Intuit how to develop and activate the sixth sense




Intuit how to develop and activate the sixth 1

Intuition how to develop it You've probably heard of the sixth sense or intuition at some point, although at school they told us that we only have five: sight, taste, smell, touch and ear.

Traditional senses allow us to perceive external stimuli through certain parts of the body as our language, eyes or hands.

However, when we speak of the sixth sense we refer to something that leads us to the world of parapsychology, because we perceive these stimuli beyond the traditional senses, as if somehow we could feel what will happen.



Meaning of sixth sense or indication

Like many experiences in parapsychology, the sixth sense usually develops unexpectedly and beyond our control. When someone is sleeping or doing any other task, it comes out as a flame that opens.

A very clear image or a sound that flies in our thoughts for a second. It's like something completely alien to us, a letter we suddenly received in our mailbox and read in a thousandth of a second.

Sometimes, this sixth sense does not develop through the mental image we have just explained, but as an intuitive perception. Spontaneously, a person is strongly convinced, suddenly aware of a particular event. Generally, this occurs when the subject is in an environment away from where the fact took place, whose information has just been received (or, better said, perceived).

This causes the fact that people around the ‘reader’ find it difficult to believe that the person has an extrasensory perception, because there would be no way to know beforehand (for example, an accident has just occurred or a tragedy will soon occur). A common example of this is how the Titanic sinking was predicted 14 years earlier, and this event was included in the book The Wreck of the Titan, which provided incredible data on what happened next.


What can we consider a sixth sense?

The sixth sense raises controversy among researchers, because some claim it is a deception of parasicology, while others give evidence of its existence. Cartesian thought often makes us consider that what is not proven is not true, so we focus on the facts that can be observed through smell, taste, touch, ear and sight, leaving aside everything that can be perceived through the spiritual dimension.

That's why the sixth sense sometimes looks like magic, esoteric, not quantifiable. However, there are others who point out that intuition is a form of rapid processing of information that develops through practice and attention.

Types of sixth sense

Thus, for example, we could qualify telepathy as a sixth sense. What we understand as telepathy is the ability to communicate mentally with someone who is close or far away. It is not a non-verbal communication through signs or anything like that. In telepathy, we speak through raw thoughts, as if the two brains were connected by an invisible thread.


Clairvoyance is another way of possessing a sixth sense. By clairvoyance we refer to a visual perception that goes beyond our eyes and the traditional concept of sight, and that can lead us to see what happened in the same place where we are long before, or what happens (or happened) in other distant places.

Many people can work in their clairvoyance and sixth sense when they contact an element of the past, or one that belonged to the person they want to know. Others can use tools like pendulum

In this case, we would be talking about psychokinesis, the influence of the mind on matter.

Among the scholars who analyzed parapsychology and sixth sense, we can highlight the name of Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine, born in the late nineteenth century. Joseph Banks Rhine created the University of Duke's Parapsychology Laboratory, the Journal of Parapsychology and the Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man, which allowed parapsychology to be given dignity as a study method away from witchcraft and other magical beliefs, focusing on the pure power of the human mind.


Intuit how to develop it (exercise)

It is said that the sixth sense is universal and innate, but to be aware of what is communicated requires practice and training, which can be done in many ways. Here are three exercises to develop the sixth sense

Intuit how to develop it #1 Contact yourself
We live in a society where we are constantly being called through emails, phones and even game consoles can send us text messages. This drives us away from our own personal essence. - Programas de TV, Series, Guía de episodios.

Therefore, to train your intuition, try to make short introspective pauses to meditate. Relax and breathe, and find a way to stimulate your inner guide, to hear your truth, which you can sometimes not hear.

We need to master our limits and learn things as difficult as saying no to a situation (or a specific situation).

You could take notes of any intuitive thought you have, your dreams at night...


Intuition how to develop it #2 Contact others
Adopt an open posture to the world and accept the fact that it cannot control or know everything. Sometimes random and unexpected can seize you.

Know also
Telepathy exercises (which is telepathy and examples of how to develop it)

He needs to learn to get carried away by his environment, not to master it. You have to get rid of your own mind. Therefore, when you get in touch with someone, at a conference, taking a cup of coffee, pay all your attention to that person and will learn to look at it under a new approach and a new light.

Intuition how to develop it

#3. Train your perception
Relax your rhythm in life, because hurry and stress prevent you from paying attention to what surrounds you, to the small things that bring color to your life.

Focusing on what surrounds you helps calm your mind and makes your concerns go to the back seat, until the moment you should really be treated. Go beyond your eyes, do not concentrate on the sense of view that is usually the center of everything. In short: open new perspectives to your environment.


Know also

Female intuition in love (presentations of love)

Remote vision It is and how to develop it (like having remote vision)

Extrasensory perception such as developing it and exercises (zener test cards)

Prayer to clean the aura and prayer to close the aura

How to make it?

Intuit how to develop and activate the sixth sense

Intuition how to develop it You've probably heard of the sixth sense or intuition at some point, although at school they told us that we only have five: sight,





Intuit how to develop and activate the sixth 1
Intuit how to develop and activate the sixth 1

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