Romero esoteric meaning (romero under the pillow and more)




Romero esoteric meaning romero under the pill 1

Romero esoteric significance The rosemary is a perennial leaf bush that belongs to the Labiate family. Originating from the regions of the Mediterranean basin. It reaches up to two meters of height, has staples or ascendants, very branched, with small, linear leaves, coriaceous, whiten at the bottom.


It has small violet blue flowers, bloom together in axillary clusters in different periods of the year, depending on the weather. The whole plant is very aromatic.


Benefits for rosemary health

Versatile grass has even been used to treat various disorders such as vertigo and epilepsy. It may be useful to help patients who have fainted and may feel weak due to weakened blood circulation. Long-term stress and chronic diseases can also be treated with rosemary herb.

It is believed that rosemary stimulates the adrenal glands and can be used specifically to treat weakness and other similar ailments, and more especially if they are accompanied by poor digestion and circulation.

The rosemary contains antiseptic properties, with antibacterial and antifungal properties also, in the form of the volatile oils it contains. These properties serve to improve the quality of the immune system, and simply because the rosemary causes sweating on an individual, it is often used to lower the fever.

The rosemary has warming properties, and are used to remove the flems from the chest and the head, and also to provide great relief to patients with cough, fodder, and bronchitis. Certain types of spasms in bronchus, such as asthma, can also be relieved using rosemary because the grass has special relaxing effects.

The rosemary is considered an excellent and wonderful stimulant, especially regarding the heart, nervous system and brain. As mentioned above, just because the rosemary is able to increase the flow of blood to the head, it can improve both concentration and memory, and also to treat migraines and other forms of headaches.

The grass can also be used for a variety of ailments such as anxiety, nervous tension, depression, exhaustion, insomnia, lethargy and tonic rejuvenating during convalescence and for older people.

The rosemary can improve the vitality of the individual and can effectively stimulate digestion, as well as relieve flatulence and strain, thus improving appetite and increasing the flow of digestive juices. It can help in the flow and movement of food and waste through the body, thus eliminating stalled foods within the digestive system and also improving slow digestion. This helps to a large extent the assimilation of nutrients from food to the organism.


The bitters present in the rosemary stimulate the function of the liver and gallbladder, increasing the flow of bile and helping to digest fats.

The grass has also been praised for stopping to some extent the aging process in the individual and also serves as a rejuvenating tonic. The rosemary has also been recognized as a powerful antioxidant.


Romero esoteric significance

Romero esoteric significance In its dry form, it can be burned as incense and both the fresh and dry rosemary can be converted into teas and infusions. Use a rosemary sprig or apply a 100% pure essential oil drop behind your ears if you want to make a lasting impression or when studying for exams to help you remember what you need to know.

The rosemary along with the Sage

create the perfect mix to purify a space, especially for ritual and spell work. Give it a Romero as a symbol of friendship and as a pledge that you will always remember them and they will always remember you.
Tramites en Ecuador

The rosemary can be used as a substitute for incense
. Use a mortar to crush rosemary leaves and juniper berries to create incense to burn in the rooms of the sick. This helps healing, repels negative energy and cleanses the room.


Romero under the pillow

Due to the esoteric properties of the rosemary to remove the negative, it is said that a rim should be kept under the pillow ensures a night of good repairing sleep.

Now if what you want is to remember your dreams, it is recommended, then put three branches of rosemary under your pillow.

There is also a custom to keep a rosemary branch under the bed mattress, to keep the fidelity of the husband



Rituals with rosemary

Romero next to your front door
Create a garland with fresh rosemary bouquets to hang near the entrance of your home to protect you from negative energies, keep thieves away.

Spiritual bath of Romero
Place the rosemary leaves in a bag of spells made of muslin and place it in your bathroom to clean, bless and purify. These spell bags can also be used to clean hands before ritual work.

Also know how to prepare a rude and rosemary bath for love and good luck

You also know remedies with rosemary for hair loss, slimming and more


Other rituals with rosemary

Especially in the Old World, the rosemary burns to purify a room or ritual space before the magical works.

The rosemary is useful for all spells to accelerate learning at school or work. Smells a Romero rim while studying to improve your performance on a test


A rosemary bush in the garden is supposed to repel thieves.


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Romero esoteric meaning (romero under the pillow and more)

Benefits for rosemary healthRomero under the pillow Rituals with rosemaryOther rituals with rosemary





Romero esoteric meaning romero under the pill 1
Romero esoteric meaning romero under the pill 1

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