Ritual to know if you are recited (a) in love




Ritual to know if you are recited a in love 1

Many people ask: How do I know if he is the love of my life? How to know if I'm reciprocated? At the beginning of any relationship, these questions exhaust and confuse both the mind and the heart.


Here is a ritual that can help you know if you are reciprocated or not. Let's see what it's like:


Ritual to find out if you're corresponded to the tire

The tire is commonly used in rituals dedicated to love. If you want to know if it is reciprocated sentimentally by someone else, what you should do is write with red ink the name of it on a fresh sheet of tire.

If the leaf becomes yellow the answer will be positive, and if it maintains its green color it will indicate the opposite.


Another ritual to know if you are recited in love

Do you have any doubts whether your love is reciprocated and has a future? Then do this ritual and discover it!


1 Bosniak or purple pope.

Unused white plate.

1 white candle.

A glass of water.

1 reel of white thread.

A paper sheet (1cm x 15 cm) with its full name and date of birth and above its name its name and date of birth).

How to do

Without cutting a part of the potato, grab an astilla (so that the paper bends inside) and place the paper. Add the chip you removed from the potato, wrap the white line around the potato (21 turns).

Inside the plate, light the candle, place the potato prepared in front of it and the glass of water on the right side. When the candle burns, pour the water through the drain. Plant potatoes in your garden or pot. Note: If the pope buds, it has a future.


Learn more
How to know if your partner doesn't love you by spell and ritual



While it is true that the above rituals can help you to clarify your loving doubts, it is also true that some attitudes and behaviors of the other person can guide you to know if that person you want corresponds to a positive motto and it is worthwhile to continue the relationship or, on the contrary, you should get away from it as soon as possible.

Let's see more on the subject:


How to know if he is the love of my life: how men show love

There is no way to label how all men behave towards love, after all, each shows their feelings differently. However, observe 3 behaviors of a man whose corresponding love is adequate
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He wants to know about your life: when a man wants to know about your life it's because he's worried or wants to know more about you. And if you wake up her interest, she probably loves you.

He gives satisfaction in everything he does: when a man gives a lot of satisfaction it is because he wants you to trust him. This might indicate he loves you.

He calls you affectionate nicknames: When a man calls you life, love, bride, heart, and tells you he loves you, keep watchful! This does not always indicate true love. But when combined with other behaviors, this proves she loves you.


Behavior of those who feel attachment is not appropriate

Excessive Celos: those who love trust, but that doesn't mean they don't feel jealous. However, excessive jealousy is related to attachment.

Possivity: To think that you own the other has nothing to do with true love.

Insecurity and fear in relationships: are the opposite of healthy relationships. There may be times when a person feels fragile, but when this is persistent it is an emotional bond.

Excessive longing: Can't you control that sadness by being away from your loved one? This can be a great indication of emotional attachment.

Emotional Chanting: This is obviously the behavior of those who feel attachment and not love.



Know also

Chocolate ritual to attract love (cao ritual)

Magical baths to attract true love with roses, cinnamon and more

Compatibility of signs for love (pair and sexuality)

Venus's Oracle for Lovely A divination What is it?

Prayer for me to declare his love and ritual to be declared

Ritual to know if you are recited (a) in love

Ritual to find out if you're corresponded to the tireAnother ritual to know if you are recited in loveRecommendationsHow to know if he is the love of my life:






Ritual to know if you are recited a in love 1
Ritual to know if you are recited a in love 1

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