Prayer to distance discussions, fights, violence and family conflicts




Prayer to distance discussions fights violenc 1

Prayer to drive away arguments violence and family conflicts / prayer to calm the fights at home Did you know that faith moves mountains?

In the moments when you feel more distressed, more distressed, when there are fights and discussions in your family, turn to prayer to drive arguments from violence and conflict.

Here we detail several prayers for that purpose:



Compendium of prayers

Prayer to distance arguments from violence and family conflicts #1 (A Santa Ana)

This prayer is prayed in order to ask Saint Anne, the mother of Mary, to intercede for you before God and return peace, order and harmony to your family.

Light a white candle to Santa Ana in a remote place of your house. If you have an image of Saint Anne or the Virgin, or a rosary, place it next to the candle.

For a few minutes, free your mind from worries, fill your heart with faith and believe that your prayer will be answered.

Prayer for Peace and Conflict Resolution

“Miss Santa Ana”,

you who were chosen

to bring the world

The Queen of Angels,

Most Holy Mary

grant me the grace to see peace

Back to my house.

Help me, Santa Ana,

I trust you with my heart.

Close the doors of my house to the intrigues,

the envious, the false friends.

Far from need, sadness,

misunderstanding, disunity.

Protects all who live in this house,

Guide us on the path of honesty and goodness.



Prayer to distance arguments from violence and family conflicts #2

I implore the Sovereign and Eternal God your infinite grace and mercy in this house. May your peace and your love reign among us.

Lord visit us as you visited Zacchaeus, transform everything into love, peace and harmony and that all within this house be faithful to your Faith.

Let us be of the slavery of the evil one, for he ceases to arm his arrows full of poison against us, from pride, infidelity, selfishness, falsehood and words.

I no longer accept living in this situation. I come to ask you with much faith that you heal this house, my family, and give me wisdom when talking to the members of my family, give me understanding in my words. And that I may come to have the wisdom of Ana your beloved daughter.

May I be your servant. Clean up my subconscious of all guilt, fear, sadness, pain and rejection. May your grace fall upon me at this time, be an example of your light within my home.


Forgive us for all our sins. Sir, I'll get you everything I have and everything I'll have.

Sir, since today this house can be transformed by your light and all those who live in my company can change their habits.

Come Lord, make your dwelling in us, perfection us to be worthy of you.



Prayer to distance arguments from violence and family conflicts #3
Tes e infusiones

Dear Lord,

Thanks for the marriage and the purpose it has to refine us. We elevate all marriages that are facing conflicts and ask that your Holy Spirit help them solve them. Please guide both husbands and wives in the way of responding to each other. May your peace fall upon them. May Your power humiliate them and show them how to resolve the conflict. Please protect them from harming each other or not harming themselves. We ask you to do your will in the name of Jesus!


Prayer to distance arguments from violence and family conflicts #4

O Holy Family, O Jesus, Mary and Joseph, sublime models and guardians of the Christian families, we beseech you not only to consolate us with the sweet contemplation of your example of love, but to implore your protection and promise you fidelity in the way you have pointed out.

May all homes, sanctified as yours, be for their members a school of virtues, a refuge of holiness, in a safe way towards eternal happiness that we hope to obtain confidently by your intercession.

Away from our homes, Sagrada Familia, all discord, hatred and division. Give us unity, peace and charity among us. Amen.


Prayer to distance arguments violence and family conflicts #5

Lord, grant me and my family the grace to seek you before all things, for only thus can we live in unity. Come with your Spirit upon my home and remove the problems that exist in us: the evils of the body, of the soul, of the spirit, of the heart. Let us act as if everything depended on us, but with the certainty that only by your grace can - even in the midst of suffering - remain in your peace.

Let us be deep friends, let us help ourselves to grow in the practice of faith and to rekindle ever more the love we sea before You, in a sacred commitment and forever. There is nothing more awkward for children's hearts than insecurity when they see their father and mother, whom they want so much, discuss and offend each other.

Make us know how to love deeply, as you have loved and love your Church. Let us remember that the greatest gift our children can receive is the love that exists between us, their parents. Come, Lord Jesus, restore my family and families from all over the world. Amen.



We must ask Jesus:

Let's ask him to take over.

Let's ask him to change every individual. (Often there is a sprinkle here because most of the time we blame others. But we must be 100% responsible for any percentage we are wrong even if it is a small percentage).

Let us ask him to bring us into harmony with the Father and with others.


Know also

Prayer to St Judas Tadeo for difficult and desperate cases

How to entrust a saint (the power of intercession)

Protection prayers and prayers for insurance (catolica)

Prayer to St Ignatius of Loyola to ask for protection and spiritual exercises

Prayers of the 7 archers and we go out to get their help


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Prayer to distance discussions, fights, violence and family conflicts

Prayer to drive away arguments violence and family conflicts / prayer to calm the fights at home Did you know that faith moves mountains?





Prayer to distance discussions fights violenc 1
Prayer to distance discussions fights violenc 1

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