Neptune astrological and spiritual meaning ( esoteric plant) Neptune relates to the deepest abysmos of the subconscious and governs all aspects of our life that are invisible and mysterious.
This esoteric planet is associated with those subtle forces of life that dissolve and undermine the artificial barriers of time and ego. In the interpretation of the letter, the position of Neptune by house and appearance represents our vision of perfection and ideal.
Riges our world of dreams and imagination, and its placement in the birth chart describes what we dream or fantasize and what we really long for.
People with a strong Neptune in their birth chart are attracted by careers related to the “imaginary” worlds of cinema, theatre, art, dance, poetry and, of course, religion.
Astrological keys to this planet
We can point out that both the astrological and the spiritual can be summarized in the following words: Imagination, illusion, glamour, mystical, fantasy, faith, intuition, inspiration, irreality, confusion and weakness
If Neptune is strong in your birth chart or you have personal planets in Pisces, this maximum will probably touch the sensitive fiber: “To dream the impossible dream... to reach the unattainable star.”
Let's see the other zodiacal signs.
Influence with other signs
1. Neptune astrological meaning in Aries: Neptune can inspire ambition and use of imagination, but it can promote concern and confusion in periods of impatience or self-indulgence.
2. Neptune astrological significance in Taurus: Neptune's influence can have a positive effect on Tauro's higher aspirations, especially in the area of creative potential. However, in some circumstances, it can promote indecision and emotional uncertainty.
3. Neptune astrological meaning in Gemini: Neptune in some circumstances encourages cooperation with its influence in the area of the higher ambitions of Gemini, but it can also promote uncertainty and indecision, and self-deception.
4. Neptune astrological significance in Cancer: Neptune promotes sensitivity, including intuition and emotion, but in certain circumstances it may lead to Cancer to take the line of less resistance or increase the tendency to worry. Neptune can inspire a movement towards higher goals or towards the realization of a dream.
5. Neptune astrological meaning in Leo: Neptune can influence Leo's propensity to dramatic expression, and if it appears in a reading of birth, it can serve to enhance creative imagination. Neptune is also associated with the formulation of ideas and dreams, and with spiritual development, but here you will have to take time to be aware.
6. Neptune astrological meaning in Virgo: Neptune stimulates the imaginative or creative energies of Virgo, which can be from the kitchen to the design of spacecraft. Neptune can cause problems in the area of self-esteem, especially with regard to past decisions and future plans.
7. Neptune astrological meaning in Libra: The influence of Neptune can feel in the area of long-term plans, dreams or goals, so Libra can focus on positive steps towards their realization. On other occasions, the individual may have to monitor his tendency to be too optimistic. Neptune can also influence the way many Libra see the world and therefore affects their way of focusing life.
Solucion de crucigramas
8. Neptune astrological meaning in Scorpio: Neptune serves to increase the emotional intensity of Scorpio and possibly the awareness of innate gifts. When Neptune's energy is available, individuals can be able to take advantage of their transformative power to realize these gifts. Neptune's negative influence promotes doubt or indecision.
9 Neptune astrological meaning in Sagittarius: Neptune is able to build the ability of the Sagites to take strong leadership, especially in intellectual or spiritual areas of effort. However, this could lead to eccentric ideas or ego-centred behaviors.
10. Neptune astrological meaning in Capricorn: Neptune tends to reinforce uncertainty or doubts about himself, but he can inspire Capricorn to advance towards higher goals.
11. Neptune astrological significance in Aquarius: Neptune reinforces the aspirations of Aquarius, especially those that imply desire to contribute to others, whether large or domestic, but can increase the tendencies to be skivable.
12. Astrological Neptune in Pisces: Neptune, as a regent planet of Pisces, may have a negative influence, fostering uncertainty and indecision, so it can increase the temptation to escape decision-making. Neptune's associations with nubosity and unreality can increase the temptation to remain in the world of imagination or to avoid difficult decisions.
Neptune's influence can help focus on goals or dreams and boost the energies needed to achieve them. The Moon's appearance with Neptune can provide a solid basis for job satisfaction and personal growth.
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Neptune astrological and spiritual meaning ( esoteric plant)
Neptune astrological and spiritual meaning ( esoteric plant) Neptune relates to the deepest abysmos of the subconscious and governs all aspects of our life tha
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