Pumpkin: Meaning esoteric, spells and rituals with pumpkin




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Pumpkin meaning esoteric

/ spiritual meaning of the pumpkin

Pumpkin or zapallo has been known since remote times.


Its cultivation was rooted in the Middle East in the time of Moses, towards the 20th century B.C.; the Egyptians also consumed it.


Healing properties of pumpkin

Pumpkin can help you fight chronic diseases
Excessive free radicals in the body can cause oxidative stress that in turn is related to a number of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Pumpkins are rich in alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-criptoxantin, all of which neutralizes free radicals and prevents them from damaging the cells.

It's good for your eyes.
Beta-carotene in the pumpkin provides the body with the necessary vitamin A, whose deficiency is a common cause of blindness.
Scientists have discovered that increased intake of vitamin A and beta-carotene could prevent the risk of cataracts. Not to mention that vitamins C and E prevent free radicals from damaging eye cells.

Pumpkin is also a reinforcement of immunity.
The pumpkin has a high content of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Several studies have highlighted the effectiveness of vitamin A to help strengthen the immune system and combat infections.
Pumpkin is also rich in vitamin C, which increases white blood cells in the body and makes the wounds heal faster. This was highlighted by researchers from the University of Otago, Switzerland. Let's see, then, about the pumpkin esoteric meaning.


Pumpkin meaning esoteric (spiritual)

Pumpkin meaning esoteric

Magical properties of the pumpkin In the East the Chinese symbolize with it the fertility and abundance so much so that the man was given a great pumpkin after receiving it to the wife for the first time. In other words, that in the Eastern tradition giving pumpkins is all the contrary to what in Spain means; who receives it is rejected in his loving pretensions.

Perhaps this western version originated in ancient Greece, as the Greeks regarded the pumpkin as an anaphrodisiac, that is, the opposite of the Afro-disiac, and assured that it inhibited sexual desire. Giving someone pumpkin was inviting him to stop thinking about loving vanities, lowering his smokes in that sense.


Also the Latin world considered the pumpkin "antidote against the polishing of Afrodita". It was a conviction maintained throughout the Middle Ages: in the convents it was recommended to use as beads of the rosary the nuggets of pumpkin to depart lascivious thoughts. Pumpkin nuggets were chewed to facilitate the fulfillment of the vow of chastity: it was a kind of substitute for the bromide. Eating pumpkin was as much as throwing a cold water jar over the body attacked with passion.

And in times of Cervantes, giving pumpkins was tantamount to derailing, leaving alone, denying someone what they ask, implying that their claim is out of place. Still in children's tales becoming something in a pumpkin—like Cinderella's float—is a symbol of chasco, setback, danger.

However, in some African tribes the pumpkin was used as an element of purification. A special ceremony was held for that purpose in January. There all the adults of the tribe unite their bodies with a special type of pumpkin, especially the big toe and navel.

In Cuba, it is argued that if a person wants to have money the first thing to remember is not to eat pumpkin. This is considered the symbol of money.


Significado de la calabaza en halloween

Pumpkins have a long history of being the only vegetable that can drive the evil spirits away on Halloween night. The tradition of carving pumpkins with faces comes from the Celtic traditions where the nabs and other bulbous vegetables cared for keeping evil or naughty spirits away during that period of the year.

For the Celts, the head was the most sacred and important part of the body. So creating faces and turning them into flashlights made a lot of sense.


Pumpkin and rituals with pumpkin for money

Pumpkin Rituals for Money or Improve Finance
Artículos de danza y ballet

Boil the chop cut into dice in a pot with enough water, sugar and honey. When cooling, take the sweet potato chips and give them a small batch or have them. At dusk go to the edge of a river and leave it in the fresh water course along with a bunch of yellow flowers.



Pumpkin rituals against the evil eye

The powder of dry pumpkin is mixed with the powder of corn, and is thrown into the face of the person who produces the evil eye. With this it is neutralized and on the other hand it is achieved that those who suffer it stop suffering from suffering it.

Belief in the evil eye is spread all over the world. It is considered that many people may have a bad eye without knowing it. Sometimes a simple headache can be the most obvious symptom. Healers consider that he can hear the one who has a strong look and also the one who feels envy or too much admiration for someone who is beautiful or full of talent, or also for unsatisfied sexual desire.


Ritual with pumpkin to make a husband return

He empties a pumpkin and spits in it. It is added five chicken nails, one egg, pepper, a piece of the unfaithful husband's brief, and his name and surname written on a paper. He keeps the pumpkin hidden in a place of the house for nine days, and after that time he leaves it in the river.


Pumpkin sorceres to attract love

Mix 4 cups of milk, 3 cups of sugar, 1 slice of cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg, then add 450 g of pumpkin cut into small pieces and cook on medium heat until it begins to boil, then lower the fire and continue to cook, moving from time to time, for 1/2 to 2 hours. This delicious dessert can be served warm or cold, depending on taste. Give it to the person you want to attract.


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Pumpkin: Meaning esoteric, spells and rituals with pumpkin

Healing properties of pumpkinSignificado de la calabaza en halloween.Pumpkin and rituals with pumpkin for moneyKnow also






Pumpkin meaning esoteric spells and rituals w 1
Pumpkin meaning esoteric spells and rituals w 1

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