Halloween origins and true meaning (and its pumpkin)




Halloween origins and true meaning and its pu 1

Halloween Origins and Meaning The halloween is a pagan celebration in several countries of the world and although, for many, it represents the opportunity to use some preferred costume, it is convenient to know where it came from.

The genesis of the modern hallowen moves to the Druids that were ancient Celtic priests of the European North, especially in Ireland, Great Britain and France.


Halloween origins and meaning

There is a dark version that narrates that on October 31 the Druids went from home to house asking for offerings for negative beings. In those nights they were carrying bags for what they collected and sharp canes that they used to attack people who did not or did not want to collaborate or used them to castrate the best animal of the uncooperative family.


The other explanation has no violent motive. This tells us that there was a festival of Samhaim Celts on October 31, where the dead were worshiped and that marked the coldest and darkest season in that part of Europe. The Celts were convinced that Samhain allowed the soul of the deceased to return to the land of the living only that night.

By the year 43 AD, the Romans had successfully conquered most of the Celtic lands. For the next 400 years, Samhain merged with two Roman festivities: Feralia, a day when the Romans commemorated their dead, typically at the end of October, and secondly Pomona, a day in honor of the Roman goddess of fruits and trees.

On 609 AD, Pope Bonafice IV established the Catholic feast of the Day of All Martyrs in honor of the first Roman martyrs, and this feast was later extended by Pope Gregory III to include all the saints and is still practiced today as the Day of All Saints.

The 2nd of November is also celebrated as the Day of Deeds primarily to honor the saints and pray for the lives of the newly deceased who have not yet reached heaven. Some of the Halloween traditions can be seen at the festival surrounding the Day of All Saints.

There were traditions of making the Bells

for souls in purgatory; the poor, mostly children, went from home to house “souling”, obtained “pasteles of the soul” in exchange for prayers for the deceased loved ones; people even used costumes to protect themselves from the wandering souls of the dead.

Children are now disguised, especially in the United States, and say “trucks or treatment” and usually receive as sweet rewards and chocolates.



So, halloween true meaning What is it?

The true meaning of Halloween as we know it now has been lost a little between parties, sweets and costumes. Despite being eclipsed by tricks and treats, it is still there under the festivities.

The true meaning of Halloween is present in all stories of origin and in all cultural differences. It is a celebration of endings and a time to honor the dead.

Originally, Halloween was not a time to fear the dead, but rather to show respect for their sacrifices. The festival was a moment to pray for the dead souls to help them move forward in peace.

Over time, with horror films and haunted houses, the idea of paying homage to the dead has become confusing. Death became a plot device for movies and nightmares
Instead of the beautiful end of a cycle as the pagans believed.

This year, consider taking a time of the holidays to remember the true meaning of Halloween. Less zombies and ghouls, more spirits and souls.


Halloween meaning pumpkin

To distract the wandering spirits from being installed in their homes and farms, the Celts once carved faces in nabs (and not in pumpkins). Nabo lanterns lined up on the roads to illuminate the road and also warn the passing spirits.
HERRETE | Descúbre su verdadero significado

After these traditions were exported through the Atlantic, it didn't take long before the carved pumpkins (a native pumpkin of North America) began to appear instead of nabos.

The history of Halloween gave a great turn to its current form when the Americans massively adopted pumpkins carved in the 1920s. Farmers began to grow better pumpkins to carve.

Finally, farmer John Howden developed the Howden pumpkin in the 1960s, which remains the pumpkin to carve more popular. The Howden pumpkin has a thick stem, shallow ribs and fine pulp; these attributes make them easy to carve, although a nightmare to cook. If you have any questions about Halloween origins and meaning, you can ask it in the comment section.


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Halloween origins and true meaning (and its pumpkin)

Halloween Origins and Meaning The halloween is a pagan celebration in several countries of the world and although, for many, it represents the opportunity to u






Halloween origins and true meaning and its pu 1
Halloween origins and true meaning and its pu 1

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