How to see the future in a glass of water or hydromance (such as learning it)




How to see the future in a glass of water or 1

How to see the future in a glass of water The hydromance is an ancient form of divination, precursor of the predictions in the crystal balls, which uses the flow of water and also the flow and undulations of it and which can employ, in this process, also rocks, pendulums and other objects.

The origin of the water determined the type of hydromance that was being carried out. If rainwater was used, it was hydatoscopy and if river water was used it was pegomance. Hydromance was incredibly popular in the ancient world and was even mentioned in ancient texts. Both the reading of the tea leaf and the coffee leaf were developed from hydromance.


It is interesting to know more about the history of this technique of divination with water and then we will see it:


How to see the future in a glass of water History

In the second century B.C. Pausanius, in his historical writings of Ancient Greece, described a source from which people received the oracles of the goddess. To consult the oracle, people threw small pieces of bread into the water. If the loaves fell, it meant that the goddess accepted them and would bring success and luck; if the bread went to the bottom without falling apart, they were being rejected by the goddess and that meant that the requests would not be heard.

J.J. Bosiard, an antiquarian, collected stories about water divination. In ancient Germany it was customary to put newborns in the Rhine. People believed that if the child was illegitimate, he would drown; but if he were legitimate, he would start swimming and be saved.

History recounts another method of divination through the water, which was to say mysterious words in a cup of hot water. Placed on the floor, the glass spontaneously boiled the water. After pouring water over the earth or sand, the formed drawings would give clues to the future of the person.

Another method of divination was to pour a drop of oil or olive oil into a bowl with water. This drop would have the miraculous effect of making images appear, making them visible and perceptible. Then these images were interpreted.

The Greek writer and theologian Clemente of Alexandria also describes another method in which women observed the tugs of the rivers and streams to make predictions about politics and social life in their countries or localities. Identical facts are referenced in the biographical books on St. Augustine.

There was once a custom in Italy that consisted of the following: when the judges had more than one suspect and did not know what decision to make, they wrote the name of each one in sponges that threw the water. Only one of the sponges would sink, the one bearing the name of the true culprit!



How to see the future in a glass of water or as learn hydromance

There are several different methods of divination with water or hydromance, each unique and yet all very similar.

How to see the future in a glass of water or hydromance Method #1 A ring should be attached with a rope and hung in a pot, jug or bowl of water. Then, a question should be asked out loud, stir the container with water and count the number of times the ring hits the side. If you hit, for example, once it is Yes and if you hit twice it is No.

How to see the future in a glass of water or hydromance Method #2 A question is asked, three pebbles are thrown into a large bowl of water and then formed waves are observed. If you form a pair of waves, the answer is Yes, if it is odd; No.

How to see the future in a glass of water or hydromance Method #3A question is formulated and a currency is thrown at the bottom of a source. The interpretation is made by observing the side towards the coin moves after falling into the water and until reaching the bottom. If going to the left side the answer was “no”; going to the right side there was a high probability of granting the request; if the coin falls directly to the bottom, the desire will be realized in a short time.

Know also water cup ritual for money, to call me and more


What is needed to make the hydromance in your home

If you want to use hydromance, you should find a large and deep container; it can be a glass bowl, brass or silver and you may need to try several different bowls before you find one that suits you.

The bowl should be simple and without patterns, and you should find a quiet area that is free of distractions with a flat and leveled surface to place the bowl.

Add the water and let it settle until it is completely free of movement. Then you can use it to guess or for other forms of divination.

To get better results, consider using water that has been collected by full moonlight to have the most energy stored inside. You can also store the water after using it and use it again the next time you want to make hydromance.



Know also

Rituals with rainwater (baths for luck, love and more

Quiromance like reading the hand (line of life, head, heart and others)

Florid water to serve (love, luck, etc), uses and how to make

Use of tarot

The use of the mirror for divination

The pendulum


How to see the future in a glass of water or hydromance (such as learning it)

How to see the future in a glass of water The hydromance is an ancient form of divination, precursor of the predictions in the crystal balls, which uses the fl





How to see the future in a glass of water or 1
How to see the future in a glass of water or 1

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