Prayer to leave addictions (alcohol, drugs and others)




Prayer to leave addictions alcohol drugs and 1

Prayer to leave the vices Addictions may vary in terms of concepts and forms. There are people who cannot live without cigarettes, alcohol, games, excess food, malicious passions, excessive sex or shopping.


However, there comes a time when the person loses control and it is there when it becomes really dangerous not only for physical health but also mental.

If you have made the decision to leave the vice, since you consider that if you continue to cause harm, it is time to ask God for your collaboration through prayer.

Below we present the prayer to leave the vices


Prayer to leave the vices (any addiction)

Lord Merciful Father, by the Holy Plagues of your Son Jesus, gives life to all who are imprisoned in an addiction, slaves of some vice.

Lord Father, full of mercy, for the painful and glorious wounds of Jesus, get rid of the slavery of addiction to drugs, drink, smoking, compulsions and lies.

(Tell what addiction needs to be released)

Break all those chains and shackles.

Lord Merciful Father, God of Life, through the Holy Plagues of Jesus, frees the needs, traumas, dismays and all spiritual, affective, emotional and moral slavery. Fill the void in the lives of these people to the point of achieving the release of this evil.

Lord, for the five sores of your Son Jesus, remove all these damages and give serenity to living and wanting.

Lord Jesus, in Your Holy Plagues, we put the causes that led to addiction.

Deliver them from all need, from all rejection, from all dismay, from all bitterness, from all complexities.

Deliver us from bad companies, bless our friends, our family and all who come to us.

Lord, for Your Holy Plague, deliver us from addictions.

For Your Holy Plagues, Lord, deliver us from addictions.


Lord, for Your Holy Plague, deliver us from addictions.


Prayer to leave the vice of alcohol

Oh, my God and my God! Keep away from me the enemy who is trying to take my life! Who's trying to get me out of you? Oh, my God and my God! Chain all the enemies who want to chain me!

I've always believed in your power! I've always believed you're a strong God! I've always believed you've never abandoned a just sufferer!

Now I know you rescued me from my enemies! You are my support, my emperor! You are the light of my being! You are my truth that I have always believed and I continue to believe!

I think you can't leave me at this time of despair, anguish and distress, because you are also the God of the desperate, the troubled and the afflicted! Oh, my God and my God!

At this moment I feel like a beggar before you and you are also a beggar god, because you are suffering! I feel weak before you and your teachings, but I know that you too are the God of the weak!

I feel oppressed before you and your calls, because you are my God! My rock! That is why I give myself to you as a beggar, weak, oppressed, desperate, afflicted and distressed, but I give myself to you, Jesus, as your servant! This servant who wants to serve you with all (you) weaknesses and with all (your) strengths! Amen!


Prayer to leave drugs #1

Come, Holy Spirit, penetrate the depths of my soul with your love and your power. Take away the deepest and most hidden roots of pain and sin that are buried in me.

Wash in the precious blood of Jesus and definitively annihilate all the anxiety that I bring in me, all the bitterness, anguish, suffering, interior, emotional exhaustion, unhappiness, sadness, anger, despair, envy, hatred and revenge, feeling of guilt and self-accusation, desire for death and escape from myself, all the oppression of the evil one in my soul, in my body and all the insidity that puts in my mind.

O blessed Holy Spirit, burn with your burning fire all the darkness installed in me, that consume me and prevent me from being happy.

I have destroyed in me all the consequences of my sins and the sins of my ancestors, which are manifested in my attitudes, decisions, temperament, words and vices.

Deliver my lord, all my offspring from the inheritance of sin and rebellion to the things of God which I have transmitted to you myself.
Utensilios de cocina

Come, holy spirit! Wash me in the precious blood of Jesus, purifies all my being, breaks all the hardness of my heart and the barriers of resentment, pain, resentment, selfishness, evil, pride, pride, intolerance, prejudice and unbelief that exist in me. And, in the power of the risen Jesus Christ, deliver me, Lord! Have mercy on me, Lord!


Come, holy spirit! Make me rise now to a new life, full of Your love, joy, peace and fullness.

I believe that you are doing this to me now and I assume my liberation, healing and salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, my Savior.

Glory to you, my God!

Bless you forever!

Praise you, my God!

In the name of Jesus and Mary our mother.


Prayer to leave the vices (fumar, tobacco or cigar)

“Bring me, Christ Jesus, from addiction to smoking. We know that he is an enemy presence in our life because, instead of bringing us life, he brings us closer to death and sin. Teach us to use the money we spend on tobacco to do works of goodness for those who need it most.

Help us understand that we are physically and spiritually damaged by using these instruments of sin. Grant us the strength to say “no” when addiction slavery means “yes.” Build a barrier so that we do not surrender to the power of evil.

We ask forgiveness for so much reduction and for hurting your divine heart, for by smoking we go against the promise of life in abundance that you promise us.

Don't let the cigarette get us. Give us your strength to face this moment and let us be saved from this weapon that hinders history. For your kind love, we do the purpose of not smoking anymore. Trusted by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we ask for this grace. Amen. ”

Prayer to leave drugs #2

Know also How to leave drugs with home remedies (to leave vice or addiction)


Prayer to make a person who has vices

Sir, in the name of Jesus, I (S M C ) ask you to help (E A M) get rid of INMEDIATELY, through your power of drug addiction, especially the use of crack, cocaine and marijuana, that has the strength to stop this terrible and destructive addiction by solving all its problems.

May the HEART of ANGELES help her to obtain her personal and spiritual freedom. Praised be Jesus Christ, Praised be our Almighty God, the creator of heaven, earth and sea, Praised be the three holy angels (ANGEL MIGUEL, GABRIEL and RAFAEL). May this desire of mine be strengthened in the light of MAESTRO JESUS and be realized as soon as possible, immediately.

For the Holy TRINITY, PADRE, HIJO and HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, that I, through this powerful prayer, help the spirit and body of (E M) to get rid of this damn addiction forever, so that (E M) finally obtain the respect, affection and trust of his family and of all who live with it.

I ask Our Lord Jesus Christ to help me so that I (S M C ) do not have to worry more (E A M ) about this damn addiction.


Oh Master, I beg you to grant me my request. Let everything come true as soon as this prayer is published. Amem.

Publish this prayer by asking, exalting the name of GOD PADRE, GOD HIJO and GOD SAINT SPIRIT, and you will have your desire come true. I (S M C) thank you now, because I know they will answer me. Thank you; Amen.


Recommendations for preventing addictions

This ritual is aimed at people who have just left addiction and, as we know, the chances of coming back at first are high!

Then it is necessary to go to a church, hold the Bible with the left hand and read the Psalm

29 quietly! This prayer must be offered to the archangels Gabriel, Rafael and Miguel.

After arriving from the church, turn on 3 white candles as a way to thank the archangels! Remember that the Bible should be open on the page of that same psalm for 5 days! Then you can leave it in the usual place.


Know also

Prayer to St Judas Tadeo for difficult and desperate cases

Prayers to forgive

How to call upon the angel of the keeper and angel prayer of my keeper (11:11)

Prayer to San Antonio de Padua to find lost things

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Prayer to leave addictions (alcohol, drugs and others)

Prayer to leave the vice of alcoholPrayer to leave drugs #1Prayer to leave the vices (fumar, tobacco or cigar)Prayer to leave drugs #2Prayer to make a person w





Prayer to leave addictions alcohol drugs and 1
Prayer to leave addictions alcohol drugs and 1

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