Ichizo to know if you love me and prayer to know if you love me




Ichizo to know if you love me and prayer to k 1

Ichizo to know if you love me and prayer to know if you love me Many times we feel doubt about the love of our partner especially when we start a relationship and that is that that stage is always a delicate moment in the process of falling in love.

It is important to note that this is not only a matter of insecurity or lack of affection, but that it is a normal uncertainty to ask about the present and even more about the future of the relationship. From there we ask ourselves a series of questions about the relationship that include knowing if your partner doesn't want you or how to know if someone wants you


In this sense, we will present, then spell to know if you want me and prayer to know if you love me.


Sorrows and rituals

Ichizo to know if you want me
Through this simple ritual we can know if our partner loves us. The result will basically refer to what it feels at this time. If we are negative, we must work to earn our love, if that person really cares.

Required items

A cazo full of salt water

A white candle

The ritual will work more accurately if the water used comes from the sea, although we can use running water mixed with thick sea salt.

The ritual consists of heating salt water for seven minutes. Light the candle with a wooden match. Drop two drops of white wax in salt water. recite a prayer. Get off the street. Throw the water out in front of the door. Wait for someone to pass in front of you to know the result.

If the first person we see after throwing the bucket full of salt water is our same sex, it will mean that our partner loves us as much as we love her.

If the first person we see after throwing ei cazo is one of the opposite sex, we must work hard to get his love. To spend a dog instead of a person, this will be a good omen; a sign that the relationship has possibilities to evolve in a favorable sense.

If you pass a cat, it will be a symbol of great difficulties that you will have to go through the relationship in order to realize your dreams and realize your love in a full way. In this case it is important to know that the greatest loves arise from the greatest difficulties and that sometimes suffering leads to the greatest satisfaction, even if it is shared.


Ichizo to know if you want me
Knowing what our partner feels, sometimes, is a difficult task that can well become obsession.
Sometimes words and gestures are not enough and we need to know if the person we love corresponds to the same intensity.


This oracular method was originally used by women who were about to marry to know whether marriage was desirable and whether it would overcome all obstacles imposed on it.

Its meaning can be extrapolated to any kind of relationship, although it does not necessarily involve a marriage, because the obstacles that any couple must overcome to go forward are, in short, always the same.

Required items

Three fine metal forks

A tree leaf

An incense rod roses

A glass of salt water

The blade can be of any tree whenever its size is not less than the palm of the hand without including the fingers. Forks will have to be metal and thin, the simplest we can find. Salt water, if it is marine, better; but if it does not get it, it will serve with running water mixed with marine fat salt.

The ritual consists of wetting the forks in salt water. Close the tree leaf in half, with the rose incense rod inside. Catch the blade with the three forks, put each other, holding the rod. Fire at the end of the rod.
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The rose incense rod will burn to some point inside the leaf, then it will turn off. The result we will be able to find out how many forks the incense is over. If it exceeds the three forks, the person is lost in love with us and our love will be able to with any obstacle that arises from him. If it exceeds two of the forks, we can say that love is at the door, but that keeping it will require both of us to work. Your flame can become high if we propose.

In the event that the coal exceeds only one fork, possibly the other person is not in love with us, in which case we should rethink what we feel for our partner and fight for it as long as we do not have doubts about our love. If the panty has not exceeded any forks, it is not necessary to worry; the ritual has not worked and it will be necessary to do it again to get a satisfactory response


Ichizo to know if you love me (be loved)

This is a simple ritual that we can practice whenever we want them to love us. It is a practice of candle magic that, by its simplicity, will serve as a spell to ask for a desire and ritual as a consultation.

Required items: A red candle


The ritual consists of lighting the red candle using a wooden rod or another candle; it will not serve a lighter or any type of electric or gas lighter. Ask the desire to be loved and see how the candle burns, attending to the form of the flame and its way of consuming.

When observing the flame we must pay attention to several factors that will indicate to what extent our desire can be fulfilled. It is advisable to practice this ritual on a Friday, for the goddess Venus will favor us in everything that is related to love. We'll also have to do it at night, like all candle magic.

How the candle burns

  • If the flame is high and alive, our desire is well en routed.
  • If the flame is low and titubea, we may not be clear what we really want.
  • In case the wax chisporrotea, we will find several obstacles in our way.
  • If the flame has a very pronounced blue dye at its base, our desire will be fulfilled more, with positive things we had not imagined.
  • If the candle is consumed completely, the desire will be fulfilled.
  • In the event that the candle turns off before we finish consuming, we will have asked

If the flame goes up and down, changing intensity, there will be people who oppose the realization of our desire.

If it turns off soon after it is turned on and we have to turn it on several times, the desire will be very difficult to fulfill and we will have to work harder than we expected...

Then there is a simple prayer to know if you love me


Prayer to know if you love me

Father, thank you for your love. Thank you Jesus for making possible a love relationship with you.

I rejoice in knowing that your love has no end and that I have not even begun to understand the depths of your love for me.

However, I am now in a dilemma since I do not know if (person's name) truly loves me with honesty and seriousness.

Help me to recognize the signs that indicate authentic love and help me consolidate it by always keeping the teaching that You have given us.

Help me (name of the other person) also take, on your part, a step that takes us, if that were the case, to consolidate our love.

Show me the way I must follow in order to clarify this situation.

Thank you Lord for the help you can give me.


If you want to know more about the spell to know if you want me and prayer to know if you love me, you can ask your question in the comment section.


Know also

Compatibility of signs for love (pair and sexuality)

Feng shui for love and marriage (courts and amulets)

Venus's Oracle for Lovely A divination What is it?

Prayer for me to declare his love and ritual to be declared

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Ichizo to know if you love me and prayer to know if you love me

Ichizo to know if you love me and prayer to know if you love me Many times we feel doubt about the love of our partner especially when we start a relationship






Ichizo to know if you love me and prayer to k 1
Ichizo to know if you love me and prayer to k 1

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