How to make a deep astral cleaning and benefits (aura cleaning)




How to make a deep astral cleaning and benefi 1

How to make an astral cleaning

In the rush of days, we often feel discouraged, bad and have some difficulty seeing grace in certain things.


These factors can be explained and defined as laziness, depression, being filled with negative energies, or it may be that our aura is completely unbalanced or dirty.

However, we wonder how to clean the aura or cleaning of the astral body? Let's see, then, more about it.


What is the aura?

To understand the definition of aura, it is necessary to go back to many years in history, when people spoke about the human energy field in a deeper way. The Greeks already called the psychosoma aura – the body of the soul (psycho-soma, soma-body).

In short, aura is an energetic field that has every person, totally unique forms that can be built, modified and greatly influenced by their thoughts and feelings. It goes beyond the barriers of the physical body!


How does our aura or astral body behave?

Imagine that every human being is a lamp. Imagine? Now imagine that light bulb. In the figurative sense, the aura is the light of the lamp, which produces a radiance that can reach a meter in diameter (with variations according to our measurement). Each human being has his aura, which is his energy, cannot be seen or touched, it only feels.

Knowing that our energy can have a metre in diameter, it is easy to understand that people who are 1 metre from you are involved in your aura, as well as you are involved in theirs.


Why is it important to clean the aura?

Everyone knows that any excess can be extremely harmful to humans and the energy part of each one is no different.

The energy of the aura is electromagnetic, formed basically by positive and negative parts, as if it were a magnet. As long as you don't see that energy, it's still flowing.

It is easy to understand that the excess of negative energies is harmful, but be aware that the excess of positive energies can also cause harm to a human being, both spiritually and personally. Everything that is “too much” causes imbalance and damages a specific area of life: too much positive energy can cause anxiety, agitation, uncontrollable in certain areas and even speak excessive, for example.


The lack of balance hinders the spiritual and personal development of an individual and makes everything ponder a little. That is why it is extremely important that we clean our aura to avoid possible energetic imbalances.


Cleaning aura benefits

People with a clean aura are balanced beings that can see and analyze life or situations in a clear, clean and light way. As mentioned above, balance is an essential factor in maintaining a life in growth and can also make a being focus and focus on its own way of life.

The personal life of a person who has balanced energy is quiet. There are no excesses in your spirit, so nothing overflows! It is not that overflowing is bad, but everything that is somehow released from us needs to be recovered. When there is balance, the energies are compensated and nothing stands out, self-control is present and it is possible to face different situations peacefully.

Now that you know a little more about aura
and why it is important to keep it clean, let's explain how to make a deep astral cleaning or aura cleaning


How to make a deep astral cleaning or aura cleaning

How to make a deep astral cleaning
1: Sea salt or thick

I'm sure you've heard someone say they're gonna give a thick salt bath to chase bad things away, and you know it works! La marine salt

or thick, when diluted with water, releases negative and positive particles that work to balance our aura. Learn how to do it:

Take 3 tablespoons thick salt and place them in a bowl with a liter of mineral water (it is essential that the water is extremely clean). Dip your feet in this palangana, raise your attention and your thoughts to God, calm your mind, listen to quiet music and keep your feet immersed in this water for about 15 minutes, always focusing on cleaning your aura. .

This practice can be done every day, and is indicated
to address the consequences caused by your imbalance, as well as all the tips that will follow. If it continues to feel bad, know that it must address the causes of these consequences.


If you are one of those who prefer the famous thick salt bath, at the time of the bathroom throws the liquid from the neck down, as it can damage your hair. But know that the pediluvium cleans the whole body, as this procedure unites the reflexology points.


How to make a deep astral cleaning #2: Incense

You must meet someone who, after a full day, comes home and lights up incense

. But do you know the power of incense? The work of this simple perfumed stick causes many elements of an environment to be modified according to our intention. It promotes a connection with the unattainable and connects us to greater power. Smoke comes into contact with the air, which will transport our thoughts. Unbelievable, right? Learn how to do it:
Significado de los nombres

Turn on an incense with a match (as it is more natural) and let the smoke spread through the room. Raise your thoughts to God and pass the incense through your body, calmly, until the smoke completely wraps you. It is necessary to focus your intention on cleaning the aura, so I gave a prayer and project your intention of purification in that act.

If you do not emphasize your intention to clean energy, incense is just an aroma.

Council: each incense consists of charcoal
in some cases salt and herbs of different types. There is a kind of grass for each situation: to change the energy of a space where there is a lot of emotional load and to clean your energy, the incense of alcanfor or eucalyptus is indicated.

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How to make a deep astral cleaning #3: Ruda

The rude is a grass that has a very large energy power. It acts as a blade, which eliminates the impurities of the aura and the double ethereal. You can use it in herbal preparations, smoking or a simple branch of it. See an effective advice with the use of this plant for energy cleaning:

Take a small branch of rude
and pass it through your body for three minutes, focusing on positive intentions. Go from the top of the head to the tip of the feet: slide the branch into the stomach area makes your aura balance immediately.

After doing this, throw the rude into the trash, as all the vital energy contained in it was used to rebalance your aura.

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How to make a deep astral cleansing #4: Breathing

Breathing has the power to soothe both our minds and act upon our physical body. When we breathe, we oxygenate our blood and completely change our energy pattern. As you breathe slowly and with intent, there is an expansion in our aura; when we exhale, we expel any negative energy. This technique should be done along with technique 1, thick salt.

With the feet immersed in the solution, inhale deep and slowly 20 times, with light pauses and exhale. Do it quietly so you don't get dizzy. It is always important to emphasize the intention in any practice described here, because if there is no intention, it will be wasting time!


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How to make a deep astral cleaning and benefits (aura cleaning)

What is the aura?How does our aura or astral body behave?Why is it important to clean the aura?Cleaning aura benefits





How to make a deep astral cleaning and benefi 1
How to make a deep astral cleaning and benefi 1
How to make a deep astral cleaning and benefi 1
How to make a deep astral cleaning and benefi 1

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