How to entrust a saint (the power of intercession)




How to entrust a saint the power of intercess 1

How to Entrust a Saint Most people use the word “santo” to refer to someone who is exceptionally good or “santo”.

In the Catholic Church, however, a “holy” has a more specific meaning: someone who has led a life of “heroic widow”.

This definition includes the four “cardinal” virtues: prudence, temperance, strength and justice; as well as “theological” virtues: faith, hope and charity. A saint shows these qualities in a constant and exceptional way.


When someone is proclaimed holy by the Pope, what can only happen after death, public devotion to the saint, called “cult”, is authorized for Catholics around the world.

There are great saints whose stories are well known to us as San Gerardo Mallela, and other saints whose stories have received legendary status, such as the Legend of Saint Patrick.

Some saints wore armor, such as Santa Juana de Arco or King San Fernando III, and others, such as Valentine's Day, which is often forgotten even at their own party. All are saints of virtue and their lives are celebrated by the Catholic Church and its members.


The Power of Intercession

When some problems arise we can request the intercession of a saint to present to Jesus and to God our request what is known by the name of “command a saint”

Now the question that arises is to which saint to grow up?

As a general rule, the intercession of a saint who either by his martyrdom or by his performance in his life is related in one way or another to the problem that we are going through at a certain time.

For example, if you have a toothache, the person is entrusted to Santa Apolonia because during his life this Saint was detained during Christian persecutions, not accepting the Roman gods, they broke all his teeth. When he died he made a desire to relieve people with toothaches who invoked it.

Below is a list of saints to be entrusted and when we must seek their intercession


How to entrust a saint

It must be commissioned to


Mouth and toothHoly Apolonia
Having appetiteSan Chamond
fatteningSan Bernulfo
to lose weightSan Isnardo
Stomach painsSaint Gregory the GreatIndigestionsSan ArcadioDiarrheaSan GermánIntestine DiseasesSan LupoConstipationSan JulioCatch while eatingSan BlasFood poisoningSan Antonio the GreatDiseases of the liverSan ArmandoHemorrhoidsSan FiacroDiabetesSanta GertrudisDoloresSan Pedro de AlcántaraHi.Santa EugeniaOcular irritationSan Alilrio / San DomnioEyesSanta Clara de Asis / San PardulfoCovered noseSan BenignoInsect that enters the earSan BársabasDolores of the throatSan BlasCoolSan MauroCalm the coughSan QuintínLower feverSan SilvestreHairfallSanta Zoe / Santa Clara de AssisiSwelling on footSan AngelEpidemicSan ArmelioFracturesPiernasSan AdrianStairsSanta Maria ManciniGeneralSan Willingis


HerbsHeadsSan AlejandroCuttingSan EupsiquioSurgeryTransplantationSan Almaquio / San MenasArthritisSan ValerioRheumaSantiagoCancerSan Pelegrin / Santa SincléticaIn incurable diseasesSan GobertoBurns and blowsBurningSan Benito / Santa VerónicaHead beatingsSan EusebioHits with furnitureSan PrimitivoHeight fallsSan PelagioDeathsSnake.Saint SimonDogsSanta TrifenesMental HealthAngustiaSan TalaleoSexual perversionsSanta EugeniaStrong emotionHoly BeataGet rid of ticSan LeotadioSpread bad spiritsSan Eliseo / San ZenobioCrying crisisSam AdelardoFailureValentine's DayInsomniaSan HubertoSueño apacibleSanta Nopa / Santa EufrasiaPesadillaSan MetrobioDon't sleep so much.San Vito
Family lifeMarried girlsSanta Estela / San Andrés /San Antonio de Padua

Love dicksSaint Mary MagdaleneTo avoid serious family discussionsSan Francisco PatriziTo reconcile fighting peopleSan NicoforoContradictory debts for a commendable purposeSan Albino Water, food and accommodationTo have to drinkSan GoaWater not drinking waterSan HeliiodoroTo get the electric fluid backSan EuquerioTo stay away at nightSan TeótimoLost objectsWhen a book or document has been lostSan BernabéSomething saved that is not known or rememberedSan ProboLost out of the houseSaint VincentLost keys and open doors without keysSan MacarioLabourFind workSan AdaucoFor interviewSan AnastacioFights of people working togetherSan MelanioVictims of mockerySan PorfirioTo avoid answering a superiorSan SinforosoWhen we are accused of professional misconductSan TemóstocesTo work to dieSan ServilianoDraftingFind the precise and just wordsSan Victorino / San SenatorFor inspirationSan PinitoTo clean housesOf ratsSanta GertrudisOf cockroachesSan PantaleónAntsSan MaximoSnakesSan FelipeFind yourself with a snakeSan FrontónAtmospheric timeTo fall rainSan Isidro / Santa SolangeTo create rainSan DecorosoHave a good timeSan RolandoAgainst tempestSan AnatacioTo escape lightningSan DonatoAgainst floodsSure.Great heatsSan AmbrosioEarthquakeSan CesareoFireSan BonifacioMuchedumbreSan EutiquioTravelLost in a high seas raftSan MaroTo not drownSt. RomanGive life back to a drowningSanta GertrudisGeneral travelSan Cristrobal

Air travelSan EleuterioThievesTrust the houseSan CalógeroRun away thievesSan MeroloBe persecutedSan GregorioRun more quicklySan DomnioThreatened by murdererSan FidelTaken hostageSan AcacioUnjustly detainedSan RamonNot to be detainedSan GordiioPurgatoryDeliver a soulSan Lorenzo

If you have any questions about how to entrust yourself to a saint, you can ask it in the comment section. Blog de divulgación científica




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How to entrust a saint (the power of intercession)

How to Entrust a Saint Most people use the word “santo” to refer to someone who is exceptionally good or “santo”.





How to entrust a saint the power of intercess 1
How to entrust a saint the power of intercess 1

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