How to neutralize a person with negative or toxic energies




How to neutralize a person with negative or t 1

How to neutralize a person Many times when we know a person, for the first time, we feel distressed, anxious or sad and, at that time, we do not know why that situation.

On other occasions, a certain person is kind to us and gives us all his attention and courtesy, every time we meet her, but we feel that our mood is decaying and we do not know the reason for it.

When this happens we are usually in the presence of a person whose aura is negative, but then what can we do to recognize this kind of person? What measures can we take to prevent it from affecting us? How to neutralize a person with negative energies or with bad vibrations?



How to neutralize a person with negative energies

The first step is to identify this type of person. To this end, all bodily movements, gestures and attitudes such as:

Constant criticismNegative individuals constantly talk about what unsettled them, are unable to congratulate or praise someone, but they are the first to point out the defects of others.

Enforced laughIn addition to a laughter that is not natural, this type of person usually when giving his hand do it without pressing or just approaching the cheek when giving to give a kiss.

Innate EgocentrismA negative person does not want to listen carefully to others, which shows indifference for other feelings.

Indirect commentsSometimes this type of individuals do not say what they feel sincerely but use other resources to conceal their true thoughts. Indirect comments such as “The dress is really beautiful, but it is not the one for you because you look bad” carry negative intentions in themselves.

penetrating glanceIf you find a person who stares at your eyes as if you want to hypnotize or influence, in some way, your psyche, it is convenient to avoid your eyes.

Evasive behaviourIn the opposite case, if a person does not look at him, he chooses from shoulders and always gives ambiguous answers, it is considered negative, since he does not want to commit himself or help others. That is, they only want their own benefit at cost many times from other people.

It is important to note that, where this type of person lives with negative aura, plants wither easily, animals get sick and the environment feels loaded.

Below we will mention some methods that help to protect themselves from this type of beings and at the same time release the heavy and negative environment so that the energies flow with harmony and tranquility.



How to neutralize a person with negative energies (in practice)


  • Find a quiet place and make a deep relaxation.
  • Close your eyes and visualize the person.
  • Imagine that the person is seeing in his or her everyday behavior (bodied and body movements, dresses, words and opinions often said).
  • Visualize you're talking to the person and you're telling him that you want to help him (use positive sentences) and that he'll release you from that negative burden he has.
  • To sincerely hope that your positive vibrations will be received by the other person.
  • Get out of the state of relaxation you are in and breathe gently.

This display exercise should be performed three times a day for two weeks in order to obtain good results.

How to neutralize a toxic person at work

There are several methods such as:

  • Combine a drop of essential oils of thyme and another of roses and apply on the wrists or on the ear.
  • Mix two tablespoons Cinela

    powder, three sunflower petals, a teaspoon of brown sugar and seven cloves and add it to a liter of boiling water. Revolve with a wooden spoon and expect it to cool. Then bathe normally and finally rinse with this preparation.
  • Mix a spoonful of salt, with a teaspoon of olive oil, a chopped garlic tooth, three branches of basil

    , a chopped radish and a chopped pork stalk. Then it is added to a liter of water with which the bathroom is made. Salt counteracts bad influences and other elements combat envy and increase energy and vitality.

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If you are constantly suffering from insomnia

Many times the insomnia that a person suffers may be due to the negative influence of another person who is near.

To counter this situation, it is convenient to perform both a visualization and a small cleaning ritual of the room. It should light two hours before bedtime, an incense of angelic, cedar, mistletoe, cinnamon, pepper or juniper (all suitable for cleaning environments loaded with negative energy) and make the sign of the cross with holy water on each wall. Then you must leave the windows open so that the room is well ventilated and that the air flows freely.


Before bed, you should take an infusion of thylo or toronjil and then when you are in bed, you should imagine that you are floating over the sea, whose color is intense blue and that at the same time it absorbs all negative energy.


To clean the home of negative influences

There are several basic rituals to clean the home of negative people's influences and to restore an environment of peace and harmony as follows:

  • Place, in the center of the home, a new clay dish with two pieces of charcoal and a teaspoon of coffee (not instant)
  • Change every day.
  • Burn three laurel leaves

    dry three times a day for a week.
  • Prepare a cocimiento de ruda, colary when cold, package in an atomizer and spread in the places where the person was.

Plants that attract positive energy at home

It is also convenient to plant plants in your home to prevent bad influences from hindering your progress plans like the following:

Sábila or aloe vera:Protects accidents and attracts good luck, especially in business

Bromelia:Helps repell the bad energies

Hiedra:Combat the bad energies that people can leave in a space especially when a person moves to a new residence where a negative person used to live.

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Done:is one of the most used species to balance energies in a space with bad vibrations.

Romero:Avoid bad thoughts, envy, grudges and you can have at home. .

By sowing these plants, always use virgin land (without fertilizers or chemical substances), since, using any land, it diminishes its magical properties. If you want to know more about how to neutralize a person, you can ask your question in the comment section.


Know also

Energy or energy Vampires How to protect yourself from them?

Evil eye symptoms and how to remove it (orations, incense and rituals)

Symbols of protection (esoretic and occultists)

Superstitions are born, pregnant and young children

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How to neutralize a person with negative or toxic energies

How to neutralize a person Many times when we know a person, for the first time, we feel distressed, anxious or sad and, at that time, we do not know why that





How to neutralize a person with negative or t 1
How to neutralize a person with negative or t 1

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