Ichizo to remove a person from work, house and others (ritual)




Ichizo to remove a person from work house and 1

Ichizo to get away from a person Sometimes there are people in our lives who bother us and make us feel bad at our work, home, etc. or can even be a negative influence for us, as they are taking us a bad way! Hence the need to move away as soon as possible.

Here we detail a series of spells and rituals that are meant to separate that undesirable person. However, it is important to ensure that there is no bad will for the person. The fact that you want someone to leave your life doesn't mean you have to hate it. If you hate them, these rituals and spells are not for you!


Let's see, then, spell to drive a person and ritual away from a person.


How to remove an undesirable person with effective spells

Ichizo to remove an undesirable person #1 with thick salt

This is certainly one of the most powerful spells to keep an undesirable person away, as thick salt is very powerful.


1 handful of thick salt or fine salt

If you don't have the thick


If you have that neighbor

or friend who doesn't leave your house, or has been disrupting your life negatively and you want that person to stay away from you (without hurting him), it's very simple.

Take a little thick salt and place it at your neighbor's door or on a path where it passes and ask San Cipriano to keep this undesired person away from you.

Imagine it's someone who's your job, you can take some thick or thin salt in your pocket and when you go through the person or place where you're used to, do the same, put salt without anyone seeing and praying to San Cipriano to get that person away from time to time. “Dear San Cipriano, remove this person from my life once and for all.”


Ichizo to remove a person from work #2 With candles

The candles are powerful vibratory elements that intensify your desires and intentions. If you resort to a dark green color will provide you with the energy necessary to achieve what you want, which in this case would be to remove a negative person from your life.

Before you turn on the candle you must clean it well to neutralize the energies of those who have touched it before; the easiest way to do it is with a wet sponge using water and soap, then you can dry it with a towel.


And finally, if you do not find dark green candles, use whites; never replace them with a different color, since each tone has a certain purpose.

You need:

A dark green candle (or white in case of not finding it)

A chandelier.

Wooden matches.

Turn them off.


Use only new candles and always deliver them for the same purpose. This does not mean that once you have reached the target you cannot turn them on again; you can do it, but simply for decorative purposes.


Take a moment to meditate and relax, remove from your mind any negative thoughts toward that person. Don't worry, at first it can cost you a little, but with time and practice it will become easier. Put the candle in the lampstand and light it. Repeat the relaxation exercise again.

When you feel ready repeat six times: “I forgive you for all the bad moments that you have made me live. Forgive me for those disgusts I've caused you. There are no grudges between the two; I just want you to stay away as you are a bad influence in my life. I want (person's name) not to be in my life anymore.

Turn off the candle, do not blow it or use your fingers, as you will break the magic; use the sooth or some metallic object, such as a spoon that you no longer use, to do so. Save all items in a private place. Perform this ceremony for nine days or nine consecutive nights, starting on a Friday. Previously check that they do not match the new moon.
Zonas Azules

As long as the ritual lasts it is important to prevent other people from manipulating these elements, as the candle is loaded with your vibrations and, when taken by someone else, it will be impregnated with its energy.


Ichizo to remove a person from my home #3 With a white cup

Buy a white cup and pour some water into it. Cover with a dish and let rest for one night. In the morning, take the cup of water in your hands and tell him as if you were talking to him: “As the waves of the sea come, hit the rock and come back, so (say the name of the person) will leave my life. “

Then pour the water into a vase and use the cup again as usual.


Ichizo to remove a person #3 With incense

Any day of the week, when you can stay in a quiet place, no noise, do this spell. Lie down, relax for 15 minutes, always keeping your eyes closed and reflecting in your memory the face of each person who considers his enemy.


After that, light an incense preferably from rude

and keep the ashes in a small box of matches.

Take this box with you and every time you find those people who want to get away from your life, throw a pinch of ash, until it's over.


Ichizo to remove a person #4 with toronjil

Material required:

1 handful of toronjil

A piece of white fabric

1 sheet of paper with the name of the person

How to prepare:

Make a bag with the cloth, place the grass and paper with the person's name inside.

When you leave the house, take this package and place it on a dry plant or dry tree, making your order.

Know also Prayer to remove a bad person from my home, work, etc. (salmo)

Ichizo to remove a person from work house and 2 Prayer to drive a person away Envy, angry, and antipathy are hard feelings to control and, therefore, become negative energies both for those who (...)


Ichizo to remove a person #5 with incense and garnet

The first Sunday of the month, passes the smoke of the incense lavender

around a garnet stone and then do the same around your body, taking care not to burn with the coals. Let the incense burn to the end, collect the ashes that have fallen to the ground and blow the wind from the window of your bedroom. Use the stone as an amulet, always taking it with you. This spell is done when there are several negative people who want to stay away from your life.


Ritual to remove a person

Those who wish to stop being disturbed by obsessive admirers or people who harass for some benefit (sellers or people who ask for a favor that cannot be fulfilled to them for example), the only thing they should do will be to write with a marker, pen, etc., the full name of the person in a piece of root of ruibarbo and then bury it on the edge of a stream, creek or quebrada.


Know also

Which means freezing a photograph or putting a person's name on ice

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Ichizo to remove a person from work, house and others (ritual)

Ichizo to get away from a person Sometimes there are people in our lives who bother us and make us feel bad at our work, home, etc. or can even be a negative i






Ichizo to remove a person from work house and 1
Ichizo to remove a person from work house and 1
Ichizo to remove a person from work house and 1
Ichizo to remove a person from work house and 1

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