Oregano spiritual meaning The oregano belongs to the family of the Labiatae and is native to sunny places of the Mediterranean, associated with cultivation through all temperate areas of the planet. This is a lively, perennial herb of up to 75 cm, with erect stems, woody, reddish and hairy. The leaves, from 1 to 2 cm, are opaque, ovals, rounded by the base, whole, paleer to the end and with small resinous nodules.
The flowers, of purple and white colour, with the choir, are numerous and are grouped in dense and fragrant terminal corimbos. The fruit is a smooth tetraquenio.
The oregano (Origanum vulgare) has a gland where the aromatic, lemon-colored essence is contained.
Contains essential oil (timol, carvacrol, pineno, cymol, alfa-thuyona, selinen, dipenthene and alpha-terpineno), polyphenolic acids (rosmarine, caffeic, ursolic and chlorogenic), tannins, bitter principles, flavonoids (derivados del apigenol, lu-teol, kaolempferol and kaol.
Oregano healing properties
The whole plant is used in bloom. It can be taken in infusion, extracts, stains or essential oil.
The oregano is a aromatic plant used in the kitchen to give flavor and aroma to the dishes.
It is stimulating, tonic, spasmolytic and discreetly emenagogue.
It is a good spasmolytic, especially recommended in spasmodic cough. It is also recommended in painful rules.
As a food spice it is stomach and digestive, effective in digestive problems of a spinal type, such as abdominal pains and intestinal spasm. Externally, essential oil or alcoholatura have been recommended in the preparation of liniments for blows, bruises or painful rheumatic problems. .
Oregano oil is mainly used in the skin, as it provides several benefits. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, has a proven antioxidant effect and can purify the blood. It can reduce itching, treat irritation and fight skin infections when applied in affected areas as a diluted solution.
Carvacrol, the second powerful active ingredient in oregano oil, is also very effective when applied topically on the skin. It can cure many common skin problems such as eruptions, acne, fungal infestations or labial herpes. It increases acne recovery if it is applied directly to these common infections.
Oregano oil is also a great counter for the herpes virus and causes a tingling sensation that overrides most of its symptoms. A very weak oregano oil solution can be applied, not more than 2 or 3 drops in a glass of water, with a cotton ball on the acne. Be careful not to continue treatment if the area is irritated.
Like many other essential vegetable oils, this product is effective against a wide range of pathogens, such as Candida. It serves as a general cure for skin infections and can be used in multiple ways: applied topically, added to food or taken as an oral pill.
Blog sobre salud
The athlete's foot is a very common type of fungal infection that can be countered with this oil. Simply put a drop in your shoes or place your socks in warm water with two drops of oregano oil. An alternative is simply massage your feet with a diluted solution.
This essential oil is also available in the form of oral capsules. Taking two of these every day can make your skin healthier and younger, as it slows down the aging process and counteracts some of your symptoms.
Oregano spiritual meaning
Oregano spiritual meaning If someone surrounds you in a bad mood, throw him a handful of oregano without notice, he'll soon be fine...
Oregano is one of the few herbs that preserves its magical properties after drying.
The word oregano has Greek origin and means “the joy of the mountain”.
It possesses the energies of Happiness, Peace, Protection and Prosperity
For peace, sprinkle oregano about the food that will be consumed in a group, this gesture will bring family harmony.
Sprinkle some oregano in the house provides protection
Making a white cloth bag and filling it with oregano is perfect for ever having peace and harmony with you.
It's also good to chase away nightmares
and recover the dream We have to put it on a small plate and leave it next to the bed!!
When you want to corroborate loyalty in a friend, what should be done is to invite you to a meal that will be added oregano in greater quantity than usual. If the sneezed person will indicate that he is not frank and has been lying to him, and the contrary if he does not sneeze.
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Oregano spiritual meaning and magical properties (esoterism)
Oregano spiritual meaning The oregano belongs to the family of the Labiatae and is native to sunny places of the Mediterranean, associated with cultivation thr
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