After the comfortable but sleepy calm of Taurus, you’ll start feeling ready for renewal, for a fresh start, fresh ideas, and fresh experiences to wake up your body, mind, and spirit.
Taurus was about sinking into the natural flow of events, the natural rhythm to your life unfolding at a slow and steady pace.
Entering Gemini, you’ll feel ready for change but, depending on the rest of your nature, it may take a while to dig yourself out of the trench of routines that you established during your Taurus progression.
Lots of things seem to catch your attention now that didn’t move you before, whether their presence is new or just your interest in them.
A general sense of restlessness and inquisitiveness readies you for new data and experiences.
All too often we think of Gemini in terms of the dispassionate air element qualities, such as mental analysis or communication, but Gemini is actually very playful energy and is just as much a tool of the fairies as the scientists.
We consider curiosity as a tool or even a luxury of children (and cats), but you are ready to invite curiosity into your life again, and when you do, everything you don’t know about or haven’t experienced before can become fascinating.
You’re invited to open your eyes wide as life shows you it ain’t over yet! The antidote for feeling like you know everything is to see something new.
Your task during this progression is to find a way to see and experience life in a way you haven’t so far.
You’ve reached an emotional evolutionary state where you need to blow your own mind in amazement at the variety of experiences and wealth of knowledge that lie outside as well as inside of you.
As you stir the pot in your brain a bit, you might have a few things to say about what you’ve seen and learned.
Gemini likes to be a link in the chain of knowledge; it’s no fun to know something unless you get to tell it! This might be a great time to utilize your voice to express your perspective and share what you know. Letras en Graffiti Gratis | Descubre Todos los Estilos
See also:
While in Taurus, we don’t feel much need for learning new things.
When the Progressed Moon shifts signs to Gemini, however, curiosity is ignited.
We need to communicate with others, we need doors to open for us, we explore our little worlds and reach out to others.
New friendships are often made during this markedly more sociable and busy period in our lives.
Simple Progressed Moon Phases
One special feature of progressions is that you can work with the Moon Phases, as they too progress.
One of the easiest ways to explore the progressed Moon Phases is to note the new and full moons that occurred in the three months after you were born.
To connect the new and full moons to the right age, you need to work out how many days between your date of birth the new or full Moon.
For instance, Prince William was born on 21 June 1982.
In the three months following his birth the following new and full moons occurred:
First, work out how many days from your date of birth to each of the new and full moons.
The number of days will be the age you are when that new or full moon influences your life.
Your personal progressed new and full Moons bring special turning points.
For example, the Full Moon on July 6 occurred 15 days after William’s birth on 21 June.
(9 days from June 21 to the end of June, which has 30 days, and then 6 days into July.
That gives 9 + 6, which is 15.) This is how old William was when a progressed Full Moon occurred.
Progressed Moon in Gemini
After the comfortable but sleepy calm of Taurus, you’ll start feeling ready for renewal, for a fresh start, fresh ideas, and fresh experiences to wake up you
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