echizo of the purple onion / ritual of the purple onion The onion, originally from Central Asia, is an annual or biennial horticultural plant, belonging to the family of liliaceae, which is cultivated by its bulbs, also called onions. Onions have a lot of vitamin C, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, folate and potassium. A cup of raw onion has 61 calories.
As for purple onions, they are one of the best natural sources of quercetin, a bioflavonoid that is particularly suited to eliminate free radicals. In addition to its antioxidant properties, it has been discovered that chercetin has anticancer, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
It has demonstrated a promising potential to prevent and control the formation of intestinal polyps, suppressing rinovirus that are the underlying cause of common cold, treating psoriasis and inhibiting the replication of viruses, including the simple herpes virus that can cause labial herpes.
In addition to quercetin, the purple onions provide alicine, a powerful compound that promotes the health that is found in the onions and other members of the Allium family when the plant is crushed or chopped. Alicin has been shown to promote cardiovascular health, prevent and treat cancer and reduce high blood pressure. It has also been suggested that alicine could be useful for people with dandruff due to its antifungal properties.
The purple onions are a rich source of chromium, an oligoelement that can help control the glucose levels. This is great news for those who suffer from insulin resistance as chromium is essential for insulin activity in carbohydrate metabolism, fats and proteins.
Lack of chromium-rich foods, such as onions, in the diet can lead to insulin resistance and blood sugar control and may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. In addition, there is evidence that suggests that severe chromium deficiency can make weight loss more difficult or even cause weight gain.
These are good to reduce the risk of getting cancer. People in southern Europe, who eat a lot of onion, have 84 percent less risk of developing mouth cancer, 88 percent less risk of throat cancer, 56 percent less colorectal cancer, 25 percent less breast cancer, 73 percent less ovarian cancer and 71 percent less prostate cancer, compared to those who consume less onion.
Esoteric properties of onion
In ancient Egypt the onion, although edible bulb, was considered sacred plant and buryed its Pharaohs with onions because they believed that these were signs of eternal life. In fact, in nearby Asia Minor there was no magic rite in which there was no main part. The old man rubbed his body with her in the belief that he avoided any contagious disease.
Even today, many carry with them a piece of onion in the belief that it will rid them of unpleasant diseases and encounters.
Among the Greeks there was chromiummance (of crommion = onion) one of the divine arts consisting of taking one to one the different layers to this bulb.
The naturalist Plinio el Viejo, from the 1st century, says that in his time a fresh onion was applied to the wound produced by the dog bite as relief and cure. Equally, there was in that epic the belief of placing in the room a fluous onions left, since it is believed that they will absorb germs and miasmas; once the danger is passed, the onions must be burned.
The English scholar Richard Burton says in his Anatomy of Melancholy (1621) that in his time many young people left on the altar of their parish an onion on Christmas Eve for God to send them a convenient husband.
It is believed that leaving pieces of onion in the kitchen, without using, attracts the bad lighthouse. Artemidoro of Ephesus, from the second century, in his Interpretation of Dreams, states: “If you dream a shepherd with them, it is a favorable sign, since the plant is lethal to the wolf. Likewise, it is a sign of good luck when he dreams of sadness”-
Ichizo of the purple onion
Ichizo of the purple onion for the cleaning of the house
1 onion purple
250 grams of white rose petals
White sugar
1 latita
It puts to dry in the sun a purple onion cut in very small pieces along with 250 grams of petals of white roses.
Once everything is reduced to dust, it is placed in a small tin, it was sprinkled with sugar, it is set on fire with charcoals and the house is purified in this way.
Ichizo of the purple onion to dominate a man
Special ingredients and utensils:
1 onion purple
1 cooking oil
1 piece of cotton
1 small candle, night
1 man sperm
1 small dish
The lower part of the inhabited onion is cut (a little so that it can be supported on the plate), it is placed inside, hollowed, a small candle, at night, and lighted. Then you pour a good amount of cooking oil, to make the candle burn for longer, and after putting there a cotton embedded with sperm of the man you want to dominate.
Ritual of the purple onion
Ritual of the purple onion for the garden to grow with more vigor
1 onion purple
3 grains of rice
1 baboon
1 big handkerchief
The purple onion is wrapped with rice beans and babosa, and left in a corner of the garden.
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Ichizo of the purple onion and ritual of the purple onion
Hechizo of the purple onion / ritual of the purple onion The onion, originally from Central Asia, is an annual or biennial horticultural plant, belonging to th

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