion)
Florid water for luck
To make a good luck spray, mix it in a spray bottle: flower water, water and pachulí – you can pass it on the doors of your residence, on the soles of the shoe and on you, before going to play (any kind) games, including lotteries.
To attract money, put a drop of flowered water in a tissue and take it with you. You can also spray flower water to a coin and place it in an area of your wallet or wallet where you keep it closed or separated from the rest of the coins.
Cleaning ritual with flowered water
Wash the floor for seven days, for cleansing, spiritual protection and blessing, using: Florida water, tap water and holy water. ( Wash each outside in.)
Know also
Esoteric bath with slope and other rituals
Water cup ritual for money, to call me and more
To serve azahar water in esotericism ( esoteric uses)
How to see the future in a glass of water or hydromance (such as learning it)
Magical baths to attract money and fast fortune
Florid water to serve (love, luck, etc), uses and how to make
Florid water to serve Florida water was created in the United States in 1808 by Lanman & Kemp Barclay, a company now known as Murray & Lanman, to compete direc

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