Prayer for me to declare his love The period that goes from falling in love to the constitution of the relationship of couple carries great anxiety. Each one of those involved spends a lot of time to detect in the other person glances, gestures and attitudes that confirm that there is an interest on his part.
Since these signals are often extremely subtle and mixed with the internal tension of those who capture them, it is often not easy to convince themselves that there is actually attraction.
Each one asks infinity of times what it means to the other, what feelings he wakes up in the person he has fallen in love with, and as soon as he is filled with bliss before a smile as he falls into the abatement by verifying that both have let the opportunity of a meeting pass to confess his love.
Open the heart and show for the first time loving feelings to the loved one is a risky company as the unexpected rejection can cause painful wounds and leave the one who does it in a very vulnerable position in which, sometimes, it can be experienced to shame.
Those who have the most difficulties in this field are shy people, since their signs of availability or interest can be particularly weak and confusing.
Here we present a prayer for me to declare his love and ritual to declare that it may be very useful as his objective is for the loved one to express his feelings clearly.
Prayer for my love
Prayer for me to declare his love
This is a strong prayer for him to declare himself, pray wisely and with much, but much faith, you will soon see the results of this in your life.
The prayer is as follows:
“San Cipriano, a mighty saint, I ask the FULANO DE TAL to seek me desperate, saying that he loves me and cannot live without me.
Make sure FULANO loves me all the time and I can't get out of his head.
Have him take off without my company, have him look for me all the time and without rechishing.
Make your mind incapable of working without thinking of me, make me a necessity in your life and finally declare.
Saint Cyprian, if you answer me, I will tell you a prayer of thanks that will come out from the depths of my heart.
So be it, it will be!”
Prayer for me to declare his love
Albahaca, you are stronger than all the strong; tari cling like the blood of Cysle that was extracted from his heart and, therefore, with your strong odor you dominate the heart of a lion.
When I ask you for help, basil, with your secrets and your great smell, you must come in my help to overcome (name of the desired person) and do not stop exercising your action until you are next to me (name of the desired person) with your help.
, May the days of the mystery, Wednesday and Friday, before the altar of consecration, call and with your help come (full name of the desired person), to easily declare his love.
Ritual for declaration
Ritual for declaration#1
It is required:
1 piece of cotton.
1 handful of jasmine leaves
A rod or jasmine incense cone
1 small plate of metal or another container of this material.
Understand the incense. Put’the piece of cotton on a plate of metal or other surface of this material. Soak it in alcohol, taking care it doesn't spill.
Switch the cotton with a wooden lock or with a candle (it should never be made with a lighter). When the cotton starts to burn, throw on the leaves or jasmine flowers and the incense to burn. Aspirate the smell that comes from the incense and jasmine leaves while he is asked to declare his love.
Once the fire has turned off, collect the ashes in a package and leave it at a crossroads or streets, without looking back and avoiding passing through that place for the rest of the day.
Ritual for declaration #2
Korean Beauty
It is required:
1 red handkerchief.
2 cloves of smell.
Put the two odor nails on one of the tissue tips. Roll the handkerchief from the tip where the nails are.
Make a knot in the middle of the tissue. When we tie the handkerchief, we must recite in a loud, confident and confident voice the following prayer to declare his love: “As I love this handkerchief, I bind my life to that of the person I love and declare.”
Know also
Venus's Oracle for Lovely A divination What is it?

Ritual for declaration #3
It is required:
the bone of an avocado
Roses or vanilla dye oil
1 red slat.
Part the avocado bone by its natural half. At the bottom of each of the halves marks a heart with the tip of the needle or pin. In the center of each heart put your initials and those of the undecided. Pour a drop of oil or dye in each of the halves.
Unite the bone again by loving it with the red slat and keep it in the dresser, where you have your clothes. Very soon that undecided suitor will declare his love
Know also
Witches to fall in love with a madly easy and effective man
Rituals with love magnets and other spells (iman stone)
Ichizo with milk and milk and honey bath for love
Chocolate ritual to attract love (cao ritual)
Compatibility of signs for love (pair and sexuality)
How to reborn love in couple, relationship or marriage (local)
Prayer for me to declare his love and ritual to be declared
Prayer for me to declare his love The period that goes from falling in love to the constitution of the relationship of couple carries great anxiety. Each one o

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