Interpreting the Signs of Destiny or the Universe (How to Do It)




Interpreting the signs of destiny or the univ 1

Interpret the Signs of Destiny or the Universe

In the rushes of day to day, it is very common for us to do our tasks with the “automatic pylotus” and to forget to pay attention to the unique events that surround us, and especially to the signals we receive from the Universe.

The signals of the Universe are a form of direct communication with us, and can tell us that we are in the “correct path”; towards prosperity and fullness or by diverting us from our deeper needs.



Everything happens for one reason: the synchronization principle

First, it is important to understand that everything in our life (all really!) happens for a reason: there are no coincidences, but synchronies.

And what is synchronization? It is a state of alignment in the Universe, in which things, situations, people, are shown in harmony.

When it is consciously analyzed, through a spiritual awakening, we can interpret synchronicity as a true sign.

This is a “personalized” message addressed to us that can be expressed in various ways: the repeated numbers of the watch, for example, are a classic case.

If at any time of the day you consult your watch and find 11:11, 22:22, 15:15 (usually the same hour) pay attention to what you are doing at that very moment.

The synchronization of these numbers tends to be a message of the universe, noting that you are moving in a good direction and that this moment tends to be significant.


Signs of the Universe: Where is it?

Synchronization can be in everything. In the most crowded urban centers, with many cars and lots of traffic, it can be difficult to move from one point to another in the city without encountering jams and retainings. However, it is very possible that you have experienced the following situation:

You're in your car driving on a regular route in your daily life (and in which traffic is slow) but... out of nowhere, everything seems to flow. Inexplicablely, all traffic lights are in green, there are few cars on the road and your road is clear. Coincidence?

Through the fluidity of traffic, synchrony between all the elements so that your passage is pleasant, the Universe sends you a sign that your life also flows well, that you are on the right path.

But beware, the opposite is also true: heavy and slow traffic can mean there's something in you that doesn't flow.

Understand that traffic is only one of the signs you can observe. Never ignore the context, especially if you live in cities with many jams.



How to interpret the signs of fate or the universe with synchronization

So you've had an increase in synchronization recently. Maybe you wonder what this means and how you can interpret it correctly.

If you learn to correctly interpret the signs and omens that appear in your life, you will know when you are on the right track, when you are making the wisest decisions and when you are living in accordance with your deeper needs and values.

Sometimes synchronization announces new doors (or opportunities) that can be opened in your life. Other times, synchronization is simply trying to teach you a lesson, for example, to stop chasing the relationship/work you proposed, because it's not going to work.

Here are some of the most precise ways to interpret synchronization:

How to interpret the signs of fate

#1: Meditate and look inside
. Ask yourself: “What does this synchronization mean?” If you still have doubts, repeat the same practice three times and see what answer you get.

How to interpret the signs of fate #2

Tune with your body.
Your body is a deposit of wisdom and will tell you the truth, regardless of what your mind tries to make you believe. When you think you know what synchronization means, tune with your body. Do you feel chills, chicken skin, or sensation of expansion as if an internal bulb had been turned off? If so, I probably found the right explanation. If, on the contrary, your body does not experience significant changes, you probably have not found the right answer.
MX Motocross

How to interpret the signs of fate

#3 Uses a pendulum
. The pendulum

radiant is a powerful way to get a direct response from your unconscious mind. Just take a pendulum (or a substitute) and ask a question that requires a “yes/no” answer. “.

How to interpret the signs of fate

#4 Find patterns.
An easy way to interpret synchronization in your life is to find patterns in your behavior. What questions or questions a lot arose in your life right now? What has been the biggest source of anxiety/frustration you've dealt with? Synchronization usually arises when we need answers and solutions. Find patterns and link them to your synchronization.


How to interpret the signs of fate

#5 Explore symbolism.
Often, synchronicity is symbolic (e.g., the black cat that always dreams, which symbolizes negativity/bad elections, the number “1” that is repeated and symbolizes “being number one”). Is there any symbolic aspect present in your synchronization? If yes, what does it mean to you? Yes, you can consult a symbol dictionary or search for meanings on the Internet. But remember that the most important meaning is that you believe in and believe in.

How to interpret the signs of fate

#6 Use the oracle and the tarot cards.
The renowned psychologist Carl Jung once commented on the Chinese method of divination of the I Ching: “For more than thirty years I have been interested in this technique of oracle, or method of exploration of the unconscious, because it seemed to me that it had an unusual meaning.

He also knows:

Significado del número 7 en lospirit, esoterico, biblico y numerologia

Which means number 8 in the spiritual, in the Bible and numerology

Thanks to the I Ching, Jung developed his theory, which he coined as “synchronicity.” One of the easiest ways to interpret synchronization is to consult an oracle or a jar of angels

. Take the letter from the top of the deck and turn it around. Pay attention to the sensations that the image produces: is it positive and welcoming or hostile and negative? Depending on the type of card that touches you, you'll get your answer. You can also use the tarot and oracle letters for much more than just “yes/no” answers: they can help reveal the central meaning of the synchronization you face.

How to interpret the signs of fate

#7 Listen to your dreams.
Your dreams reveal much about the synchronization that occurs in your life: they are the language of the unconscious mind. You can try to analyze your dreams

passively or actively try to “incubate” (or create) dreams that will help you answer your question. To practice the incubation of dreams, think about the synchronization that has occurred in your life lately a half hour before bed. Write your question or make a drawing that symbolizes your synchronization and put it under your pillow. This will help prepare your unconscious mind and be ready to give you answers.


Know also

Chinese Numerology Meaning Numbers (Chinese Lucky Number)

Bingo as played to guess the future (numbers and meanings)

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How to call upon the angel of the keeper and angel prayer of my keeper (11:11)

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Interpreting the Signs of Destiny or the Universe (How to Do It)

Interpret the Signs of Destiny or the Universe In the rushes of day to day, it is very common for us to do our tasks with the “automatic pylotus” and to fo





Interpreting the signs of destiny or the univ 1
Interpreting the signs of destiny or the univ 1

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