Magical properties of honey: Sorrows and rituals with honey




Magical properties of honey sorrows and ritua 1

Magical properties of honey Honey is made by bees that make it from the flowers pollen.

Its flavor is sweet because it is natural sugar and is considered an excellent food for its great nutritional value, since it contains very balanced proportions of iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and sodium. However, honey is not only used for food purposes.


Magical properties of honey

Since ancient times, honey has been used for magical purposes. In some African tribes, he was given the property to facilitate divination. For that reason, only kings had the right to it.


At present, honey is used in rituals, usually to sweeten someone or get a job although, also, it can help to achieve the opposite effect, such as removing an undesirable person from the house.

Below are more magical properties of honey by spells and rituals


Sorrows with honey

Sorrows with honey to attract the loved one


1 honey spoon

1 ginger bucket powder

1 kitten

Mix the honey with a little ginger on a plat and say aloud “Come closer to me” then repeat the name of the desired person three times always keeping the image of the person in the mind.


Sorrows with honey to attract love #1

It is required:

red wine.


5 nails.

cooking oil.

1 pot.

1 white candle.

Note: If you get almond oil instead of cooking oil, much better.


A white candle is placed inside a casserole and within it is poured a good amount of wine and oil, five spoonfuls of honey and five nails. The candle is lit, which will burn more time for oil and wine.

At 21 days everything is buried at the foot of a bush that has flowers.


Sorrows with honey to attract love #2



1 teaspoon of honey

1/2 cup of water

1 piece of paper

1 pencil

1 glass glass glass

1 red candle

1 kitten

Write, at 12 noon, on a paper the name of the person who wishes to attract. Mix all the ingredients in a glass and light the candle on a plate.


Sorrows with honey to conquer a man

This ritual aims to form a couple's relationship.


1 red apple

1 strip of paper

1 Pencil

1 red candle

1 tablespoon of honey

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 white cloth of 20 cm side approximately

1 red ribbon of 40 cm long

1 knife

Wash the apple well and rub it with a cloth until it is bright while thinking about the loved one. Then stick the tip of the knife to the top and cut a circular piece containing the rabit, taking care that it does not break.

Unite the palms of the hands with honey and pass both by the candle, from top to bottom, seven times (a wet rag should be near to remove the remains of honey from the hands).

Light the candle with a match. Write on paper the name of the loved person. Then roll it and insert it into the apple at the top of it, at the bottom possible.

Add to the apple the teaspoon of cinnamon and, at that time, it is said aloud, with the image of the person desired in the mind: «You will soon discover my charms».

Wrap the apple in the white cloth, tie the package with the red ribbon and place it at the feet of a tree, saying, "I make this offering to the earth so that the passion between (name of the beloved person) and I may arise from it." Perform this ritual on Friday, which is the day dedicated to Venus.


Rituals with honey

Rituals with honey candles to attract love


1 honey candle for 7 days

1 white saucer

1 glass of water

1 red pen

3 branches of the rude

1 piece of white paper without personal

Way to do

Write the name of the loved one on the paper.

Carefully remove the plastic from the candle (then replace the plastic from the candle).

Write your name 7 times around the candle.

Write the name of the loved one 7 times also spinning around the candle. Wrap the candle again with the plastic.

In the dish place the paper with the name of the loved one and the 3 branches of the rude. Place the candle above and a glass of water next door and light the candle for your guardian angel, asking you to be more present, to look for it, to think about you, etc.
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After the candle burns, pour the water into the sink, which remains of the candle, the paper and deposit the dry branches of the rude at the foot of a tree, in a square.


Rituals with honey to get a job #1



1 olive oil spoon

1 honey spoon

Mix both ingredients and then join hands with this preparation. Then put your hands like a speaker and say out loud three times “Soon, soon a job”


Rituals with honey to get a job #2


1 honey spoon

1 liquid candy spoon

1 small melon

1 piece of paper

1 pencil

Write in the paper you want to get a job soon and specify the specifications you want. Then the paper is placed inside the melon that has emptied from seeds and where honey and liquid caramel are thrown. Leave the melon in a hidden place of the house away from ants and other insects, and it is expected until the order is granted.


Honey rituals for the prosperity of a business


1 tablespoon of honey

1 gallon of water

1 balde

5 roses of different colors or tonalities

5 roasted corn kernels

Mix all the ingredients in a bucket. The place should be tiled with this mixture every day.


Honey rituals to attract harmony and peace to the home


1 laurel branch

1 cinnamon branch

1 olive branch

1 tablespoon of honey

1 strip of paper of about 5 cm wide

1 rose incense rod

1 white tape

1 kitten

Understand the incense. Focus on all family members, on people living in the house, starting with the oldest. Write in the paper strip the names of all of them. Place the paper on the plate, with the names up, and pass honey over, with the spoon.

Take the laurel branch, the cinnamon branch and the olive branch with the left hand, holding them in the same cuff. Roll the paper strip, with the names inward, holding the three branches while reciting the following sentence:

Just as sweet honey holds this handjob,

Good feelings keep my family together.

I ask especially for those who are most suffering,

For the gentle perfume of the rose

They're amazed by the mind and the spirit.

Tie around the paper the piece of tape or thread making it seven knots. Hang the bouquet so formed somewhere visible, face down.

This ritual should be performed once a year, from the Sunday of Ramos, since that day, in the churches there are blessed olive branches that are the most suitable for performing the ritual. However, it can be done at any time when needed


Know also

Sweetening with honey candle (and the name, sugar, cinnamon and more)

Witches of love

Rituals for love with candles

Rituals with flowers to attract and maintain love

Magical properties of honey: Sorrows and rituals with honey

Its flavor is sweet because it is natural sugar and is considered an excellent food for its great nutritional value, since it contains very balanced proportion





Magical properties of honey sorrows and ritua 1
Magical properties of honey sorrows and ritua 1

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