Evil Eye Prayers Evil eye is a very common phenomenon that believes almost all religions. As your name indicates, it is a bad event for a person.
It is believed that if someone has the urgency of hurting you or a feeling of jealousy, envy or dislike towards you, you can receive those negative vibrations.
Negative vibrations in some cases are too strong and actually also begin to affect an individual's life.
What are your symptoms?
Eye disease Symptoms I suspect a person has been affected by the evil eye when he has a mild sudden fever without apparent cause that after several hours he disappears without re manifesting.
The next day the person begins to feel other symptoms, equally, repents as
- Drying milk for breastfeeding (mother)
- Lack of interest in everything
- Bad mood for everything and discussions (the person was quiet)
- Depression and feeling that's not worth it.
- Sudden loss of weight without apparent motive.
In the case of children in particular newborns or months, they cry very often and there is weight loss without apparent cause (the pediatrician does not find him cause of physical origin. That is, the baby is not sick)
History of the evil eye
The evil eye was known from the beginning of time. The Egyptians made the rituals against evil eye a very elaborate cult and developed a multitude of conjures to overcome it. In Africa the haters had a reputation for drying plants and trees and killing cattle with their eyes.
On the other hand, in Greece it was a matter that no one took to joke: Socrates was terrified of the baskano = adoring. In this country, a wedding was prohibited if the ceremony was not preceded by another to preserve the grooms of that evil. It was a ceremony similar to the liturgy of the Roman fascinalia in honor of Fascinus, personification of the sexual potency, represented by a phallus that was carried in procession; of that use it derived the custom of carrying as amulet hanging from the neck or hidden in the pocket a small stone or metal penis that was attributed to the power to conjure the evil eye
Greeks and Romans resorted to all kinds of tretas against the aojamiento: they spit, carried with them the fur of the forehead of a hyena or the root of the satirion, which the menstruants used, very vulnerable to this evil.
In Rome there were specialists whose services were required to carry out the fascination: to exercise a rabble or misinfluence upon someone in order to harm him, and there were severe laws against those who were hating the crops by spoiling them. The possessor of an oculus fascinum could cause harm even involuntarily because in his pupils a lively pupil in which all the forces of the soul were concentrated: they are the gaffes and the wicked of Antiquity.
Among ancient Islamic peoples, one of the greatest misfortunes that could overcome man was to be harassed. The custom of the veil believes to be due to the attempt to avoid this evil, and it is such the fear of being angry that when looking in the mirror the girls uttered certain words to avoid self-righteousness, and who possessed great beauty covers his face to avoid envy that made the desire to hurt others. Let's see, then, prayers for evil eye to remove it.
Evil eye how to remove it
Evil eye prayers #1
In the name of Almighty God, I implore help to end the evil eye that mistreats my body.
Lord of the universe,
that protect us from heaven,
the evil that I carry inside
and can return the same person,
Waiting for my family and my job.
I have no grudge to those who caused this damage.
and please forgive him
To discover your greatness
and I'll praise you right now.
I know you'll hear my prayers.
And you'll get rid of the evil eye.
I thank you very much.
and I bless your heavenly power forever.
Evil eye prayers #2
Protective prayer to the Virgin Mary
Oh Virgin Mary
holy divinity that dwells in heaven,
Beware of this evil eye that threw me the person who feels a great hatred for me.
Blessed and pure lady,
purify my body from all evils,
and let me be the person who was before,
deep believer in the teachings of God our Lord
and faithful follower of your infinite goodness.
Thank you.
Merciful Mother,
that you are always looking forward to all your children
And that's why you'll hear my supplications.
May the eternal glory of God always accompany us.
Evil eye prayers #3
“My God, look who wants to hurt me through the evil eye because he is jealous of me.
Show him that envy will not lead him to anything good.
Touch your heart to have goodness.
Heal their hearts of envy, their deepest wounds and bless them so that they may be happy and need no more envy, in You I trust Lord. Amen.
Evil eye prayers #4
Lord, my beloved God, you know how my heart is filled with fear, sadness and pain because of this evil eye as others want to hurt me. But I trust you, my God, who is infinitely more powerful than any human being. I want to put everything in your hands to heal me of the damage I could have suffered from the evil eye both physically and mentally. I commend everything, so that the envious cannot hurt me.”
Evil eye prayers #5
My Lady, O my Mother, I offer everything to You, and as proof of my devotion to You, I consecrate you today my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart and all my being. And because I am so Yourself, O good Mother, keep me and defend me against evil eye. Amen.
Rituals for healing
Rituals against evil eye #1 Mix a litre of vinegar and 3 tablespoons of fat salt in a bucket full of water. Trape the corners of the house, starting from the furthest of the entrance door and finish there. When you arrive at the entrance door, make the sign of the cross. Then go to a church, pour holy water through the head and pronounce these words: "Let the effects of the evil eye that are in my physical body disappear."
Rituals against the evil eye #2 Enter a room, open the windows for at least three minutes, close and then burn incense of rude or sage. Subject a photograph of the person with a bad eye». Understand a white candle and pronounce these words: "No one will be able against me - or against the person you wish to remove the "bad eye, for I am with God"- Let the candle be consumed.
Know also
superstitions are born, pregnant and young children

Rituals against evil eye #3 Put a red ribbon or thread around the wrist of the right hand or foot of a newborn child or months. It is necessary to verify that the tape does not tighten the baby.
Rituals against the evil eye #4 Use religious medals being the most effective for the protection against the evil of eyes the crosses of San Benito and Caravaca.
Rituals against the evil eye #5 Place on a necklace hand of Fatima
and always carry it with you (if you can leave it permanently; better).
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Prayers for evil eye and ritual against evil eye (such as healing)
Evil Eye Prayers Evil eye is a very common phenomenon that believes almost all religions. As your name indicates, it is a bad event for a person. What are your

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