Potato Ichizo for Money Potato is a lively herbaceous plant, originating from the American continent, specifically from the area that now comprises Peru, with stems up to 80 cm and edible tuberculated rhizomes, which have stungs.
The leaves are hairy, composite, pinnate, divided into 7 to 12 segments divided in turn. The flowers, white or violet, have five petals and five sepals, and are grouped on dense terminal peaks. The fruits are globulr berries of green or violet colour, with numerous reniform seeds.
It is believed that it was one of Francisco Pizarro's collaborators who introduced it to Spain and soon spread its cultivation throughout Europe. Despite the ups and downs that suffered its popularity in the 18th century, it continued to spread over the other continents until it became one of the essential ingredients of international gastronomy.
Healing properties of raw potatoes
Contains glucoalcaloids (solanine, especially in green parts), terpenoids (phytuberine), enzymes (amilasa, sucrase and oxidase), polyphenolic compounds and vitamins B1, B2 and C. It is a good food, rich in starch and potassium salts.
Raw potatoes, rapped in a cheese grater, serves to reduce inflammation of abscesses, forums, panadizos, insect bites, etc. You must change the potato every two hours.
A hot cataplasm of cooked potatoes, is very good to cure the colics of children; in this case the cataplasm is applied on the belly
To whiten your hands, an excellent home remedy is the following: prepares a pasta of potatoes with milk. In fact, they choose white potatoes that are very fruitful, peel them and then brush them well; once crushed, a quantity of raw milk is added. The application of this pasta is made every day or two or three times a day, but before applying it, you have to wash your hands with warm water and soap and dry them very well.
The softness of the hands is noticed a few days. The cataplasms of grated potatoes with olive oil are indicated to cure first-degree burns.
Potato charm to give me money
Potato charm to give me money
1 potatoes
Ribbon or red thread
a pen or knife to record
Find your dad, cut it in half. With its sharp object, ‘write’ (grab) in one of the parts within what you want to bring to your life and if it is money, write this word. By doing this, concentrate your intention on how you will feel when it happens.
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Now, in the other half (inner part), “write” what it will bring with it. e.g. The amount of money you need for your education, buy a house, etc. You can simply draw a dollar ($) sign or the currency of your country and, while doing so, concentrate your intention and how it will feel as a result.
The energy you send to the pope will help the spell work, so you will attract what you want. Don't get caught thinking about what you don't want or worrying about forgetting something. (it is not necessary to dig the tip so you can add more words or images)
Tie the red ribbon around the potato and bury it somewhere you see it all the time. The entrance door area is recommended, so you can see it every time you come out of the house or get there (and yes, it can be in a pot, the intention is everything!).
Each time you pass ahead, concentrate your intention on the sensation you will have once the spell has worked. It truly feels joy, fullness and happiness as if it had already happened.
A potato spell takes time to work, so don't give up if you don't get instant results. However, if you are fortunate to obtain an instant concession of your wishes, remember to be grateful. The pope can stay there as long as you want, you don't have to dig it out after your spell has worked.
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Potato charm to give me money (patato ritual)
Potato Ichizo for Money Potato is a lively herbaceous plant, originating from the American continent, specifically from the area that now comprises Peru, with
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