Magical properties of parsley and ritual with parsley to attract money




Magical properties of parsley and ritual with 1

Magical properties of the parsley The parsley is an annual or biennial herb of the umbeliferous family, It is lampiña, of a bright dark green color and characteristic odor. The flowers, of greenish yellow, are grouped into composite umbelas, each with 6-20 unequal radii.


originates from the South of Europe and the East. It is cultivated in the orchards because it is used as a season, and sometimes it is found asylvestrated in the vicinity of the villages and farms.


Various breeds of cultivation are known: the common parsley, of fairly wide foliar segments and planes, the crespo, of curly leaves, the thick root, etc.


Magical properties of parsley

The parsley is associated with good luck, communication with other planes, protection, purification, reincarnation, health, strength, vitality, divination, passion, meditation, rituals to attract money and customers in a trade.

Since antiquity, the magic properties of parsley have been well known. Homer account in his Odyssey, of the sixth century before Christ, that the island of the Ninpha Calipso was covered with parsley to which its naturals used aphrodisiac: the ninpha seduced Ulysses with this plant.

For the Greeks, the parsley was sacred, and cultivated it not only as a condiment but as a plant of luck, and symbolized among them the resurrection: Greeks and Romans placed on their tombs crowns of parsley. He always had a halo of mystery, perhaps because of the disturbing slowness with which he germinates.

The gladiators carried him in the battles because he infused them with cunning and strength. He had medical applications. According to Aristotle, introducing parsley juice through the neck of the uterus induces abortion, and introduced into the vagina makes the rule go down to women with regulatory problems; eaten in fast salad was used as contraceptive; in fact, still today some healers cause abortions giving the woman a tisana loaded with parsley, or making her eat raw.

In rural areas, it is still believed that infusion combats constipation, taking as tonic and stimulating. He was given the gift of avoiding hair loss and making it grow.

Carlomagno put it in fashion and ordered it to be planted in the gardens of his palace in the 9th century.

They are pilgrim beliefs to think that parsley grows faster if a woman plants it; but it has negative counterpart for the male: in a house where there is a very parsley very parsley it is most likely that the woman wears her pants.


Ritual with parsley to attract money

In Cuban medicine, parsley is often linked to the plant that helps attract money. Then a spell to achieve this goal. zsh themes - all about z shell and oh-my-zsh themes


Special ingredients and utensils:

1 handful of parsley


1 pot

5 yellow roses

5 drops of essential oil pachuli

1 tablespoon of honey


In a pot the parsley is boiled with yellow roses and drops of essential oil of pachuli. When it cools, it adds honey and dissolves. The bathtub is filled and this preparation is added to the bathroom. These bathrooms should be taken five times a week, but never Saturday or Sunday.


Rituals with cinnamon and parsley so that people with bad energies do not enter the house

Special ingredients and utensils:

A handful of parsley

2 cinnamon branches

1 white cloth bag

Holy water


Cut the cinnamon and parsley. It mixes well, soaks with water and is placed in a white cloth bag. Pass the bag through all the places where people with bad energy could enter their house. Final considerations: If you add alcanfor, purchased at the pharmacy, to the recipe, it will be more effective.


Know also

Essential oil of parsley for skin and hair

Parsley: Benefits, contraindications and side effects

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Magical properties of parsley and ritual with parsley to attract money

Magical properties of the parsley The parsley is an annual or biennial herb of the umbeliferous family, It is lampiña, of a bright dark green color and charac





Magical properties of parsley and ritual with 1
Magical properties of parsley and ritual with 1

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