Improvement of esoteric properties The hat has a slightly intense aroma. It occurs in temperate climates. It blooms between the months of July and September and forms large vegetation killings that measure 60 cm high. The flowers are pink and white. There are a great variety of bests, but perhaps the best known is the Origanum majorana or majorana hortensis.
A tender plant in North Africa that blooms from June to September. Its flowers are malvas and are ready for verticilastros. The bracts that protect the flowers make them practically hidden at the ends of the stem. It's the best taste for the kitchen.
Properties of the best for health
The bestana has soothing, sedative, analgesic, digestive and vasodilating properties.
Improvement is recommended to regulate digestion, strengthen the weak stomach and relax the nervous system. In recent studies it has been determined that it could act as an alternative medicine in the treatment of herpes.
It is commonly used in compresses to relieve muscle pains, in ointments indicated to heal burns and bruises and infusions prescribed to eliminate insomnia, spasms, anxiety and hypertension. Let's see, then, the improved esoteric properties.
Improvement of esoteric properties
In ancient Greece, the bestowal was awarded as one of the essential attributes dedicated to the goddess of love. The youth of that time carried with them a branch of the plant believing that they would thus attract a sweet and compatible love.
Women of marriage age were burning martial dust in order to achieve a well-off, stable and above all lifelong marriage.
Due to its intense smell, it was also mixed with incense in order to perform spells and rituals to attract money.
It is believed to create a barrier against sadness. It is said that whoever wears a betterna (or lives among them) would live happily forever. Currently in the esoteric world, the bestana can be used to banish pain and restore smile and optimism. The smooth and ovate leaves are sprayed and burn in coal to clean the room/house of the negative.
Improves magic properties
Burning a handful of beacon leaves together with incense at the entrance of a business at dawn in order that its smell attracts the clientele and, at the same time, the money.
Build a violet-colored saquito that will be filled with hat and 17 chamomile flowers and will be exposed to sunlight for three days. Then it will be placed in a place where money is kept in order to be increased. If desired, you can load that bag with which money is attracted and at the same time you counteract depression, anger and discouragement.
For space protection, e
n waning moon, sprinkle Dry Improvement on your floor and leave it all night. Negativity fades forever from your space. All the badges are broken. All negativity flees before the magic of this mighty Herb of Aphrodite. First thing in the morning clean it with a normal broom or a vacuum cleaner.
Take a bag of bee and violet to help you fight seasonal flu and winter depression. Besides, this mixture of herbs suits fairies.
Make tea and drink for love, happiness, healing, health, money, peace, protection, sleep, joy, desires and psychic improvement. Use it in a bathroom by placing a bag of mesh under the tap water for love and peace. Burn it on slow fire to help you accept life changes. Take it in a bag to protect you from evil, and add it to the food to share with your object of affection to strengthen love
Recommendations for cultivation and use
In warm countries it is treated as an outside plant that produces small bushes of about 20 cm high. It suits meats excellently, especially cold ones, and soft vegetables such as pumpkin and potatoes.
All upgrades can dry easily to be used in winter. Both the flowers and the leaves are suitable to incorporate them into the popuries of flowers or dried leaves.
Cultivation: both the potato and the wild are easily developed from a seed sown in spring, from the transplanted cuttings in summer or from the separation of the root in autumn. On the other hand, Origanum majorana can only stay outside for a part of the year.
The seeds of the three types of marjoram can be sown in the interior or in fresh places at the beginning of spring. They can be transplanted to the outside as soon as there is no risk of frost. In warm areas it can be treated as an outdoor plant all year round.
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Improves esoteric and magical health properties
Improvement of esoteric properties The hat has a slightly intense aroma. It occurs in temperate climates. It blooms between the months of July and September an
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