Karmic debt Much has been spoken of karma and, on some occasions in the wrong way. In that sense, there are people who say that such or which person is complicated, irreverent, and that he becomes ‘karma’ of another when in reality this term entails another concept.
Karma is an energy that everyone produces according to their way of acting, thinking and feeling. When the person does things with the clear goal of helping others, not hurting with bad actions and less with words, he is generating good karma that will bring him countless benefits
However, when the person does not lose the opportunity to avenge, to offend, to act negatively, leaving his or her step misleading and pain; that individual will receive in return the effect of his or her behavior unless he or she creates awareness of the damage and takes some positive experience of such a situation to be overcome.
That is the karma of a person
Karma is born in the east where it is supported by religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. This is where karma is directly linked to reincarnation.
The individual dies in a life and immediately incarnates or later in another body either human or animal, depending on the karmic burden he carries with him. It comes to life to learn and to put into practice what has been learned in the past for the purpose that the subsequent existences will be ever better.
In other words, both religions agree to consider that karma is generated by each person in their own way, the emotions and feelings of their own intervene, who is interested in generating good karma might well lead to practice one of the most wise teachings of Jesus: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Let's see, then, it's karmic debt and how to pay it.
Karmic debt How to improve everything that was a mistake?
Deepak Chopra in “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” states that three things can be done regarding past karma: “The first is to pay karmic debts. Most people choose to do this unconsciously, of course.
This can also be our choice. Sometimes the payment of such debts implies much suffering, but the law of karma says that in the universe there is never an outstanding debt. The accounting system of this universe is perfect, and everything is a constant exchange of energy, from one side to the next.
The second possibility is to transform or convert karma into a more desirable experience. This is a very interesting process, in which one wonders while paying karmic debt What can I learn from this experience? Why is this happening to me and what is the message? What is the universe trying to communicate? How can I make this experience useful to my congeners, human beings? By doing this, we seek the beginning of opportunity, and then join it with our dharma, that is the purpose of our life...
The third way to confront karma is to transcend it. To transcend karma is to be independent of it. To do so you must constantly enter the space of pure consciousness, to feel the self, the spirit.” This is achieved exclusively through meditation.
Types of karma
Those who have deepened the subject refer to several kinds of karma, namely:
IndividualEach person creates their own karmas and pays in some way their bad actions, but when acting properly it may diminish their pain or suffering and at the same time mature karma.
Family:When people who make up a home do not work well despite being aware of the need to do so, they suffer and cause others to suffer.
CollectiveAt the time a person associates with others and forms part of a group begins to be part of a collective mind, then social and even political problems also become part of a collective karma.
What is dharma and karma
The word dharma comes from the Sanskrit root dhri, which means “sustain”, “maintain” or “preserve”. In the first Vedas and other ancient Hindu texts, dharma referred to the cosmic law that created the universe ordained from chaos.
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It then applied to other contexts, including human behaviors and life forms that prevent society, the family and nature from falling into chaos. This included the concepts of duty, rights, religion and morally appropriate behaviour, so dharma became understood as a means to preserve and maintain righteousness.
At the individual level, dharma may refer to a mission or personal purpose. Traditionally, an individual's dharma is believed to be predetermined.
Depending on karma, a soul is born in a particular caste or social group, either as a reward or punishment for actions in their past lives. His way into life is established by universal laws, and the only way to progress is to live within this path and work towards its intended purpose.
It is said that all beings must accept their dharma so that there is order and harmony in the world. If an individual is following his dharma, he is persecuting his true vocation and serving all other beings of the universe playing their true role.
For Hindus, all entities have their own dharma: even the sun should shine and bees should produce honey. In Buddhism, dharma also means acting according to Buddha's teachings and the Four Noble Truths.
It is believed that the result of living from this “correct hand” is self-realization and enlightenment. Especially when your life is aligned with your dharma, it brings a sense of joy and satisfaction.
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Karmic debt That is the karma of a person and that is dharma and karma
Karmic debt Much has been spoken of karma and, on some occasions in the wrong way. In that sense, there are people who say that such or which person is complic
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