Magic package to attract customers, for good luck and more




Magic package to attract customers for good l 1

Magic package to attract customers The cultures around the world have for a long time incorporated small bags, also called magical saquitos, containing herbs, stones and other sacred elements as part of their belief systems, whether to protect themselves from evil, protect them while traveling or attracting positive elements into their lives.

The Egyptians carried amulets to protect themselves and included them in their funeral rituals. Native Americans had bags of medicines full of healing herbs and protective items.


The inhabitants of Africa gathered “pals, stones, roots and bones” in pockets of flannel and they called “mojo” or “grey” bags, which they took to protect themselves, have luck in business or protect themselves from evil, among so many other uses.


Magic package to attract customers How to prepare it?

To create a magical saquito to attract customers, buy or craft a green bag that contains an odd number of herbs, stones and elements that represent prosperity for you. The size of the bag does not matter, provided you find it appropriate for the ingredients you want to include.

The best time to create a magical saquito to attract customers is during the growing moon, which indicates growth. The day of the week related to good fortune and prosperity is Thursday, so a Thursday during the new or growing moon is an ideal environment for its creation.

The list of herbs that attract money is extensive: root of angélica, fresno, basil, laurel, bedul, mora, peas of black eye, camelia, cedar, manzanilla, cinquefoil, clover of four and five leaves, clove, lion's tooth, bell seeds, echinacea, fenogreek, mandragora,

mint, wet beans, moss, myrtle, nutmeg, oak, orange, palm, pacana, pine, rice, sage and verbena.

One of the things that we recommend to people to incorporate into their bags is the herbs that look like money like, for example, the tree of money (Pachira Aquatica)

, a dish of black eye peas and rice accompanied by vegetables (col curly, acelgas, mustard leaves, nabo leaves), with the belief that this will attract prosperity to your business with the entry of more customers.

Greens combine with the color of money, peas look like coins and rice is a symbol of prosperity especially in the Chinese tradition.

You can, too.
add green stones such as emeralds, green aventurine, jade green
or bad for the same reason.


It is also suggested to include items such as real currencies and $1 bills, one rabbit leg

or the amount of necessary money written on a paper sheet. Them magnets
, the magnetic sand and a small mirror or a piece of mirror amplify the power of money attraction.

Once you have assembled your ingredients, look for a quiet and sacred space to create your suit can be even a corner of your home or business you want to attract customers.

Turn on a candle that matches your intention, like a green candle to represent the easy flow of money.

Place your ingredients inside the bag, making sure that only an odd number of ingredients are included. You can read out your intention of a prepared speech or incorporate a
I sing that relates to his intention.

It can be high simple as “My God grant me the means to live a healthy and prosperous life so that my family and, in that sense, that my business may reach customers.” If you prefer to be quiet, look prosperous and happy, and customers who are coming to the door of your trade.

Your magic saquito to attract customers is now complete. Place it where you can easily see it, it can be near the register or door entrance.


Suits for good luck

What we need to create suits for good luck:

A square of green fabric

Mortar or bowl to crush and mix herbs

A lace (to tie the bag)

sage leaves

pine needles

Almond oil

Bays of laurel

Olla express a presion

The preparation of the bag is quite simple, and you can do it in just a few steps, without the need for a special energy.

You just need some concentration for what you're doing.

Here is a process:

First, make sure you have all the ingredients in hand so you don't have to deviate from the work you're doing.

In the bowl or mortar, crush laurel leaves and leaves Sage
. They should look like dust when you're done.

Break the pine needles into tiny pieces and then add them to the mixture you have in the mortar or bowl.


Know also
Rituals to attract customers to a business (secrets and spells)

Magic package to attract customers for good l 2Negative energies cause setbacks in life, both professional and personal, and can lead to bankruptcy (...)

Pour the almond oil into the bowl and form a homogeneous mixture. Mix it well and concentrate on the desire you want to receive.

Extend the tissue on a flat side and fill it with at least two tablespoons of the mixture you have created.

Now take the 4 corners of the handkerchief and close it in a small bag.

With the lace you prepared before, tie the bag and tie precisely 3 knots.

Have this bag near you.


Know also

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Magic package to attract customers, for good luck and more

Magic package to attract customers The cultures around the world have for a long time incorporated small bags, also called magical saquitos, containing herbs,





Magic package to attract customers for good l 1
Magic package to attract customers for good l 1
Magic package to attract customers for good l 1
Magic package to attract customers for good l 1

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