The workplaces are places where negative energies are exposed that may come, in some cases, from the envy, competitiveness, or professional jealousy of those who work with one (workers, bosses, subordinates, etc.). |
On other occasions, negative energies are unconsciously emanated by customers or other people who come in and constantly leave the workplace, which dirty the environment leading to various discomforts and conflicts.
The aim of these rituals is to create a shield that will repel these harmful influences.
Amulet of protection in the job interview
Raye crusts of pine tree, cedar and eucalyptus and mezclelas, add a drop of honey, two sheets of mint previously dried to the Sun and sand (white) of sea; prepare a green saquito for amulets, enter into this all the elements, tie it with cotton yarn and save it between a coffer of wood two days, write in an ink and a work pen.
Roll the scroll, tie it with unspoilt cotton yarn and expose it in the light of a white candle, a green, an orange and a yellow (place the candles in the form of a box and place the scroll in the center); unite the parchment with cinnamon essence and put it in the saquito; then take this one between your hands near the heart and carry it with labor protection energies and professional neck;
Amulet of protection at work #1
Buy a cactus or a small hawk, sow it in a clay mat, water it and baptize it with a name that should not reveal to anyone, place around the plant eight white river stones, expose the plant three days in the light of the first rays of the Sun and three nights in the light of the moon's rays.
The fourth night ubiquitous on a violet cloth, in the center the plant, to the south a white candle, to the north an incense of cinnamon or sandal, to the east a glass with water and to the west a white dish with a handful of unspoilt land, to carry the plant of protection energies, concentrate on this purpose while lighting the candle and incense, use the next floor with the
Amulet of protection at work #2
On Friday, in the hours of the night, write with plant blue ink, and a goose pen, on a virgin parchment (previously anointed with sandal) a prayer of peace, a phrase of harmony and love, a personal prayer for tranquility and sosiego or some words that for you represent all these concepts.
Then double the scroll four times, tie it with a white ribbon and save it in a hand-woven white saquito with virgin wool, containing a white dove pen; charge it with protection energies against conflict and chaos, take it with you, hung from the neck, left wrist or left ankle when you have to face situations, environments, people, meetings or any other space in which you flow, ideas flow, etc.
Amulet of protection at work #3
This magical amulet protects us from the negative feelings of others and at the same time provides the energy and motivation necessary to develop in the best possible way the tasks assigned to us.
7 tacks
7 pins
7 small nails
3 small lemons
3 pieces of fabric 15 x 15 cm: one white, one yellow and another red
1 white candle
1 patchuli incense wand.
Come on, Tuesday, the white candle and the incense. Then it should be nailed into one of the lemons the tacks. Draw on the fruit a little of the candle wax and then wrap it in the red cloth. Turn off the candle and incense. Listas y rankings
The next day, the lemon should be left early in the morning in a desk drawer and say, "Let all the envy of this place come out and be clean of any negative influence." At the end of the day you should wrap the lemon with paper and throw it in a place away from the office or work center.
In the following night, light the candle and the incense and stick in the other lemon the pins, while it is said: "From the enemies that remain, deliver me Lord." Envolver e! lemon on the yellow cloth, turn off the candle and incense. The next day, the same procedure is performed.
On the third night, turn on the candle and the incense and stick the small nails in the remaining lemon, saying, "From the small enemies, I take care of myself." Wrap the lemon in a white cloth. Turn off the candle and take the office or work center. Keep the lemon in a drawer where no one sees it which should stay there until it dries.
Ichizo of protection against envy
If it is to your home, your family or your work, you should place ten drops of rude juice on a piece of red fabric, and paste it under the main furniture of the main room of the house. Then place in every corner of the same room some pieces of rude root to clean. This should be renewed once a month.
Prote spellction against energy drops
Sometimes at work the energy is lowered. It can be due to a number of factors such as monotoma work. However, there are external causes, such as negative entities, that steal energy and make it difficult for us to even concentrate on work.
Below is a protection spell against this type of situations that loads us of energy. Every day, when you get up, and then wash your face well, you have to recite the next magic order. “Everything in this life is of interest to me, since I can acquire a knowledge of everything, even if it is the smallest thing in the world, so it is and so it will be. ”
This powerful order will produce the right movement of energies for concentration and strength to come again
Job protection spells
The workplaces are places where negative energies are exposed that may come, in some cases, from the envy, competitiveness, or professional jealousy of those w
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