Fruit baths for good luck with mandarin and more magic fruits




Fruit baths for good luck with mandarin and m 1

Fruit baths for good luck When we consume living foods such as fruits and vegetables we are not only receiving nutrients from these foods that strengthen our physical body, but also equalify our emotional field and the energies of the spiritual.

Fruits, from antiquity, are related to positive energy (prosperity, wealth, etc.) and therefore play an important role in attracting luck.

In this sense, we will present several baths and rituals with fruits that can help us attract positive vibrations to our lives.



Fruits for good luck

AvocadoTo attract luck in casino games and at random, avocado is used specifically for its black and hard seed located in the center of the fruit.

To do this, the seed of three avocados should be extracted on Sunday. Then, you should leave in the open for three nights when there is a full moon. Then, in an orange silk bag, these seeds should be placed and the bag will finally be sewn with red thread.

This bag must be carried on as long as we buy lotteries or when we play with lucky numbers.


The figs, very employed in different rituals throughout the centuries, can also be used to attract luck in everything related to the world of work and wage increases.

To this end, six dry figs should be placed in the center of a white plate. Around the figs, four legal course coins (the largest ones found) can be held in a manner that matches the four cardinal points. Then, it will be written in a paper cut in the form of a triangle the labor desire to be reached and we will place it under the plate with the figs.

Every day the figs will rotate in the sense of the clock needles a quarter back.


The appleIt has always been related to love since very ancient times and therefore it is not surprising that there are many rituals to attract luck in the sentimental world using this fruit.

In this sense, you can use two green apples of hard and bright skin (one that represents the person who asks for desire and the other to whom it is directed). Then, you should drill through the upper and lower center to be able to transfer them with a red ribbon of about 50 centimeters. This procedure should be done with both apples so that they are ensarted side by side.

Then six knots are made something strong (three on each side saving as long as the fruits remain in the middle). Every time a knot is made, the desire for love is requested to be desired. It should be left until they put themselves in a quiet and discreet place and finally buried in a pot inside the home.



Pineapple The pineapple is a fruit that should not be missing in the homes and it is recommended to place it in the center of the dining room (with other fruits) or in some corner of the kitchen.

In order to provide luck, you should select a pineapple that is not mature. Then, the pineapple should be placed on a plate and a teaspoon of sea salt is sprinkled on the top of the pineapple and brown sugar in the area of the leaves.verdes. As soon as it rots, it must be changed by another.


Uvas Grapefruits are very used in rituals and traditions related to luck especially in the new year (eat 12 grapes). They even appear in many superstitions like the one that indicates that when it is poured wine on the table, we must rub our forehead with him so that luck does not abandon us.
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To attract luck in our home, we must select, any day of the year, six grapes. They should be extracted two seeds from each grape, in total 12. Then they should be cleaned with some wine and leave the Sun to dry. As soon as they dry, they will be deposited in a glass or metal cup. Finally you should blow over them and make a wish for luck for our home.


Mandarin for good luck and orange

Mandarin and orange are very representative fruits of good luck especially in China. While mandarins represent wealth, oranges are a popular symbol of good luck in that country.

The associations come from a similarity between the Chinese words for mandarin and gold, as well as a similarity between the orange words and good luck. It is not rare in Chinese culture that words with a similar sound or an spelling with very different meanings (homonmos) become suggestive to each other over time.

These fruits also have a bright and joyful color that is associated with good luck. Therefore, it is a tradition to place oranges along with a red envelope next to a child's pillow. Here are some recipes for fruit baths for good luck


Fruit baths for good luck

Fruit baths for good luck

3 litres of water

1 block cut in four

3 cinnamon branches

3 Keyboards of India

7 grapes

1 teaspoon Honey


Boil the water and then add the other ingredients. Colar and take a bath during the seven days of the Full Moon or Moon.


Mandarin baths for luck #1


2 litres of water;

7 tablespoons of honey

7 mandarin (only peels)


Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and boil them for 15 minutes;

Turn off the boil and let the water rest half an hour and, at the end, strain

Take as usual, pouring the water from the shoulders down; during the seven days of the Moon or Full Moon


Mandarin baths for luck #2


5 mandarins

2 litres of water

5 tablespoon of honey

5 branches of Cinela


Extract the juice from the mandarins. Put all the ingredients to boil, except the mandarin juice;

Boil for 20 minutes, turn off the boil and pour the juice. By refreshing, strain the whole mixture;

Just save the water for the bath and throw the remaining ingredients into the trash;

Pour the reserved water from the shoulders down during the seven days of the Mid Moon or Full Moon


Know also

Magical baths to attract money and fast fortune

Magical baths to attract true love with roses, cinnamon and more

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Fruit baths for good luck with mandarin and more magic fruits

Fruit baths for good luck When we consume living foods such as fruits and vegetables we are not only receiving nutrients from these foods that strengthen our p





Fruit baths for good luck with mandarin and m 1
Fruit baths for good luck with mandarin and m 1

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