Meaning of incense ashes and how to interpret smoke (sahumerian)




Meaning of incense ashes and how to interpret 1

Meaning of incense ashes The fire was an element that man sold from the antiquity and observation of it a form of divination that involves the smoke of the fire and the ash that leaves, but before we analyze the matter more closely, let us see something about his story.

The Babylonians and the Greeks who made this form of divination observed how the smoke rose from the food that burned in offerings and sacrifices to their deities with special attention in the form that it acquired and the direction that it took which helped them to approach in future events.


Many cultures have practiced similar rites. The semang of Malaysia, a nomadic village, lit a fire before camping every night. If the fire rose directly to the sky, the place was safe. If he leaned toward the jungle, there was a danger of being attacked by tigers, and then he chose another place.

Although these are very old techniques, modern forms are still used. One of them is known as a “picture of smoke” in which a candle is lit, a piece of white card is passed by the flame three times while asking a question (which has an answer yes or no) which should be done quickly to prevent the card from turning on completely. If the smoke appears straight, the answer is positive, but if it leans, it is negative.

There are many other ancient techniques. Turn a fire on a safe site while asking a binary question that contains an answer yes or no. Watch the smoke. If it rises lightly and in the centre, a positive response has been received. However, if it floats heavily around the fire, the answer is negative.

The second method of capnomance involves burning specific objects and observing the smoke that rises from them. In asking your question, throw a handful of poppy seeds into the burning coals of a fire about to be extinguished. The replies are read as described in the preceding paragraph.

Alternatively, throw a handful of cedar sawdust (you can get in most animal shops and in many supermarkets) into the coals while asking your question and, once again, read the auguries according to the method of the fire described above. This divination is of Babylonian origin.
Let's see, then, the meaning of incense ashes and how to interpret smoke


How to interpret the smoke of incense

A simpler technique requires nothing more exotic than burning an incense wand. Although you can use any kind of incense, sandalwood seems to produce the best results. Hold the incense stick between your hands and ask your question. Turn it on, put it in the crank and watch the smoke.

If the smoke of the incense rises to the right, the answer is yes; if it does to the left, no.



Meaning of incense ashes

Collect the ashes of the incense, if they are in a spiral form means that events even if they become confusing in the end will come to a good term as long as the person strives for their achievement.

If the ashes appear rolled up means you should think more about how to solve the problems present as they are complex and can be complicated.

Another way to interpret the meaning of incense ashes is to collect all these ashes and pour into a piece of paper. Try, with your finger, to write on the ash words yes and no. Then ask the question and leave the paper in a window or terrace of your house that is outdoors. The next morning, look which of the two words is better visible and that will be the answer. If both words have disappeared, no response has been provided.
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Know also

Consequences of having ashes of death in the house (in esoteric and Feng shui)

To serve the incense of holy stick Benefits, how to use, ritual and more

Use of tarot

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The pendulum


Hand lines and divination

Superstitions, esoteric and spiritual meaning (to dream of)

Meaning of incense ashes and how to interpret smoke (sahumerian)

Meaning of incense ashes The fire was an element that man sold from the antiquity and observation of it a form of divination that involves the smoke of the fir





Meaning of incense ashes and how to interpret 1
Meaning of incense ashes and how to interpret 1

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