Remote vision to develop Remote vision is defined as the ability to acquire accurate information about a distant or non-local place, person or event, without using their physical senses or any other obvious means.
It is associated with the idea of clairvoyance, and sometimes it is called “anomala cognitive” or “second view”.
The difference between natural psychic receptivity and remote vision is that the latter is a trained ability that the average person can learn to do.
Approximately 80% of the sensory information you experience at every moment is generated by your brain. To save energy and time, your mind makes your best guess about what happens around you, using a small sample of the environment.
When you practice remote vision, you are trying to describe very subtle information that is much weaker than your conscious perception. Your task is to increase your sensitivity to subtle information and learn to collect unconscious information before your conscious mind interferes. Let's see, then, the remote vision as to develop it.
Remote vision as developing it (like having remote vision)
Dedicate time each day to consider sensory information in your immediate environment. Note your environment, including the range of colors, sounds and smells. Take a second look: a greater presence at the time increases your sensitivity to subtle information.
1. Select a variety of objectives
Ask a friend or family member (also known as remote viewing wizard) to select from 5 to 10 images. Ask them to cut the images of the magazines and stick them in white paper sheets, with a sheet image. Images should be images of the real world, such as people, architecture, nature, etc. Ask them not to choose an objective image that can be offensive or disturbing for the viewer.
2. Ask your assistant to put the images on an envelope.
Ask your remote viewer to stack the images on a face-down handle and don't tell you anything about them. You will see them one at a time, receiving comments after each session of the target face down at the top of the stack.
3. Calm your mind
You want the least mental noise possible.
4. Let him go.
Write down the date, time and any idea you want to leave aside and that you can distract you while you see.
5. Remember the first target
Start the session by describing the most basic impressions you have from the first site, event or target person. What do you feel is the predominant thing in the target? Is it natural or artificial? Surrounded by land or water? Write down several descriptors.
6. Don't hesitate
Write the first thing you can think of. The tighter, the better. Just be sure to write the information as descriptively as possible and do not judge anything.
7. Connect the points unconsciously
Information comes from your mind and autonomous nervous system. The idea is that your unconscious already knows everything you need to know about the goal, just communicate it to your conscious mind. He does it through his body with very subtle sensations and feelings.
8. Describes basic concepts
Note the sensory information that arises, such as images, smells, flavors and temperatures. It can begin to perceive sizes, shapes and patterns, also known as dimensions. You can even begin to feel an emotional reaction to the target.
Pescados, mariscos, conservas y todo sobre el mar
9. Draw a sketch of the target.
Take your time and don't worry about the look of your sketch.
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10. Find a bird view
Imagine floating several hundred feet over the target area. Is there anything surprising about the goal you can perceive? Take note of your final impressions on the target.
11. Finalize the meeting.
Write down the time and a brief summary of what you perceived.
12. Get feedback
Get the top picture off the envelope and see how it went. Take your time to really observe the colors and shapes of the image and compare it with your notes. You may be surprised by the results.
13. Review and repeat
If you didn't connect with anything in the picture, don't take off. The main objective of RV is to learn about yourself, not only to be precise. Remember that remote viewing is a skill you can cultivate. Repeat the previous process for the remaining objectives in the envelope.
14. Let go of reason
Most important, have fun.
Know also
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Extrasensory perception such as developing it and exercises (zener test cards)
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Remote vision It is and how to develop it (like having remote vision)
Remote vision to develop Remote vision is defined as the ability to acquire accurate information about a distant or non-local place, person or event, without u
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