Loyalty Brother Suspechar is a painful experience that, on many occasions, is basically motivated by lack of communication and lack of security in the affective loop.
Before accusing another person, looking for ghosts of lovers or looking closely at the acts and words of the other in search of a false step that gives us a clue, we should ask ourselves what is to be suspected. Only knowing the real reasons for our prayers can we know if we do it legitimately or selfishly and driven by insecurity.
Of course, before asking the magic if they're cheating on us, it's always very advisable to try to talk to the other person, even communicate our suspicions and trust their sincerity.
If in spite of everything we continue to doubt his words, we will have no alternative but to seek the answer in magic practice by means of a spell to know if he deceives me
Ichizo to know if he cheats on me
Ichizo to know if he cheats on me
This spell has as its function to indicate whether or not they are cheating on us. Its mechanism is simple and requires a great magic force and a very particular concentration by the invocator to have a satisfactory result. Given their mental nature, we must keep guard against subjectivity and paranoia.
Necessary objects A sheet will be able to use any color, provided that the sheet does not have geometric drawings or forms that can confuse us later.
The ritual consists of sleeping for three nights with the sheet. Take it before you wash it and rub it with your hands. Spread it but not stretch it. Hold it through the center with the red cord, letting it fold at this point to become a tube.
Tie the tips of the red cord with the blue cord. Hold everything with the red cord with the extended arm and slightly raised, so that the part of the sheet coming out of the knot is directly in front of the eyes. Find in wrinkles and fold the face of a person who is the same sex as the one who runs the rite.
The sheet is one of the most representative common grounds of any couple. It is there where the sum of both remains, where you can see that third person who is the relationship itself, who has a little of each and another little something that does not arise from any. Their value as an oracle of couple relationships is very high and the answers that a sheet can give in this regard cannot give them any other common ground with such clarity.
In case of finding a face in the sheet, that will mean that, indeed, our partner is cheating on us. We will be able to see the face of his lover clearly and, possibly, we will be able to recognize that person if we run into it. At this point we must not lose our calm; it is possible that the face we have seen belongs to someone who tries to seduce our partner, in which case it would be innocent.
The recommended is to show a kind, seductive attitude, to first ask ourselves what we do wrong and finally have a conversation with our partner. It's not about accusing but understanding what happens. If we start by asking what's missing from us, what's waiting, what you like and what not, we'll get more keys and we'll be able to remedy the situation.
If we don't see any face, or see only very deformed images, we can be sure that our partner is faithful to us, that there is no danger; but, that is, in this case we should ask ourselves what is driving us to suspect her, what is wrong within ourselves or within the relationship to make us doubt up to that end of the person we love.
Ichizo to know if he cheats on me
It should be mentioned that this spell also serves to discover how a boyfriend or girlfriend is deceived, regardless of gender.
That said, let's go to the ingredients.
1 lapiz
1 raw white egg
1 cup of water
1 glass bowl
1 white candle
The first step is to find an egg with white skin, it cannot be that of colored shell.
Enter the full name of the loved one in the egg shell only once, hold it with both hands and say the following words:
Oh Santa Clara, clear up and bring me the answer if there is treason in my relationship.
After saying the above words, still with the egg in the hand, pray a Our Father and a Hail Mary with enough faith and offer Santa Clara.
Once you're finished, break the egg with your hands and pour the light into the glass with water.
Undo the shell and the yolk.
Then light the white candle and place it next to the glass with water and egg white.
Now pay a lot of attention, as this most important part of this spell to discover the betrayal of the husband or boyfriend.
Ask Santa Clara to bring the answer to your question and reveal whether you are the victim of a betrayal of your loved one.
Wait 2 to 3 hours and if the whites rise to the surface of the water in the glass, betrayal is probably happening.
Otherwise, if you stay at the bottom of the glass with water, there is probably no betrayal.
Ichizo de fidelity
If it has been possible to determine that the couple is indeed unfaithful, then it is recommended to perform some of the following fidelity spells:
Ichizo de fidelity #1
1 red candle
1 essential vanilla oil
12 petals of red roses
1 teaspoon of honey.
Some leaves parsley
A litre of water (better if it is of pure spring)
You should write the name of your partner and yours about the candle. Then you must unite some oil on the candle and say three times aloud “If your heart is away, return to me” Then you must pray Psalm 138 and pray that love will grow again among the couple.
Then you should mix parsley, rose petals, honey and water and let boil for 10 minutes. Then take a normal bath and finally rinse with this preparation. Let dry naturally, not use towel. Do this ritual on Friday.
Artículos de danza y ballet
Ichizo de fidelity #2
1 Ring
1 handkerchief preferably white.
Pass the handkerchief through the ring so that it stays in the middle of the handkerchief that it should be annulled in the two opposite corners so that it stays with the ring inside as in a circle.
As soon as you have the circle (closed), repeat the following sentence aloud three times. “St. Anthony of Padua, faithful and miraculous confessor, deliver me and the person I love of all temptation of infidelity.” Save the ring and scarf in the shape of a circle in the drawer of your underwear.
Brotherhood of fidelity #3
1 white tape.
1 photo of our partner.
1 white fabric.
On a Friday, a red apple must be bitten and swallow the piece without just chewing it. Then, it must be tied, with the white ribbon, the image of our couple to the bite apple. After you have to wrap the apple with the white fabric, tie it in a way that a bag remains.
Leave the apple, wrapped, under the lushest tree that we find that day and get away from there as soon as possible without looking back. Try not to go through that site again for several months.
Faithful charm #4
It is required;
1 teaspoon of honey.
1 piece of hair of your partner
A piece of coal
If you are certain that the couple is unfaithful, you take the hair of the loved one and burn on coal.
The bed, chairs and armchairs are joined with a mixture formed by the ashes of these hairs and honey. As soon as the person begins to occupy these furniture you will lose the desire to escape from your partner to test other relationships.
Ichizo de fidelity #5
It is required:
7 drops of favorite perfume
3 tablespoons of the Honey
purest you can find.
During a Friday, especially in the morning hours, honey should be mixed with perfume and then rub it on key points such as hands, behind ears, neck and legs.
As this action takes place, it must be said, three times, loudly: “(Full name of the person), you will not see another person more than me, because in my affection you find many sweets; with no one you will be more comfortable than with me.”
Ichizo contra la infidelidad #6
7 pebbles or crystals
(he tries to choose the most
get your attention)
1 cup of seeds Pumpkin
A wooden bowl
One Bell
Select a quiet place from the house where the full moon illuminates this magical work. Set the 7 quartz stones on the ground, making a circle in the sense of the clock needles. Then spread 1 cup of pumpkin seeds in the circle, but in the opposite sense to the clock needles.
As you do the magic work, you must repeat, loudly, the following enchantment: “The force of the earth advances,
the strength of life advances, the strength of our love is in both. The moon is witness to this spell and he/she (person's name) will always remain faithful to me.“
Once the enchantment has been made, you must remain seated while the moon illuminates you. Make a metal bell ring seven times and visualize with the loved person together, happy and in love.
After having done the job, leave the circle as it is all night. The next day, you should collect the materials and store the seeds for a month. Then spread the seeds somewhere they can grow and stay the magic stones for another spell
Know also
milk and milk and honey bath for love

How to save a marriage in a crisis
When the relationship gets cold, the fights stay constant and the interest decreases, we must act to recover the marriage.
This happened to Mariana.
After eight years of marriage, she faced a crisis in marriage.
She thought this situation would be temporary, but she was wrong.
When she noticed that her husband was beginning to be late every day, she realized that she needed urgent action.
She investigated and found this ebook of a relationship psychologist.
This ebook teaches simple techniques to restore marriage in a few days.
The change was amazing!
Soon her husband fell back in love and both of them had a happy, fight-free marriage.
Sensational, right?
Are you interested in learning these techniques? Here is the info:
Know also
Esoteric wine and bathroom with red wine for love
Washing esoteric and lavender bath for love
Sorrows and rituals to avoid loving ruptures
Ichizo of fidelity and spell to know if he deceives me (infidelity)
Loyalty Brother Suspechar is a painful experience that, on many occasions, is basically motivated by lack of communication and lack of security in the affectiv

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